
A Shy Breeze

While standing outside Sergeant Lee's apartment building I watched the raindrops fall over the pink neon lights from the advertisement signs. the luminous letterings drowned the streets from the ground until the skies where holographic ads for men's underwear hid the stars. How shitty must be the view from the 10th floor. Little Sargent Lee was probably very proud of his residency in the city covered in lights like in a strip club.

Idiots paid hundreds of thousands of coins to get a room in these buildings with a one square meters window with a view to the concrete wall next door. No matter how high you got there was always something blocking the sunlight.

Real powerful people, such as the city Leader, lived in skyscrapers with over 120 floors with nothing to block their view of the sea. They want to stay as far off the ground as possible, isolated at the top where the sun shines. Meanwhile petty people who got a job at the leadership thought they've made it by getting to live in the city. Only one thing separated the city from the slums, hypocrisy.

Judging police pigs were very helpful to make time pass, before I knew it, the Sargent was leaving a car a few meters away, running to the entrance. I pulled my hoodie, grabbed the delivery bag and crossed the street heading towards him.

With one hand he held a folder over his head while burying his face on the screen, not paying any attention to his surroundings. I didn't have to do much besides standing still and letting him bump into me hard. His folder flew off and his screen slid away on the wet floor.

- Oh my gosh, sir, I'm so sorry! - I said, sounding very worried.

- What the fuck?! - He went for his folder that had fallen behind him while I went for the screen.

Off the hands of its owner, a screen shuts down not looking more than just a simple small metal square the size of a thumb. It could only be activated by touch and unlocked by biometric reading.

- Fantastic, now I've lost my screen! - he had finished picking up the junk that had fallen out of the folder.

- I'm really sorry, I was in a hurry and I didn't see you, sir.

I continued to blab as he went off the curb to look for his screen. what he didn't know was that I had it in my pocket. By pairing it with my screen I could invade the system and transfer a spy software to his device, allowing me to access it remotely. All I needed was a little bit of time for my bot to pass through the security system.

- Oh, I'm such an idiot! I'll pay for it, sir. I didn't mean to! - we were both walking around looking at the ground and under the parked cars.

- Shut up, there's important stuff in that screen. I need to find it!

Mister Lee was very irritated, apparently. Which made me laugh of course, because who doesn't enjoy seeing a short, half bald man, in his thirties, all wet squatting to look under a car. I sure did. Even after the transference was long done I kept walking around apologizing while he crouched around in the rain.

- Here, sir! I found it! - finally I decided to end his agony since I was getting bored of his lack of creativity for insults.

- Fucking moron. - he pulled the little square off my fingers - Stupid girl, I'm all wet! - and he kept insulting me on all the way over to his apartment.

Watching him put a smile on my face. Sargent Lee, Toni was everything I thought he would be, a pretentious little bitch.

As I began to happily walk away, I reached for my screen to check if everything went smoothly. He had already activated it, turning my little software on and, like that, I was inside. A world of possibilities had just become available to me.

Still in the middle Tier I decided to treat myself to some fine dinner instead of just getting something to go. Had been a while since I had the time and money to give myself a treat. This job for the Trinity was a huge break through and I didn't even break a sweat, on the opposite, it was very amusing to mess with that stupid cop. Little Sargent Lee gave me eyes inside the police department I could use to pick up more high priced jobs while watching the pigs closely.

I had the idea of leaving the house with my hair down and the rain was messing it up. But to reinforce my luck wave, the rain broke down completely, making my walk to the restaurant more pleasant and my hair more manageable.

My destination was the best pasta place in the middle Tier. They had this spaghetti with meatballs prepared with homemade tomato sauce that just threw me off the roof. Instantly my mouth filled up with water as I remembered the smell. Given the early hours I had plenty of time to enjoy my meal, I was almost at the restaurant when I passed through the major, completely illuminated with red and yellow lights, Torii gates, that marked the entrance to the restaurant section.

A few steps in and my screen began to buzz. Someone was at my apartment's door. The security protocol is programmed to send an alert when I wasn't home and somebody triggered the proximity sensors. Within a second a clear live image of my entrance popped out before my eyes.

- What the fuck?! - I stopped immediately.