In a future Earth where humans live alongside a race of fox-eared and tailed Vulpi, most of the globe has fallen under the new Kneapexist government established by the Global Federation of World Justice. With the Vulpi being persecuted by the new order, the US struggles to remain in democracy.
Shien Niang and his friends who play the UICA's MMORPG, Syanic Earth: Year 3225, find themselves trapped in the very game they love as their families in the real-world are endangered by a Federation plot against the UICA.
Real-world or virtual world, neither world is safe. Even with the coming war, an ancient musical evil is awakening...
$115,500 for the Best Adventure Novels! + Get Hardcover Publish Hey Writers! Come to check out this adventure novel writing contest! This contest is mainly looking for four genres: Fantasy, Urban, Game, and Sci-fi, but if you haven’t worked on these genres, that’s TOTALLY FINE! You can refer to the given examples and tips to develop a new story. As all new stories can get cash rewards, this might be your chance to begin your writing career and start to make a living by writing! Not to mention that you can take your chance to win the big cash and get your books published in hardcover! For more information, you may visit: or contact Email:
Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact A brief introduction, some sample charpters or links will be appriciated when reaching out.
Hey! Good day to you! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to email mollyringdom*@* (delete *)We are mainly looking for adventurous novels (Fantasy, Sci-fi, Paranormal Urban, Action, Thriller/Suspense, Game Fiction). Looking forward to your email.