Chapter 12- [Friendship?]


'I swear I will live a good life this time.'


I nodded to Sebastian and I looked at them with a fake smile, while I said, "I told you didn't I?" And walked into the mansion, the gates closed when I walked in.

I asked Sebastian to get me some food, since I was slightly Hungry, I planned what I was going to do until it was time to go to karasuno, although between that time, I need to buy a modern house, to make it so it's more believable that am a normal person, but make sure so that in the future, I tell them about how I actually look like, or who I really am.

I decided to tell them about all that later on- I was just thinking when the food that I told Sebastian to bring to me, was here. I took about 29 minutes to just finish it, I guess they really are amazing cooks, huh? Not like I doubted that, I'm saying they're going all out today or something? I got full but, I wanted to eat more because of how delicious it was, although I feel like throwing up now. I almost forgot about planning I remembered, and went back to planning what to do ahead. First, I had to at least become close friends with hinata, to secure some kind of place by his side.

Second- well just do whatever comes along? I don't have a plan right now you can say. I changed my clothes to a cropped top T-shirt, with black ripped jeans, and a black hoodie. Do I have too many black clothes? Not that am complaining. I walked to the gates ready to act like a normal everyday teenager, not some rich ass unbelievably handsome teen. (Self proclaimed looks.)

____ Time-skip?____

When I got out the gates, I started to walk around, to get the hang of this place. I walked around Miyagi, looking for anything interesting at all. I saw the school hinata goes to, Yukigoaka Junior High, but obviously I couldn't go in there, I don't even go there. I sighed slightly regretting my decision to not go to junior high school, I could have slowly became friends with hinata, he is the Main Character of course, it would have been more interesting if I went to high school with him, I mean it's still not too late to do that. I'll go to hinata's school, it's been decided, I'll start today. Maybe Sebastian will know how to let get me in junior high school, without revealing my identity.

I started walking back to the mansion, the guards opened the gates for me, and I walked in. I sat on one of the couches, and called for Sebastian. He came after 10 minutes and asked me what I wanted. I answered, "Can you get me in Yukigaoka Junior high, without letting them know, how I really look and how rich I am? But, I still want my name, though." I looked at him with no expression giving away nothing, waiting for a reply. He looked at me, a little surprised unlike his usual non-expressionless facade but, coughed slightly to hide it and replied, "Of course, as you wish, young master." I nodded, and added, "Okay, do it by today." With the still expressionless face. He nodded, and went to do it as I said, I'm guessing.

_____3 hours later_____

After about, 3 hours he came back and said, "It's done, young master. They have PE right now. also should I buy you a temporary house?" I though about it for a minute, it could make my situation more convincing, and I have though about this, it was on my 'to do' list but, I really don't want to at the same time, since I will eventually tell them who I am, sometime later. It would be just a waste I guess, but I could give it to the maid, she'll probably like that. "Yes." I said, my answer decided.

_____ Time skip ______

It has been 8 months since I started going to hinata's school. Me and hinata became close best friends in that time, I started to show emotions around him, or when I think about him which came as a surprise to me. I looked outside the window, in a daze thinking about what happened so far. Hinata, and me went to my house, although it was only my normal house, he was surprised that I lived there alone, he usually came over to play games with me. The old maid pretends to be my grandma, and started to live in the normal house with me. He and her get alone very well, actually. I asked Sebastian about it, although I didn't tell the person I was asking about was me or hinata.

He said, that is someone who was emotionless started showing emotions around someone else, it would be considered that they just felt safe around that person, but if just thinking about them started to make them show a soft impression, it's love. The exact words he used, which I still remember to this day, was "Love can make even the coldest person soft."

I started to notice what I felt for him was love, I wanted him all to myself no one else could have him. I know, him and me are both guys, and plus I don't even know if he likes me back, but I will 'protect' him from anything. Even as a friend. I signed and stretched my arms out.

The teacher in my school found out how I actually looked, and who I was when the principal told him, although I asked Sebastian to tell them who I was and what I looked like, 1 month ago. But, no one else but, my home room teacher and the principal know what I look like.

I got up and started getting ready for school, there was a uniform policy, I didn't mind though. It was the typical all black junior high uniform. (I have no idea how to describe it, but I have the mental image in my head?) I took off my disguise, I changed my mind. I called for Sebastian, and told him, to tell the principal it was okay, to let my appearance out, and background, I was planing to do it on graduation day, but I didn't want to hide it from hinata anymore, he may get mad when he finds out.

I took my limousine to school. What's the point of all this wealth, if I'm just going to hide it? I signed and looked out the window, in daze. Thinking to myself the surprise on hinata's face, when I tell him, I was that ordinary person that he coincidentally met. I smiled, slightly. I didn't notice Sebastian looking at me, when I did that. He smiled slightly too, and slightly whispered to himself, "I'm happy for you, young master." He turned back to look at the front waiting for use to get to our destination.


Thanks for reading! Updates may be slow- I'll fit in as much time to update as possible. I'll work on a different novel for a little bit, at the same time as this one but this one will also be updating.