
Path of Daisies: 01

Downstairs Louise was setting up the kitchen table. The room was filled with the smell of melted cheese, tomato sauce and oregano. That night was the "homemade pizza night".

- Damn it! - it all made sense. - How could I forget about this delicious thing? I'm sorry, Louise, I got distracted and forgot about our sexy baby here. - I sat at the table with a fork and a knife in each hand ready to dig in.

- Well, those who don't help, don't eat.

She sat across me at the table with the glorious steamy pizza by her side. Water gushed in my mouth just from watching the thread of cheese stretch graciously as she took a piece for herself.

- I was investigating an ufo that was surrounding your residency! - the saliva that gathered in my mouth was so exaggerated I had to swallow before continuing my argument. - I was looking out for your safety, ma'am.

- Does anybody ever fall for your bullshit?