Unforgettable Events

Mira sat at the table in the hotel room and pulled a macaron out of the bag. It would only be three more days until she and Clarisse could move into their penthouse.

She took a bite of the red velvet macaron and sighed. It was one of the best pastries she had ever tasted. Duusu glee around in circles after being released from Mira's purse.

"Can I have mine now? I've been dying to try one!" Duusu whined.

"Of course, let me get it," Mira grabbed the chocolate macaron and handed it to Duusu, who ate it in one bite.

"Wow! That was so good!" Duusu flew in a loop and multiple circles.

"How did you an I become friends all those years ago?" Mira asked with a smirk.

"You've always loved my bubbly personality!" Duusu exclaimed while circling Mira's head.

"I just can't believe I found you again. What a stroke of luck!"

"I still can't believe you cared about a Kwami so much."

"I care for all Kwamis."

"Oh, come on! You made an invention that allows me to roam around whenever I want and keeps me safe."

"You're a good friend to me. Things were hard when Wang and I were separated, and you were there for me. That's all."

"So, you made an invention that allows me to roam around whenever I want and keeps me safe."

"Now, you're repeating yourself. Besides, you know creating the Peacock Sanctuary was just a project I did. There wasn't a lot else I could do at the temple, so I decided to make inventions that would benefit Miraculous holders."

"And their Kwamis."

"Yes." Mira sighed and threw the empty bag in the garbage bin.

"It's just... I don't know what I'll do with my life now. I won't make a living creating inventions for Miraculous holders. There's hardly anything left of the temple. I saw it with my own eyes, Duusu."

Duusu sat down. "I know what happened, Mira. I made it happen."

"It's been almost four years, and I still can't forget. It was nothing but rubble."

Duusu watched as a single tear fell to Mira's cheek.

"I lost everything..."

Duusu looked up, "Even the Miracle Holder?"

Mira gasped. She hadn't thought about the Miracle holder in years. It was her latest invention. She had completed it, but misused it.


Mira and Wang Fu, a young boy who also lived at the Temple of the Guardians, often looked for trouble. Mira had just completed a new invention, which was extremely powerful. It had been tested and was proven to be safe. Mira and Wang snuck into the room where the invention was kept.

Although Mira had created the Miracle Holder, she was deemed too young to use it. Both she and Wang thought this was unfair, so they wanted Mira to use the Miracle Holder and prove age didn't matter.

However, when Mira used the Miracle Holder, she lost control of its power, which was absorbed into her body far too quickly. Mira was badly injured, and she and Wang weren't allowed to do things together anymore. Mira recovered quickly, only to find herself surrounded by a crumbling temple.


"When you woke up, why didn't you try too look for it? I know you were weak, but it's so power-"

"Stop." Mira took a sharp breath and went to the refrigerator to get a glass of water.

"Why won't you answer my question?" Duusu asked.

"Just, be quiet," Mira said and drank a glass of water.

"It's okay if you made a mistake. Even Wang always admitted his mistakes!"

"Duusu! Be quiet!" Mira shouted. She drank a bit of water and walked to her room.