Chapter 6 Check Mate

My vision fades in and out, and I know my time is near its end, but there were two paths where either I become King or, she becomes Queen. And thats the only thing I need to know, because that means if she dies before me I will live and if I die she will live. Two futures means two possible outcomes, all I can do as of now is root for my friends and hope for the best.

I Sit back and watch as the battle for peace or fear begins.

Gil, Kira, Terrence, Isabella and Greg all stand in front of me, all with faces showing nothing but determination. Kira looks back at me and smiles and mouths the words, "Try to stay alive, at least for me..." I nod slowly and she turns back as Gil says, "Guys unlike any school assignment this has no plan, but strive for the best. DO NOT DIE!" They all run off in different directions Arion Starts to chase Gil, they arent moving as fast as they can, I smile as I realize Arior really wants a fight not a instant win. All of a sudden they all vanish and my Dad appears and hes floating upside down, "I took everyone away from earth, they are in the Altron Galaxy on the Deserted planet that was formed from when the Central star went supernova." I Glare, "Now how am I suppost to know whats going on?" I see a blinding light as I see the 8 gods, 10 counting Mom and Dad, both my parents are smiling...

My mom walks over to me and runs her hand through my hair, messing it up. She smiles, "So, after a bit of talking me and your father realized something, This was never your fight, It was theirs, Your a god not a Mortal, its up to them to decide their fate, not you." I glare, "I still want to see, I don't want my friends to die..." Dad then says with a big grin, "Thats why we are here, as Gods we have the ability to create anything and do anything, but with limitations, but when we are all together we can achieve anything at all. We will allow you to see through her eyes, and think as her." I frown, "That breaks so many laws..." Mom then says, "Did you ever wonder why Gods have children instead of create them?" I shrug, "I kind of knew, but tell me, I might be wrong."

Mom then says, "First off Artificial Gods have one Goal unless they are created on the same day as their maker, when they arent they have one Goal, domination, that is why you were born not created." I sigh, "So is that why even tho I have dads powers mine aren't as strong?" She smiles, "My point is, You have a balance of my powers and your fathers, which is why you can controll yourself. Artificial Gods are power hungry from the fact that they are so strong they have no care for anything else. Now that ive told you that ill let you know that law you said we'd be breaking only is in place under one circumstance, it only is in effect if both beings were born not created." I nod, "So... now can you all just do it?" My mom smiles, "yeah but their are kids present..." I growl and she laughs, "Im only joking, yes we can link your consciousness to hers, We will do it when your ready."

I nod letting them know Im ready and within seconds my vision goes dark and... I can see them!

(To all the readers the rest of this chapter will have Arion as the main character, I thought I would clarify that as to not confuse you. Your welcome)

I groan from the pain in my legs, 'If it wasn't for that dumb girl, I wouldn't have to fight them, I could have just killed him... but nooo....' I look at them and quickly learn their names. Terrence dashes at me and Makes a Spear out of light and throws it at me, and I easily dodge it, "Your pathetic!" I yell as Im pushed back by a shockwave. Greg kira and isabella are sitting back, 'Wow such cowardess.' I think to myself and then I feel I spear of light thrown at me from the left and I dodge it as well. Gil Starts to exert another shockwave and it knocks me down and I slide between three spears. I stand up and Gil is in front of me and Punches me down.

He attempts to punch me again, but I catch his fist and slam it into a light spear, giving me time to get up while he frees himself. Kira dashes forward and I watch her make a blade out of darkness and she slashes at me and cuts my arm wide open and it goes limp. She Continues to slash at me and manages to get my other arm as well, I start to turn back time on my arms and im hit down by a Gust of wind. Gil frees himself and jumps back, Terrence throws another spear and creates a Circle of them around me, He then raises his hands and makes a barrier if ligh trapping me. Greg then Creates a Giant flat rock and I know what they did, they tricked me. They had a plan from the start, thats why Isabella, Greg, and Kira didn't join in until now..

I Watch as he slowly attempts to crush me, I turn back time on my arms and Raise my hands and try to stop the rock, My feet are pushed into the ground, I hear a snap as my foot breaks and I scream. I keep trying to stop the rock, but im getting nowhere... I hear another snap and I know im doomed, my wrists are starting to fail me, If I don't get out now then their is nothing I can do.. I summon all the energy I can and I start to push the rock up, Then I hear Greg yell, "Noo shes going to break free unless you guys do something!" And I know im running out of time, its now or never then all of a sudden I feel all of the power leave my body and I hear a voice, "Im sorry baby girl, but you have lost, You put up a good fight, but your brother has won, when I altered his friends DNA, I did something I knew you wouldn't expect, I gave them your brothers powers, not all of them only what he was unable to use because of his limiter. My point is, the reason to why I allow them to fight his fight is because they are him, The rules of a Divine battle are a person must put the other in checkmate, and he has, even if its not actually him, even his powers count! You should know that!"

I Scream with anger, "Dad you tricked me! You played me! You used the loophole to completely Screw me over! I hate you!" I hear a laugher and my powers begin to completely fade and my strength leaves me, The rock begins to finish me off, its slow, painful, and Unfair... "No... I might die, but I will live on, Inside the back of my brothers mind, With my dying breath I swear, Even after death I will make his life a living hell, I swear to you Arcinon, you will never be happy as long as you are living!" I use the last bit of my Powers to force my consciousness into Arcinons brain, "Dad, you used your loophole to kill me so ill use mine to live on, even if all I can do is tell Arcinon to do what I... wait I don't feel his consciousness..." I hear a voice "Welcome to my thoughts, baby girl, I had every bit planned out, and since Arcinons consciousness is linked to yours right now your powers directed you to my brain. Check mate."