
Sophia stands over me. It's at this point that I get an even better view of those child-bearing hips. So mesmerizingly voluptuous. Her lewd gaze serves to make me want to grab her, pin her down and ravage her. Sophia positions her thumbs between her hips and her pink pajamas. She messes up with the execution, causing the elastic nature of the pajamas to shoot back and smack against her waist. She wiggles back and forth, slowly sliding her pants down her waist in a brilliant display of sex appeal. She bends over to slide them down the rest of her legs, causing her tits to casually jiggle up and down from the motion. Fuck yeah, entertain me.

Her pants come off and she tosses them away. I see her freshly-shaven pussy. No hairs to be found. Same with me.

Sophia sits on me, resting her pussy up against the base of my penis. Her smooth skin rests nicely on my body. She gently moves forward and back, rubbing her clit against me. Almost like she's feeling restless because we haven't started.

There's one thing that I haven't thought of up until this point. However now that we're this close, it comes to mind.

"I don't have any condoms."

"Doesn't matter."

Sophia looks down at me for my approval and I can't help but grin audaciously by what she's just said. Her timidity retracted quite a bit because of how much she wants to fuck me.

She crouches over me, my dick in one hand. She positions the tip gently at the base of her entrance. She lowers onto it so that only the tip enters her. Again, she looks down at me and wordlessly asks me. "Can I put it in?" I do a little nod which satisfies her insecurities.

In one quick motion, Sophia drops onto me. She closes her eyes to contend with the feeling being sent through her. The moment she drops, potent, abounding surges of pleasure rocket through both of us. I freeze up, struggling to breath regularly. Sophia moans loudly, a sound that's pleasing to my ears.


She's so tight inside, like she's squeezing me manually. Even with the tiny amount of friction between us so far the gratification is immense. And the experience is intense. It's so hot and wet inside. The tight walls press against me with their sodden grip. It's a sensation that cannot be rivaled.

I'm fully inside her.

I've done it.

I'm having sex with Sophia.

"Sophia. Do me a favor and stick your tongue out."

Still, busy with her arousal, she wordlessly does as I command. She hangs her tongue over her bottom lip to its maximum extent. Her pupils drift upward to the far top corners of her eyes and her cheeks are red with fiery passion. Sophia tries to contend with the pure amount of bliss that she's experiencing. Seeing these visuals, I feel myself get close for a moment.

Sophia pushes her waist forward several times, getting a feel for me. She's testing the waters before roughly riding me. After she does that she shows no remorse. Actively, she rams up and down around my dick. I seemingly reach a new depth every time. She tries so hard and works away so passionately, as if she has wanted this for a long time and she is finally living her dream.

Sophia bounces up and down on top of me, her tits swaying back and forth, going in small circles as they bounce because of her rhythm. She doesn't know what to do with her hands. They go from place to place until they decide upon anchoring her up beside my shoulders. She leans in closer to me and continues hopping.

Sophia's breaths become ragged and not just from the workout. She bites bottom lip, closes her eyes and takes constant breaths through her nose. Her eyelashes flutter. All of this happens right in front of my face.

I haven't been doing anything with my hands either up until now. I grab Sophia by the hips and assist her. It makes a second to work to her rhythm, but once I do each time she smacks back down onto me it's far more audible. It makes a distinct smacking sound when our bodies collide now that I'm pulling her down along with her force and gravity. Sophia gets increasingly unable to contain herself. Her constant erotic whimpering and sharp breaths are really doing it for me.

I sit up slightly and prop myself up with a pillow. I do it slowly so as to not disrupt the banging. To make it easier. Sophia moves her hands from beside me to my shoulders. She squeezes them and digs her nails into me, but still careful as to not hurt me. I sit up further until I'm sitting straight up. We've moved to an entirely different position at this point. I sit as she rides me on my lap.