
Burn it All Down

Seventy six years before I was born, the government of the city was sold to private initiative and Tier-1 became the first state city in nearly 2.600 years. As the Island became a business it created many projects using the population as experiments, lab-humans. The girls were born as a part of the 2.0 Units, which was the second upgrade to the cloning program of the Tier-1 enterprises. 


Their mother, Maria, actually adopted them three years ago. Adopted is a strong word, it implies legal affairs and there was nothing legal about their situation. Maria was a teacher in her late forties that took them in after a Mask mission to free copies used as slaves in a recycling factory. 

On that day I was still involved in the Mask rebellion and was present on the attack, to my disgrace. It was the day I decided not to be a blind soldier anymore.