Tishn -2

Desella later noticed that she was behaving like a creep thus she stopped smiling and again became serious. 

"So this Demon, Tishn is one the savage and cruel demon that is known to exist in history. He was so powerful that defeating him took a huge toll on heavens. Various Low-rank gods and heavenly pets were martyred. The times were dark and all you could smell was, just blood in the air, all you could see was just blood. The coppery scent was present everywhere. Definitely not suitable for living. The fights continued for several centuries, later it was Hades and his pet who rescued humanity and caged this demon here. OOOOf, legends say that a heavenly blackbird who had furs softer than talc and feathers lustrous than silver was the one who defeated it. He used his mighty attacks to kill him but Hades asked him to not kill the creature, thus the legendary Raven didn't kill him but Tishn was heavily injured. He was actually on the brink of death."