Chapter- 11 [Tournament part 3]


'I swear I will live a good life this time.'


I changed to a different outfit since I was already wearing my disguise, I just needed a more of a nice outfit, even though I think my original outfit was nice already. I looked in my closet to find any clothes or a style I could wear, I eventually found an oversized gray colored T-shirt with skinny black jeans. I wore a black zip up hoodie, I didn't zip it up though, with a white and black headphones around my neck. I took some emergency makeup for my dark circles just in case, I put it in the pocket of my large oversized hoodie.

I was wearing black shoes, with my black mask- no glasses or makeup to cover up the dark circles around my eyes. And to completed my outfit, I wore black dot earrings.

I nodded to myself, and went outside, walking to the stadium, or tournament area. My mansion was about a 27 minute walk to and from the stadium, so I didn't need to walk that much, or that long. I arrived there, in the middle of the match. I sat in one of the empty sits and cheered them on. They were losing, I know but it doesn't hurt to cheer. It was time for the third round and they still didn't win once, so I decided to help them.

I walked down the railings, to sugawara and Daichi, who were standing there. They noticed me walking over here and sugawara said, "Oh hey Anpu! Didn't know you'd be h-" before he could say anything else, I jumped down the railings, and walked over to Yukigaoka, the other team noticed me, and got curious too, but I didn't mind.

I stood in front of hinata and I asked, "Hey, hinata! Can I help you win this round?" I don't think it was allowed for me to just play on their team although I wasn't part of it, nor am I in their school, but who cares? No one knows, right? So isn't it okay? Yeah, it's not. "Never mind I forgot I wasn't part of your team. Sorry I can't help you it looks like, good luck hinata, I'll be cheering for you! Even if you don't win, at least you tried your best." I said, I faked smile a little, for hinata.

I went back on the railings, I talked with sugawara and Daichi for a little bit, and eventually sat back down, and like I knew would it happen as, they lost the game. I went up to hinata and said, "It's okay, like I said at least you tried your best, hinata." And gave him a real comforting smile, with a hug. He went outside, probably for Kageyama, the king of the court, as they like to call him, and then their rivalry or friendship will start from here on out.

I went outside after hinata, but from a different exit, and sat on a bench near them, watching their interactions. And also for another reason, but that's besides the point, it was at the point to where hinata started crying, I wanted to go there and comfort him, but I needed to let this happen so I waited, when their interaction was over, I quickly walked over to hinata, and he already dried his tears himself. So I just gave him a hug.

"Thank you Anpu!" And then he turned to his friends and said, "Thanks for everything!" One said, "You don't have to thank us!" While the other started crying, so hinata asked, "what are you crying for, Koji?" Just like the anime, it was very unrealistic to be here, and watching a scene happing right in front of me.

I smiled, this time fake and said, "Hey hinata, you want to practice volleyball with me sometimes?" He looked at me and said, "Sure! I'd be happy too! And I have been meaning to ask but, are you 10 or 11 years old?" I looked at him, and blinked, "What? No I'm the same age as you." I said, my face going back to my usual stone hard face.

"Oh okay, sorry! Heh!" Hinata sweat dropped, with a slight grin on his face. I nodded and walked back to my house thinking of all the things I could do so me and hinata to can get closer as friends.

I whistled on my to my mansion, when I was close to it, I saw the kitagawa team, in front of my mansion, they were all just talking about it- even Oikawa was there he was the loudest that's for sure. I didn't know what to do, so I quickly went to a bush, and took my wig, contact lens and mask off I put them in my hoodie, I put some makeup on my face to hide the dark circles around my eyes, and wrapped that hoodie around my waist. I walked over to them, and I asked them, "Oi! What are you doing in front of the gates?"

They looked over at me, shocked at how I looked, honestly I can say, I look way better then even Akashi himself. I raised an eyebrow and I asked, "Are you going to answer?" They snapped out of their daze and Akira answered, "Oh sorry, we were just wondering who's place this is." Everyone of them looked curious, even Kageyama, I nodded and said, "Oh this place? It mine, all of it."

They all looked surprised at that, some of them thought I was joking I'm thinking, because Oikawa said, "You don't have to lie, little kid." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and said, "First I am not a kid, I'm 14 years old, almost in high school, and second.. " they were surprised by my age, but were mostly curious about what I was going to say. I called Sebastian and quietly told him to do a dramatic entrance whenever I come home and unless I call him. I spoke normally again and said, "Sebastian I'm home, open the gates."

I think he knew I was here, and what I wanted or the workers are fast, because what I saw was the same grand entrance but, this time Sebastian was in the front and they all said together, "Welcome home, young master!"