
Dive in

- Because they had us the moment we went to that hospital. - The adrenaline drove the pain away and I firmed myself on the ground with both feet. - I'm a product, Officer Abrom, property of Tier-1 Inc.. - I couldn't hold it in anymore so I spread my arms saying out loud what the entire city thought of me. - My DNA is patented and linked to a database. When we left they were already on to us.

- You should have told me. - Armed still crossed in front of her body, although her shoulder relaxed making her eyes flicker.

- They were probably listening to us. - Mimicking her, I crossed my arms and turned around to go back to my table. - I had to improvise.

- Right… - She said before dropping her guard and entering the bathroom.

That woman was carving her way into me. One loud sign later I turned to my screens. Louise had replied.

"Kid, I'm relieved to know from you.

The company here is wonderful.

Keep me updated!"