Chapter 4- Training


'I swear I will live a good life this time.'


When I opened the door, I saw a man, who looked like he was about in his 40s, he had, dark brown hair, and light green colored eyes, he was well over more than 6.3 feet tall. And had an overbearing air around him, although, it didn't bother me that much. He looked like he was Japanese.

"Hi, I'm the volleyball coach, that was sent here, to teach someone named, Anpu..? Volleyball! I don't know if this the right place since it's so.. gigantic, and only one person lives here? Wow! The owner must be rich! I'm rumbling aren't I? Sorry I always get like this, when I'm meeting a stranger for the first time- Anyways, I'm Oliver!" He rumbled on, and since I didn't want him to be offended if I interrupted him, I just listened patiently, with a small fake smile.

When he stopped, he for some reason looked at my smile for a second, I almost thought, I forgot to make my eyes look less emotionless and dead. Fortunately, it wasn't that he said, "You have pretty eyes! They look like rubies-" grinning.

"Thank you- oh come in, and go to the living room, on the left. I'll ask my butler to get you something to eat, you must be hungry, right?" I said, with polite, and sweet phony smile.

"Oh yes! I didn't eat anything since breakfast thank you very much! For the invitation!" He said, with a goofy grin on his face, it reminded me of Naruto- maybe I should visit his world sometime in the future- it would be a good experience.

When I let him in, he looked shocked at the inside of the mansion, I mean it was really a castle inside- his jaw was dropping to the ground, I'm not even kidding- I didn't understand why he was so shocked about, I mean sure I was a little surprised but still- so I left him alone, and asked my personal butler to get something to eat for me and my coach, Oliver.

He was again surprised by how delicious the food was, it was just food, sure it was delicious, but it's just food- I signed and just asked him, about my training schedule, he told me the first thing we will be doing is learning everything about the basics on volleyball, he was surprised that I was the person he was training since I was so short, I didn't mind though.

The man sure did like to talk his mind, straight forward, eh?

He left after a while, but not before saying that tomorrow I was supposed to come to his teams club, turns out he was also a coach to a team in America, who were monsters in volleyball, it looked like he want me to get watch them play, to at least get some idea of how volleyball is played, and that him, and his volleyball team will be waiting by the front gates.

I nodded, and just said, by to him, with a kind smile.

Right after he finally left, I dropped my smile, and called my butler over- I told him to take make a schedule for me to, go to Basileus high school, tomorrow at 12:45 on my white limousine, because why not? I signed, and act some dinner.

After I did that, I went to my room, to study on volleyball before tomorrow, since he might ask me to do some rounds with them who knows? I can't sleep anyways so why not? I signed and started getting information on volleyball-

_______In The Morning = 8:30 am_______

I was still getting as much information as I can, I have always had a bad memory remembering things, so I had to learn things multiple times just to remember it. So far I have learned volleyball positions are such as what a Outside hitter (also called wing spiker, left side), Right side hitter (wing spiker, right side), Opposite Hitter (attacker), Setter, Middle Blocker (center, middle hitter), Libero, and Defensive Specialist. It took a lot of time learning that, the position I want to be in is Outside hitter, though, I also want to learn how to work with all of the positions, just in case.

I called for my butler, while looking for some clothes to wear, I found a black oversized sweater, with black shorts, and white tennis shoes. I put it on my bed, and told my butler, also named Sebastian (You see what I did there?) to get ready some breakfast for me.

After a 30 minutes, shower, I wore the clothes I took out- And went downstairs to eat my breakfast, I was done with it in 10 minutes, so I decided to watch some TV since I had nothing else to do.

___ 11:40 am___

As soon as the clock reached 11:40 I asked Sebastian to the ready my limousine, he got it ready in 3 minutes time, and I got outside the mansion, it has been some time since I went out, so I had a hard time looking at the sun, i walked to the limo, my driver was already in there, so Sebastian opened the door for me, And I walked in, and Sebastian got in too, there was a snack table in there, even a damn Huge Tv was in there. I got over it and I told Sebastian to tell the driver to drive now.

On our way there since it was a 40 minute drive to their school, I said to Sebastian, "Get me the remote, and a bag of chips, Sebastian." I said in a cold voice, Sebastian had a slightly surprised, but got over it, and got me what I wanted. I put on something to watch, and ate my chips, even though I didn't show any emotions, I liked the show I was watching it was interesting.

____ Time-skip ____

When we got close to the school, I put down the window to see, the whole volleyball club was actually standing there, waiting for me, it looks like they were getting annoyed, and the coach was telling them to calm down.

So I told the driver speed up, he did, and we got there in no time, the look on their faces was priceless, all of them had a dropped jaw, expect for the coach who was only a little surprised but otherwise had a normal expression. Sebastian got out on the other side, and opened the door for me to get out.

They or all the students were all interested on who was getting out of the fancy car, even some people who were looking at volleyball club, from the school windows, when they saw the fancy limousine, a crowd gathered around on the school windows.


[I will be updating every 2nd chapter on 12 pm, the 1st one will always be before that, or if I didn't have time to do it, I'm sorry. Anyways! The MC doesn't go to school, until he moves to Japan, at 15 years old, because he has an excuse that he still needs 2 years to get better from his coma, and he just doesn't want to. So, thanks for reading! And have a good day, or night!^_^]