
Sometimes I hate iron for not being steel

Sometimes I hate my smile for not being real

Sometimes I hate you so very much

That I wish that I could just leave you in the dust

Sometimes you make me feel like I want to die

But I'm unable to fly

Why do I feel like I'm just your toy?

A puppet that's lost all its strings

Why do I feel so worthless next to you?

Why do I always feel so inferior when you always say that I'm better than you?

Why do I always feel like a bird that refuses to fly

Even though it's wings are fine?

Why do I feel like I've been punched a hundred million times?

Why do I wish that I wasn't even alive?

Why do I feel like a fraud in a prom dress?

I'm just you jester, dancing on stage

I think I've had enough

I just wish I'd disappear

'Cause you've never really seemed to ever care