
The Window: 03

One minute it was like she wasn't even there and on the next I was jumping on my chair with a woman breathing down my neck snooping around my screen.

- Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.- she giggled for my surprise then retreated a step.

- My heart was up to my throat.

- I have my ways, officer.- I fixed myself on the chair and went back to opening more devices.

- Why do you say "officer" like that?

- Like what, officer ?

- Like you wish I would drop dead…

Again I was caught off guard. On my neck I felt her eyes, I had no courage to face her, didn't want to know what look she had on. Her bluntness seemed to break into my defenses very easily.

- Force of habit.

Having her hovering over my screen wasn't ideal, she had seen enough. I shut it off and stood up to go to the kitchen that was the furthest I could go from her, it didn't mean her eyes left my neck even for a second.

- You can call me Sun…- she paused and her tone changed to a more serious one - If you want.

Taking my head out of the fridge it closed taking with it one more source of light. Had been a while that we both were in the dark, it was comforting to have the darkness to disguise my awkwardness. She didn't seem to mind it either, the mix of the red and blue lights formed a pink aura for her that blended very well to her fiery hair tied up now in a messy high ponytail.

Holding a cold yakut in my hand I noticed I was feeling calmer. Heartbeat had slowed down, breathing back to normal, no gunshots heard for a while, finally I was getting used to the mood and the officer's presence.

- Would you like something to drink, officer Sun?- this time I corrected my tone so it wouldn't sound as bitchy.

- Points for the effort.- I saw her try to hold her half smile - And ye-

Mid-phrase she stopped and brought her hand to her ear, the command of the operation wanted updates on the operation. Outside everything was quiet like a ghost town, they must have retreated back to the city since the mission apparently failed.

-Yes, sir.- that was all she said repeatedly. - I need to go back to the city. Thank you…

- immediately officer Sun started walking towards the door, ready to leave like nothing had happened.

- That's not a good idea.- I said and she turned her back to the door to face me.

- I have to report back.

- If you leave now in the middle of the rain, alone, they'll know you're a cop that was left behind.- Her blue eyes were cold in mine, all I could do was look away.- They'll shoot first thing.

- I know that.

For the first time I noticed her uniform. It was a special operation armour with a headset gadget attached to the back of her neck that worked as a mask, night vision and communicator. Her clothes were also not the casual ones she had on the first time we met, this time it was a lighter, more agile version of the special forces armour that made the men wearing it resemble nothing remotely human. All she had on was a metal vest covering her torso, arms and neck it looked very skinny but it absorbed fall impacts, physical strikes and gunpowder bullets without damaging the integrity of the armour. Every regular cop in the city had a basic version such as hers.

-Tell them you can't leave your position without being targeted. To protect your integrity you have to stay hidden in a safe house you found.

Her eyes dived deeper into mine, frowning her eyebrows in the meantime. I could tell she was reflecting on the idea checking if it would work and I just stood there waiting for her to decide.

- They'll want to know my location…

- They already have it.- I finally tasted my sweet yakut that was freezing my hand all along, I knew every police armour had a tracker. Since the moment she put that suit on the command office knew where she was.

- Command, come in.

While she made the call we didn't move, it was like she needed me there so the plan would work. When I took the finale sip they responded and she explained the situation and how she got to it. Didn't take long. All information she gave regarding her location was very superficial, probably because she wanted to protect me.

- They bought it.

- Good for you.

- I accept that yakut now.

With a touch on the back of her headset located on the top of her spine the thing disconnected and shrunk to inside the chest armour. One more touch on her chest this time and the armour opened, followed by the shrinking of the arm pieces. In the end it was a metal vest she only had to slide off, revealing her under clothes, a long sleeve black T-shirt so tight all her curves became more accentuated against the pink back light.

Not to stare more than necessary I turned away to get her a yakut from the fridge and heard her put down the armour. In my heart I had no idea how to proceed now that she would actually spend the night and wasn't seeking revenge upon me, I kinda got anxious again.

- Is there somewhere I can clean up? I need to wash my hands and face because of the rain…

Standing there unarmed, amour free officer Sun looked like a completely different person, more like herself as if the police gear was a disguise to make her look tough. I couldn't help to check her out… again but quickly pulled myself together to attend her request.

- You can use my shower if you want. I have some clean clothes too.

- Thank you.

As we went from one corner to another I tried to pick up the bottles and plates but it was too late she knew I was a lazy bastard.

My bathroom was as small as a bathroom can be, it had the exact calculated amount of space for one person to stand in the shower with very limited moves. I showed her how to use everything and handled the pile of clothes, sweatpants and a hoodie all too big for her.

We didn't chat much after. I made us some sandwiches, she had her yakut and some coffee and it was time for bed.

- You can have the bed. I changed the sheets while you were in the shower.

- And where will you sleep?

- I won't. I have some work to do.- I ran my hand through my hair in an involuntary act.

- You look so different with your hair down.- she managed to make me embarrassed so easily with her honesty.

- Well, so do you, officer PJ.

As she laid down in my bed pulling the covers up to her ears, I could finally relax my posture. She kept me on my toes all night, even if I wanted I wouldn't sleep. Keeping an eye on her and finding out the details about this police invasion were my priorities that night.