
The Absence: 03

On the way upstairs my eyes rushed through the furniture and walls. The windows were all closed and the curtains blocked most of the light before it could reach us. It was so dark only the kitchen lights were illuminating the rest of the house.

- This is gonna be one awkward lunch to say the least. - Louise let out near the top, not sounding excited or anxious.

- Lunch? - I raised my head as if looking at the speaker would give sense to the words.

- Don't tell me she's gonna stay longer…

For the remaining steps I held tight onto the handrail. In that moment it felt like the hardest material on Earth and I was the weakest being to have lived on it.

- I… She is leaving the Force. - maybe my expectations were off but Louise didn't manifest any reaction to my statement. I could hear the sound of her silence and feel the weight of her blunt eyes.