(Austin is my best friend and he will show up a couple times throughout this story)
At 10:30, my Biology class had just ended and my Earth Science class was down the hall so I scampered to my Earth Science class to put my belongings on my desk to head to lunch. I made it to lunch at 10:33 and I grabbed my tray and approached my friends. I sat down with them and we all discussed our day. All of the sudden, everyone in the cafeteria went quiet. Then we look at an administrator and he was shutting the door to the cafeteria. 5 seconds after that, a student yelled loudly, "GUN!". Then we all run. Cafeteria lines were filling up, students were running out of the door, everyone was screaming and it was all hectic. I, on the other hand, tried to run in one of the cafeteria lines, but they were taking too long. So I hurried myself out of the door; tripping over some young child who was probably a freshman. I had no time to wait, I stood up and continued scurrying myself out of the door. As I was running, my friend Andrea saw me and told me to come with her. But I told her that I couldn't because all of my belongings were still in the classroom. She said "Okay! Stay safe!" as she walked out the corner store to meet her mom. Minutes go by and I had met up with my friends. We all sat in the NJROTC parking lot. I started shaking and crying. My friends called my mother and she figured out quickly that something was not right. She came to pick me up, while all the chaos was still attending our school. When she arrived, she demanded that I go and get my stuff and scurry back out. I snuck into the school, retrieved my belongings and left the school. Later that day, I realized my friend, Alyssa, was still in the school. So I ran down to her house to see if she was there. Thankfully she was.