
Sophia hugs me and draws herself closer whilst her momentum doesn't fade. She sits in my lap whilst I'm inside her. My face is buried in her tits. And my arms are wrapped around her back. Her arms around me. We have a tight grip onto one another. I've never felt closer to her. Literally and not.

Sophia moves her hips around. Up and down. Side to side. I try my best to work in unison with her movements. She now focuses on going up and down. She works the shaft, sliding along with ease. Sophia talks dirty to me, her speech is broken up by bursts of arousal.

"I love it when... you thrust into me."

Her words work as my inspiration. I push upwards, reaching a deep point and causing her to moan excitedly. Her cute and dainty sounding voice bounces off the inside of my ears.


Her sounds come from deep within, I imagine they come right from the heart. Sophia breathes heavily for a moment as we slow down.

"Oliver... I love you."

I pull my face out of her rack so that I can return my emotions unmuffled.

"I love you too Sophia."

Her butt bounces against my crotch. We valiantly continue our mating. Sophia takes a moment to collect herself. Her speech is broken up by our continued movement.

"And...I-I'm not just saying that. I-I want to be your wife!"


I can tell that this was hard for her to say even if her inhabitations have been trampled upon. I keep forgetting that I'm nearly out of school. Me and Sophia are nearly adults. Marrying her is a real possibility. This is a real opportunity for a life with her. It cannot go to waste.

"I feel the same. I want to spend my life with you!"

This isn't just my dick talking. Life with her would be the best life I could ask for! We speed up. I plant kisses on her neck. Peck after peck, until a total of four have been laid. When I'm finished, she speaks to me.

"Hold on, I want to try a new position."

Sophia crawls off of me and positions herself at the front of the bed. I get up as well. Sophia gets on all fours.

I stand before an incredibly sexy woman bending over for me. Her round and bountiful booty, begging to be penetrated. Her vagina prominently placed between the curvaceous mounds that make up her ass. Sophia peers back at me, awaiting my entry, yearning for me. I can see it in her eyes. Her lustful gaze signals her salacious thoughts. Her long, blonde hair flows to the bed and down her back.

Unable to wait much longer, I grab her by the waist and press the tip of my penis against the outside of her pussy. I move up and down a couple times. The vaginal juices from her wet pussy drip onto my dick as I do it. Even doing this gives me tingles of satisfaction

Sophia exhales shallowly and talks to me.

"Don't tease me. Enter me."

I do as she asks. My grip on her waists tightens, I pull her backwards as I thrust into her. Again I sink deep inside. The further I go, the warmer it gets. And the more Sophia's body cries out. We both emote strongly as the warmth from each other rushes through the rest of our bodies.

I ram back and forth into her behind. Her butt cheeks jiggle slightly every time I smack back into her. Sophia faces straight ahead. The hair on her back shifts from all the shifting.

She digs her face into my pillow. Her hands cling desperately to the pillows as I fuck her from behind. I go as fast as I can. My groin audibly smacks against her backside. Seeing her ass with radiating allure drives me insatiable. I grip her right butt cheek, preparing it for my next move. I wind my hand back and propel in forward, giving Sophia a firm spanking.


Sophia cries out, far more amorously that I had anticipated. So I administer a second blow. The cheek wriggles and shakes from the impact.

My motions are intense. Faster and faster I ram into her. Sophia can hardly handle it. Her head shifts to the side and I get a good look at her face. Her eyes are shut. Her flowing eyelashes help sell her expression of deep satisfaction. Staying in control has become an arduous task for her. Sophia's shaking and vibrating, especially down low. Sophia can hardly keep quiet, even though she's noticeably trying to. She even goes so far as to cover her mouth with her hands.

"Ah, Ah, AH! Mmmmmm."

I feel a buildup deep within me so I slow down a ways. Now getting a chance, Sophia rests her racing mind. Sophia lays her head sideways on the pillow, mouth widely agape and blushing beyond compare. She's panting like crazy. Her hair is spread around her face, but a few strands cross over it.

I think she had an orgasm.

I pull out of her. Sophia lays on her side and looks up at me like "What the fuck are you doing? Why'd you stop? We're not finished here." She lays on her side, causing her ass and hips to be very prominent. Her pussy pokes out between the mounds. Looking down at her in this state is extremely pleasing.

However, she and I haven't finished yet.