Legends of Tishn

"Is there any other option left?"

Severus asked bluntly.

Desella was tongue-tied. She knew escaping from this place was just her wishful thinking. Even if they somehow try escaping, there were 90 per cent chances that only one of them would make it out, from this damn place.

She tried thinking of alternatives. 

Desella jolted as a thought came in her mind. Although she wasn't sure about it, it was the last straw, so they better pick it up.

"Severus there is one way!!!!!!"

Desella's eyes glimmered with excitement which eventually brought light in Severus' eyes too.

"Tell me. What way?"

"Uhh...well I am not fully confident about it but since we are dead-end, I guess we should give it a try."

Severus quietly sat there and with his expressions asked her to continue explaining.