
The White House: 03

Something inexplicable about human nature is our ability empathize. Right there I knew exactly how Louise felt but at the same time I didn't. Pain is personal, we all feel it differently. In my heart I wanted to say something but what could possibly make a difference, nothing would make her feel better. So I stayed quiet and returned my eyes to the photo, trying to imagine what Yumi was like.

- She was funny. - guessing my thoughts, Louise spoke up in a tender tone. - Always finding a new way to scare me to death. Once she even used the old straw man! - even though her lips were smiling, her eyes carried absolute sadness. I still couldn't bring myself to open my mouth. I wanted to keep listening, too scared of saying the wrong thing. - I almost shot the thing if she hadn't come out to stop me, laughing while I barked with blood up to my ears. 

The image of Louise in her pajamas pointing a shotgun at a straw man in the middle of the night popped in my mind, making me giggle.

- Tell me you were in your pajamas.

- It was past midnight! I was in bed when I heard a noise after she had come downstairs to pick up water. I went looking for her when I saw a shadow on our back door, what would you want me to do? Go back to change?! I went straight for my gun! - both of us bursted into laughter. For a few moments we forgot about the topic that brought us there. Soundly we laughed over Louise's memory. She seemed happy while telling me what happened and I was honored to hear it. Having her share her precious memories of Yumi made me feel like I knew her, just a tiny bit, even when it was impossible.  

As the euphoria died down, the gloomy mood was restored but not completely. A lighter, more cheerful atmosphere took over the room while we gazed at the fire, going over our own separate feelings. 

- She would've liked you. 

- Hm… - before my eyes I pictured Yumi sitting with us, telling stories about how Louise freaked out over a prank and almost fired her gun. - I already like her. 

Quietly, we watched the agitated flames in front of us for a while. I didn't think specifically about anything, all I did was enjoy the moment, carving that memory on my heart for future times. I wished I had met Yumi, so I could've seen the Louise who was married to her. 

- Come on, I'll show you your room for the night. - she said, suddenly getting up and roughly patting me on the shoulder. She had one heavy touch.  

- But I still haven't looked at the contract… 

- You do that tomorrow, kid. No one's going anywhere tonight. - using one hand she picked up the chair and placed it back on the corner, while I was still on the floor disoriented by the recent movements. - You must be tired from the trip. There's a shower you can use meanwhile I'll make us some dinner, cool? 

No arguments would make her change her mind. Around me there were all sorts of things. My screen, a bag of marshmallows, the sticks we used to roast them and the laptop that I was still holding. I placed it aside to stretch my legs before following Louise to the second floor, where lights popped one after the other following her arrival to the second floor.

On my feet, the fatigue finally got me. I had been up since 6am and it was already past 7pm. Moving towards the stairs, I pulled the elastic that held my hair, letting it fall over my ears. It had been a long day, I was looking forward to that shower Louise mentioned. 

- Your hair looks nice. - before the last step she stopped me. - Why don't you wear it like this more often? - she resumed her journey to a room down the hall, carrying a pile of sheets and towels. 

- Too much trouble. Do you need help? 

- It's all good. Just shower and make your bed. I'll be in the kitchen. 

After such clear instructions I nodded and headed to the bedroom Louise had just left. Not news that everything was so much bigger than my apartment. The bed, the room, the bathroom, and of course, the shower, where I could move without my butt touching the cold glass. I enjoyed every second of that perfect moment, until I had to leave, with sorrow in my heart. 

Along with the sheets, I found striped button-up pajamas that made me instantly grin. Clean and dressed, I made the queen size bed before going downstairs as I was told. I followed the smell of fresh homemade food to the kitchen where I found Louise in an apron pulling golden fries out of a steamy pan. 

- If it tastes as good as it smells... - I pulled a chair to sit  and observe the preparations. 

- Watch and learn, kid. - she looked over her shoulder to wink at me but when her eyes caught me wearing the PJs, the woman dropped everything and turned on her angles. - Aren't you the sweetest little thing? 

- I've never felt this comfy in my life. It's so smooth! - I rubbed the sleeve on my skin and the texture was silky, sliding on my naked arm with no effort. 

- Yumi made those. She liked to sew. - a little smile appeared at the edge of her lips. - I'm glad they fit. 

- She sounds awesome, can't believe she married some grumpy old lady like you. - back to the pans, Louise was shaking fries and seasoning steaks that smelled delicious after every flip.

- First of all, I wasn't old when we met, and secondly, I had charm back then. A lot of it! 

- How did you manage to make poor Yumi fall for your second-hand flirting? - by the cabinets, the evening's cook reached up to pick up two dishes. She grabbed a couple of glasses from the lower shelf and headed to the island where I was sitting. 

- She was the daughter of one of our neighbors. - the porcelain began to be arranged on the table in front of me and the other set on the corner by my side. - I always lived here with my parents, I was even home schooled by my father who was a teacher. Yumi went to school in the city and lived there with her older sister, while her mothers stayed here. 

Immobile, I listened and watched Louise bring in the food. A bowl of fries landed in front of me followed by the greenest salad ever. My stomach roared and I reached for the fries just to get slapped when the chef was coming back with the steaks. 

- Since I was always helping around on other farms I got to know Yumi when she was home on the weekends. We were kids then, soon we became friends. 

The food was on the table. Louise had taken off her apron and was coming to sit holding a bottle. I started to serve myself some salad, it was so rare I barely remembered the taste of lettuce.

- Wine? - she offered while pouring it on her glass.

- Sure! I've never had it though. 

- It's not too alcoholic. - with my mouth full of fresh leaves I kept chewing and thanked her with a nod. - We stayed as friends for years. She would tell me about the city and all the people she met and things she had done and I would listen for hours every time we sat outside her house after dinner. - while I finished my salad, she paused to sip the dark red liquid. - Slow down! - I was warned by a feral look, then she continued - Wasn't until after she graduated college and moved back here that we started to actually consider getting together. I would never be a city person and she had so much to figure out on her own that we never thought of us like that. How's the steak? 

- "Amuzing"... - I answered between gulps. That glorious food didn't allow me to pause even for a second. 

- With her here we got even closer and it didn't take long for "it" to happen. Every day after work we would go for horse rides around the property. Sometimes we didn't even talk, all we did was watch the sunset together and return home. - as I enjoyed some crunchy fries I gazed at Louise. At that point she didn't even care if I was listening or not, it was like she was talking to herself. Reliving the words as they came out. I didn't want to disturb her with any questions, mostly because hearing her talk so dearly about Yumi made me a little jealous of what they had. 

- One day I picked some courage after weeks of intense agony and asked her to be my girlfriend. - her eyes were focused on the darkness outside the window but I could still see the tenderness on the corner of her mouth as she talked. -  After that, I never felt lonely again.