Chapter 5- training [part 2]


'I swear I will live a good life this time.'


I put my hand out for Sebastian to help me out, though I didn't need help, I wanted to look more like a rich person. When I got out all eyes were on me it was so, nice and also weird, since I never got attention before- maybe it was my eyes? Oh well.

"Can you get me, two more chip bags?" I asked, Sebastian since no one was talking- after I did, everyone snapped out of whatever trance they were in, expect for the coach, who was just standing there with a stupid grin on his face.

Sebastian went to get me, my chips, while the crowd on the windows slowly dispersed, I went up to the volleyball team while Sebastian gave, my chip bags, I opened one, while he was holding my other one.

"Am I late?" I asked when I was in front of the coach who was in the middle of the group of students, "Nope! You're just on time, even earlier! This brats are just very impatient-" He was interrupted before he could go farther by one of the members of the club, it was a guy with messy blonde hair, and hazel brown eyes, he was also normal height although, it didn't look like it bothered him, "Not True!! We waited here the whole time, you told us to come out at 10:39, even though we were supposed to meet at 11:45!! Seriously?!" He yelled out.

I let out a fake chuckle, while looking at them, "well, sorry, anyways are you guys going to go practice so I can watch or what?" I asked them, they looked confused, until the coach came by my side and said, "like I was trying to say, this is Anpu, he will be watching us train today, so he can at least get the hand of volleyball." With a grin. (It took a lot not to write a 'shit-eating grin'.)

I had a friendly smile on my face a slight bit, and looked at them while eating my chips still, I was almost finished with it. "Why should we let some stranger into our club, and they aren't even part of the club or school." It was dark black haired guy, with brown eyes, he was tall alright, about 5.11? Anyways, all of them apparently agree that they shouldn't, and the coach is trying to argue with them, but it doesn't look like they will anytime soon.

Like they say, if you can't Win them with looks, then go through their stomachs. (This isn't a saying, but it's true.) I made some plans if this happens so I was prepared for this, so I asked Sebastian, "can you tell the cooks, at the h- mansion, to prepare a dinner for 20 people and make it delicious." I whispered to him, although they weren't 20 people, some of them probably ate a lot.

"I'm sorry but it doesn't look like they will change their minds anytime sooner." The coach said, while sweat-dropping with a slight forced smile. I smiled, and said, "mm, it's okay- I guess they don't want food for helping me- I was going to let you guys come to my house to get food, it's delicious!" I shook my head a little bit back, was going to walk away when I heard, "well, he is rich, so his food must be delicious, and I kind of want to see how his house looks-" one person said, "I guess your right-" and basically in the end, I'm at their club room.

I watched them play for about 1 hour and got bored, since I already knew the basics of volleyball, they were great players, I guess he isn't a great coach for no reason. I asked Sebastian to get 3 chips bags, while eating my second one, I'm giving this 3 to 3 members of the club, because why not?

After about 4 minutes Sebastian came back with the chip bags- they were in a round of volleyball so, I didn't say anything until they were finished.


When they were done, I asked the coach is I can do what I want to do, and he approved, I shouted out, "play a simple game and last 3 to stay in the game each get 3 bags of chips!!" The game they choose, was a game of pinball.

The last people standing were a person with brown hair, and brown eyes, while he was 6.2 feet tall, and a guy with blue hair, and blue eyes, about 5.6 feet tall, and lastly black hair, and brown eyed dude I saw before. I never asked their names how am I supposed to know?

I gave them each a bag of chips, and they ate it while looking at the others jealous faces. We ate and after another hour, the coach asked me to play in a round with the volleyball team, I said okay, since I already knew this would happen, and prepared ahead.

I rolled up my sleeves and got in to play, I was playing as the setter for this round, I got in position- and when it was my turn to set, I did it with perception, I had the strength to do so too, but I didn't have experience sadly, but I'll get it in time, I guess. They were all surprised by my setting skills although, it didn't look like I had any experience I was extremely good at it, already.

After staying with the members in the volleyball club for just a bit more, I told them to get in my limousine when we got out, and they did. They were amazed by the inside of my car, I told them, they can get chips now if they want- since a lot of them were on the snake table, there was actually also drinks, so I drank, a soda while just watching what they were watching with them.


[So the funny thing is, it was a holly day for Somalis yesterday and the day before right! Well you see I was interested in things they for those days, so I asked my friend who was Somali, and you know I now have something she called hina? On my hands even though I'm a guy- I mean it looks nice and all, but I'm going to a wedding today, my brother's and it will be embarrassing. Though I don't regret it, it looks nice, oh and I may not have time to do another chapter but I'll try- since I am going to a wedding, if I'm not able to make time, I'll make probably maybe 4 or 3 chapters tomorrow. And may I say I am doing good, on my English even though it ain't my first language!]