On April 13, 2018 my school went on lockdown due to a school shooting threat. The school told us it was a false alarm that had accidentally been triggered but i and many other students feel like it wasnt. My friend also works with someone who was a nurse on scene and said she saw a student being escorted out in handcuffs with a gun in the school. The school told us that a substitute teacher dialed the wrong number on the office phone which put the school on lockdown. They said with their alarm system you dial a four digit pin on the phone and puts the school on lockdown and it alerts the police. The substitute accidentally dialed this number and the intruder alarm started going off which set students and teachers in a panic.
It happened around 3rd or 4th period and kids were getting off the school bus. (Some students at our school go to a Vocational School called Prosser which helps prepare for your future career and gives ypu hands on experience with you desired field) but kids were getting off the bus and going into the cafeteria when one of the kids pulled out a gun. Some students saw it and tried to wrestle it out of his hands and one of the administrators at school yelled gun and told the students to hide. Some students ran outside and some students ran in the kitchen as the lunch ladies were helping show them where to hideand the school intruder alram was blaring over the intercom. After it happened and lockdown was called off alot of students signed out of school and went home and alot of kids didnt go to school for the next couple days. I even heard the a kid was trampled and broke their leg but not entirely sure about it.
I understand that their have obviously been alot of school shootings were many were injured and many lives have been lost but this was a scary experience for me and my friends so i felt like sharing out experiences and talking about this instead of sweeping it under the rug like alot of people do.