"well I'll see you guys tonight" i said getting my handbag from the sofa and walk out. "who's sending you to the company tho? you can't drive , i won't allowed you to do that" Eden said while Lauren nodded. "I'll go with Jake" i said again. As i opened the gate , a Black Mercedes Benz already waiting outside. second then , A tall man get out from the car. "Fing!" he said smiling before walking towards me and hugs me tightly. "i-i-- cant breathe!" he quickly break the hugs and giggled. i laugh and slap his shoulder playfully. "so miss, are you ready?" he askee offering his hand. i nodded. we both entered his car , putting on our seatbelt before driving away. "so how's your legs?" he asked while eyes focusing on the road. "maybe getting better , i can walk properly" i said looking at my legs. "duh, next time be careful , you always hurting yourself , you know?" he said again holding my hand. i smile and nodded. "and you? how's your work there in Paris?" i asked back. he's working as a bodyguard for richest old man that are living in Paris. "uh well , kinda tiring but i enjoyed it a lot" he chuckled. "have you found a girlfriend then" i smirk and about to tease him. "nopeee. im still waiting for someone" he smile. "who is that lucky girl huh?" i smirk again before pinching his cheeks. "you will know soon" he said winking. My phone start ringing as someone called me. "who is it?" he asked. "it's my photographer" i said. i pick up the call and talk to him. "wait what? you're sick?" i said with my worries voice. "nah it's okay. well , we can do it once you're getting better. plus i think the company still have something else to do , they will also agree about the postponed the photoshoot until everything fine" i said on call. i nodded and end the call before sighing. "why??? something happened?" Jake asked again. "My photographer overworked since Mr. Welly was on his holiday. so he fall sick and asked me if i could still get the photoshoot today. so i said no" i said massaging my head. "then?" he said slowing the speed of the car . "it's cancel and i don't know what else should i do. asking you for sending me back to the house kinda wasting your time. plus it's far away from here" i said again looking at the traffic light that are turning into green light. Jake start speeding up again and start laughing. "then we should hang out together. since we both free" he said sound excited. "well i thought you would have a meeting today?" i asked him back , he just told me he have a meeting today. "well.. the meeting was about the new members for my squad. so i dont think that important. i can just greet them when im back to Paris. and since im the leader among them , i think it's not a big deal" he said winking. "pffft as you say so. so where will we going?" i asked. "A beautiful place , shopping mall and of course at the beach that we always visit during our childhood days" he said speeding up again since there's a big shopping mall in front of us. "sure then" i smile. 5 minutes later , we both arrive at the shopping mall. he parked his car at the VIP park car , turning off the engine before get himself out of the car. i was about to open the door when he quickly run towards my place and open the door for me. i mouthed a thank you before both of us entered the shopping mall.
"yah Jake, this is so cool , i think this one suit you" i said holding the Adidas sport shirts. "really?" he said getting the black and white sport shirt from me before looking at it carefully. "yep , since you're bodyguard you need to use something comfortable and it's easy for you whenever something bad happen" i said proudly. "tsk" he playfully slap my head "ouch!" i glare at him like an upset cat. "HAHAHAHA CUTE" he said before going to the change room and try the shirts that i recommend. "Fing~" he said peeking from the room. "what?" i asked. "i wanna see the shirt not your face pabo" i said smirking , teasing him. "well" he grab my hand and open the door widely before pushing me inside the room together with him. "yahhh" i close my eyes with my both hand as i feel his half naked body. abs could be feel or even his sweat. "pfft why are you shy? you even see the whole me during our kid days" he said laughing. "you and i? we're not a kid anymore Jake" i said annoyingly. "bruuh fine fine. open your eyes" he said , so i slowly get my both hand away from my face and look at him. wearing a black shirt with 'Adidas' logo , i thumps up my both hand. "try the white one then" i said about to close my eyes again when he stopped me. "nah , I'll change and you don't need to close your eyes , pfft" he said slowly taking off the shirt. my eyes widen when u see how perfect his abs is. The shaped are unbelievable. does all bodyguards have this kind of body? i thought as i start smiling like an idiot. "miss you keeps looking at my abs , why? i thought that you still wanna close your eyes avoiding looking at my body but you-----" i shut his mouth and open the door before closing it again. "just change quickly and pay so we could go to the other store bruh" i said kicking the door not too hard but ended up my leg the one that get hurt. "ouch oucch ouch" i mumbled. i can hear him laughing softly from inside. seconds after, he get out bringing the shirts on his arm. "so what should i choose?" he asked looking at me like a lost puppy. "are you even serious?" i said kicking his legs. "ouchhh! of course i am" he pouted. "Just take both of it then" i said walking away from him. "kiddo" i said with my whispers voice.
