
Twilight: 03

- Open the door! - a robotic voice shouted. If the door wasn't made of metal I am sure it would've been brought down easily.

Abruptly I pushed Louise down and closed the curtain. I knew who it was but after turning the lights out I still checked the security camera. On the other side a Force agent equipped with heavy combat armour, face covered by the reflective black helmet holding a laser weapon. The same white gun I had used to shoot some of them down.

- Sato, if you're there let me in! - with a touch on the side of the helmet it opened up revealing who was inside.

At my work table I shoved my hand in a draw, grabbed something and I unlocked the door with the lights out.

- Sato?

Right after she put the last foot on the ground the door locked, shutting off the only source of light she had.

- Sato, this is not the time for games.

Blind, she stepped forward one more time. Fighting against the urge to run, I attacked. Coming from below on her point of balance, using all the weight of my body I pushed her to the wall. The sound of metal banging against solid material made my leg shake. She was so much more powerful than me.

- If you move I'll use this little thing to fry you up. - on my hand I had a small device that I wiggled in front of her eyes. - What are you doing here?

- Sato, we don't have time for this!

Before I could react, only using one arm she locked my neck between her elbow and back and slid from under me. When she finished we had switched roles. She had her lower arm pressing my throat just enough that I could feel the tip of the suit's strength. Even though her voice was firm her face showed otherwise. She was calm but I could see she had an urgency to her tone.

- Get your hands off them! - Eyes burning with something I didn't recognize, Louise had left the place I asked her to stay hidden and was standing behind officer Abrom.

Surprised with the unexpected third party, she backed up against the door. Feeling a lump where the metal arm was, I swallowed, trying to recompose myself. Louise was standing by me armed with nothing but her fists. I didn't possess any weapons, at least not conventional ones which, in that moment, made me feel ridiculous.

- Loo- She couldn't finish. Underneath us, on the previous floor, a thunderous noise shattered the air of the room. On the instants that followed silence reigned, just to be taken down by the terrifying sound of screaming.

Every part of my body was on alert, still I couldn't move or talk. The only thing I felt was a crushing pressure on my chest so absolutely strong that I thought I was gonna lose consciousness.

- Sato, please! - among the darkness, her eyes found me. Except they didn't have the same sparkling green color that I so often found myself intrigued by. In their place, a foggy shade of gray reached out to me. With all I got I held on to it for the sake of my sanity.

- Lead the way.

The line that tied me to her was cut by the closing of her helmet. She nodded and I opened the door. Ready to walk out I was detained by Louise's hand on my shoulder.

- Kid, are you sure? - I didn't have the answer to that question and neither had the time to look for it. The Force was in the slums and it was no longer safe to be there.

- We have to.

With a light squeeze she let go and we abandoned my fortress unsure of what awaited for us.

Outside the white smoke had completely covered the slums, blinding the view to anything other than our own feet. To let go of the anxiety and brush the screaming away I breathed in deeply. As soon as the air reached my lungs it felt like I had just inhaled iron. My chest suddenly weighed hundreds of kilos and my vision was blurry.

- Don't! - down at the corner, the Officer shouted in a repulsive mechanic voice.

Dizzy, I leaned over the cold balcony for support. My lungs didn't feel heavy anymore but my head was confused. Thoughts were disconnected and my sense of location was shut off. Distant cartoon voices kept resonating in my mind.

With every second that went by more thoughts drifted away. A darkness laid over my eyes, making it impossible for me to open them. I was about to give in when, all of the sudden, an electric shock lighted up my brain. My vision focused again, revealing a familiar and very worried pair of green eyes.

- What happened?

- You inhaled the tranquilizing gas, you dumb child. - next to me, Louise was holding my face. Her hands were cold and, maybe it was the drug but I could swear she was shaking.

Mysteriously to me, I found myself sitting on the floor. Supported by Louise, I got up a little weak on the knees.

- I gave her the mask. Now that you've had the antidote the gas won't affect you.

Back at Louise I noticed the change. An electronic mask protecting her eyes and mouth. It was different, more advanced. It explained why the people on the streets didn't stand a change against that white gas. Not even the masks could stop it.

- Do you know how to get out of here without using the streets? - back at the corner with the helmet on she was no different from any of the cops I had seen in my life.

I turned to Louise who was looking straight at me the whole time.

- Are you afraid of heights?