
Among Them: 02

On the other side we ordered a car to get to the top tier. It would be a longer trip than if we had used the train but it was much safer. Public transportation was covered with cameras equipped with all sorts of recognition softwares, everything available to the Force. Since the Officer was so worried with the cops it meant they were probably searching for her, after all she left the combat and did not report back to base. Not only we were being hunted by hitmen from an unknown organization but the Force was also on our trail.

By the time we reached our destination we were in the core of Tier-1. And by that I mean in the highest priced section of the entire city. Only citizens of great rank were allowed to live there, such as artists, business people and, of course, politicians. A person had to be a part of the elite to own an address in that corner of the island.

Even Louise, who had been distant the whole time got curious, tilting her head backwards trying to see the end of the building in front of us. People were walking by in waves, chatting outloud and laughing, probably intoxicated from all kinds of drugs and alcohol they could afford. The Officer stepped up and typed a password into an electronic doorman on the building wall.

- These damn ads cover everything. - the farmer was still looking up at the sky completely blocked by holographic banners.

- If you're rich enough, you can live abov'em.

In the meantime, while we stared at the constantly popping ads, Officer Sun had already passed through the x-ray door and was waving at us to follow her.

I walked by the thing closely followed by Louise. My tongue was itching to make the question but that wasn't the appropriate location to do so. Everything we didn't need was some awkward conversation on the elevator about how the hell did she have access to such a place. We had to at least pretend that we belonged because, by the way we were dressed no one would take us for top tier residents.

Several floors later, we left the empty steel box to enter a small hall with only two doors. Louise and I stayed quiet under the blue lighting, holding our breaths among the tense silence that surrounded us ever since we entered the building.

A lot of typing on the digital lock was made before the door opened and we shoved ourselves in as if a ghost was after us. The room was totally hidden in shadows until Officer Sun hit the lights, revealing an enormous loft.

Slowly, blackout filters started to dissolve on the walls, giving place to a wide view of the street.

- How high are we? - drawn by the lights, my feet started moving towards the ad free image.

- 31th floor.

Blue, pink and purple lights kept popping on and off only a couple of meters below us. Their sheen was so bright it colored all the buildings for more than fifteen floors beyond us. Still, it was magic to see zero advertisements about futile plastic surgeries or synthetic drinks. When I realized, I was already glued to the glass with the Officer right behind me. Watching the dancing lights resisting Tier-1's darkness was a blessing that made me forget why we were at that place.

- One floor makes a huge difference. - I said in a whisper to myself.

- Turns chaos into a captivating spectacle.

Like a breach in space time, it was if a whole new person was beside me. The tone of her voice combined with hazy eyes made the Officer a simpler woman, non threatening at all, almost like an open book that one could read from cover to cover with no trouble. Such thoughts pushed me away from the lights, making me fall back into reality with the punch of a blue BFS followed by all the other tragedies that happened in the past twenty four hours.

- Sorry to interrupt the "moment"… - the familiar passive-aggressive voice made me look back and step away from the window. - but is there a room I can use to wash up?

- Of course… - she walked away from me heading to the other end of the room. - The bedrooms are in this hallway. Each one with a private bathroom. Feel free to choose the one you like best.

- Thank you, Officer.

- Please, call me Sun. - there she was again. The same soft voice.

Louise nodded and hentered the hallway on her left, disappearing behind the furthest door she could find. The farmer was visibly tired and shaken. My first impulse was to do something to try and cheer her up but good sense kicked in. I remained in my place, alone with the Officer who was standing meters across from me, by a fancy black kitchen.

We watched each other for some time before she entered the kitchen and opened the fridge. I missed my tiny apartment. Back there everything was so cramped that it kept my emotions and thoughts from wandering out into the dark. In that gigantic loft, with walls so high I could fit three of mine piled up, my mind was on the loose.

Already done picking up stuff in the cabinets, the cop placed two cups on the counter and filled it with a dark liquid. It was an invitation to approach. I was resistant but still walked up to her.

- Coke is the only thing I have here. - she sipped the liquid then blinked a couple of times with a grimace. I couldn't help not to smirk. - I'm guessing you won't have a problem with it…

- No… - I pulled a chair to sit. - I mean, that thing has been the same for centuries now, but I do like mine with a bit of lemon juice.

Shaking her head in disapproval, she pushed me my drink just to let out a tiny smile when I grabbed it. I could count in one hand the amount of times we had a conversation that didn't involve life and death matters.

- Go ahead. - she said after another sip.

- What? - I asked with watery eyes from the carbon.

- Ask me.

- Officer, if you want to tell me, I will listen, but if you rather keep that info to yourself be sure that I understand. - the enormous room was so quiet I could hear the sparkly mini bubbles popping nonstop in my cup. I was locked inside my brain, forced to hear my own breathing and my heartbeat accelerate with every second.

- If you're gonna trust me with Louise's safety I think you are entitled to know… - her words were directed to the piece of glass over the black counter. She brought her eyes up to face mine and continued. - Everything.