"i didn't know that you like to eat noodles now?" he asked slurping his soup while looking at me that eating noodles peacefully. i put my chopsticks down and drink my coke. "pffft can't i eat what i wanted to without you asking? you and the other just the same. asking me everytime i did something new" i pouted before eating my noodles again. "awww pity my baby" he said using his kid voice. i can't help but to laugh. "i wonder if you talk to your buddy like that HAHAHAHA" i said shaking my head. "yah that's the difference between you and other" now he's back , using the deep voice of him. "lmao" i laughed. "where are we going later?" i asked. "of course the beach pabo" he said pinching my nose. "yah not my nose!" i touch my nose and glancing at him. "wow chilll!! he laughed. "you're weird you know" i said caressing my nose. "you told me that again" he sighed. "weird weirder and weirdest" i teased. "uh whatever ma'am" he said continue eating his food.
it's been almost 8 hours since i spend my time with Jake. we going to many place, enjoying the moment , having a small drink together at the beach while looking at the beautiful sunshine. we even throwback some funny moments during our childhood days. i miss him a lot. he changed a lot. from a non-talkactive guy to the most talkative guy. "those sky are so pretty" he said while drinking the beer. "just like you" he added. i giggles and drink my beer too. "do you see that island?" he pointing at the island that are kinda far away from the beach side. "hm. what with that?" i replied. "i think I'll buy the island and make a resort there. i think I'll quit my job too" he said before sighing. "ha? quit? but why? i thought you would enjoy your job?" i asked looking at him. "I'd enjoyed it , but i always miss you" he said chuckling. "duh you can call me everytime Jake" i pat his hair. "then someone else saying you're busy and will try to call me back once you free?" i see him smiling bitterly. "im sorry..." i said. "and that's why i want to quit the job. i will stay here and maybe i can accompany you everytime!" he said drinking his beer back. "no . why would you do that? dont quit the job" i said didn't agreed on what he trying to do. "but Fing" he sighed. "no buts Jake. you do this so that you can spend more time with me? it's not like i dont want to Jake but , your future is just for your own benefit , and not mine" i added while holding his hand. "hmm" he's hummed. "ok how about , I'll try to text you all the time so you not getting bored?" i give my opinion but he shake his head. "You can't do that" he said before taking another sip of his beer. "once i get my foot at his house , i should be focus at the surrounding. plus i need to look after his daughter" he explained. "see?? you said that by your own. so don't quit okay? he need you , your squad need you , his daughter need you" i smile before making an eyes contact with him. now he smile back. "why won't you go working and accept the invitation for Chanel company in Paris? it's more big than the one that you working at" he said. "nah as you see , they need me" i said again. he nodded. The sun cannot be seen anymore as stars start shining up together with the moon. "Fing?" he said looking at me. i turn myself towards him about to said something when he get his lips towards my cheeks. "let's go now" he quickly getting up from his place while me sitting on the sand blankly. "won't you get up now?" he smile. "uh o-okay" i quickly get up and walk towards him. we both going back to my house.
"seemed like someone forgot about her own plan tonight" Lauren smirked as she opened the door for me. "where's Jake?" she asked. "oh he park his car over there. later he come" i said getting myself inside the house before sitting beside Eden. "you looks tired oo" Eden whispered. "joining him for a shopping and hang out" i said taking a deep breath. "shopping? hang out? thought you have a photoshoot today?" both of them said looking at me. "got postponed" i said. Jake come a minute after that. Lauren and Eden both greet him excitedly and asking for foods. they're hungry maybe. The door opened again revealed Ryan, Simon and Qim again? Jake stare deadly at Qim before make himself towards me. "what is he doing here?" he whispered. "i dont know" i said greeting 3 of them. Qim about to do a handshake with me when Jake accepted the handshake. Qim looking at him with confusion as he just revealed his smile. "for you" Ryan said handing me a shoes box. "are you feeding me with Chanel things Ryan?" i asked before smiling. "to congratulate the ambassador of course" he said smiling back. i see Jake staring at the box and ready to ask a question but being stopped by Eden. she read the situation really well. "well let's eat since im hungry" she said dragging me away from them. "this is awkward world" Lauren whispered to me. well i mean where's the lie? i couldn't stop thinking about 3 of them that are ready to have a fight with each other in any time. "Simon!" Lauren called Simon. "yess?" Simon said walking towards me and the girls before back hugging me. i didn't mind him at all since we used to do that before. "look after the boys. you know what i mean" Eden whispered. "aye aye captain!" he saluted. "brooooooos let's eat now" he shouted breaking the back hug and sit beside Eden.. Jake and Ryan come and quickly make themselves towards me , sitting beside me. Qim about to sit beside me too but Jake quickly sit down and take the plate from Lauren. Ryan did the same. "i don't wanna survive for the world war 3. I'd rather die" Eden smirked evilly. "shut your mouth and just eat" i said glaring at her. she laughed before start eating her foods.