Its been a year since our... their victory against Arion, and within that month a lot has happened, Gil started dating a girl named Reina, Greg decided to help with fire fighting, Kira signed up to join the military as a Seal, Isabella.. well... She just practices her makeup... Terrence joined the basketball team, and I have been sending the President and our Government emails, All of which begging to give me an excuse to go back to S.N.A.M.P.A. and... Hey I got an Email notification! Aaaaand I've been blocked by both the President and the Government... So much for gratitude... Well I better get to school..
I walk to my first class of the day, which is Geometry, as I walk in I am waved to by 3 girls Kira, Isabella and someone I have yet to see... 'Time to read her thoughts' I think to myself as I approach. The girl smiles at my and I listen in, "He's kinda cute, although his eyes are a little creepy, but hey he's a God, just play it cool... maybe he will be your boyfriend.. hopefully..' Within two seconds Kira and Isabella are glaring at me..
Kira speaks up annoyed by me "Listening to May's thoughts huh? You never change, your still as untrusting as ever! If you don't trust her then don't talk to her, thats how I see it." My mouth drops as I try to figure out what I did wrong, "B-but I-I always read peoples minds before I be-befroend them... Also she just wants me to be her boyfriend... Therefore if you guys are against me... Th-Then Screw you!" I sit in my seat and Gil runs in, "woah I could hear Kira yelling from 4 halls down, whats going on???"
I get up and start to leave the classroom, "Gil, Im not mean I just don't trust girls unless they actually want to be my friend.." Gil stops me and says with a smile, "I know that, why would I think your mean?" I shrug and say while I push passed him, "Ask our friends, they apparently disagree with you." I hear Gil start talking to Isabella as I walk away. Instead of leaving school I had just gone to the bathroom, then walked back to class. My teacher Mr. Nishira had already marked me tardy..
I sit in my seat and then in the Corner of my eye see something glow red, I quickly turn and its already gone, but it came from May's direction.. I eventually shrug it off and do my homework as I finish I look up and May is Staring at me and she says with a grin, "So.. you enjoy your friends turning on you?" I watch as her eyes glow red faintly and Isabella says for the class to hear, "Mr. Nishira Arcinon is cheating on his homework, hes asking May for the answers.." I quickly jump up from my seat, "Your lieing, Why would I need to cheat?"
First the room is silent then I hear a loud boom and Mr. Nishira begins to yell at me, "Arcinon Tasfarion cheating is unacceptable, even if you are a God, in my class you are and will be treated as if you were normal, So bring up your work I will be putting in a zero. And if you do this again you will fail my class, Understand?" I glare at Isabella then realize why May asked me if I enjoyed my friends turning on me, Its because of her, she did it but how... I close my eyes and use my Universal knowledge, but Nothing comes to mind.
I then hear a voice in my head, "So pretty boy, you enjoy having a Goddess as an enemy? Arion was my personal friend, so how about I make a deal with you I kill Gil and we are even, Sound fair? Does it?" I open my eyes and I see May smirking, she then mouths the words 'Answer the question' My mouth drops as I then say in my head, 'No, you cannot kill my friend, I won't allow you too.' May then replys outloud, "Ok Arcinon if you wont take my offer then prepare for a life of hell, because I will make sure I use your friends as a tool, after all Mortals and humans aren't supposed to live together, you know that, don't you?"
I nod my head and break eye contact just to stare at my desk, I have lost this battle. The class then says in unison "Arcinon before you think about trying to stop me consider this, The only ones free from my Will bend ability are gods, So all your friends except that Gil, hes going to be a pain, So unless you want your friends and classmates to die and have all evidence point to you, i'd suggest you just sit back, get tortured and allow yourself to take this loss. Understand?"
Im in absolute shock and Im terrified, If she can take control of a whole group of people at one time how can I stop her? I lay my head on my desk and try to think, 'What can I do? I want to say this is all some kind of joke, or maybe just a dream...' I quickly pinch my arm 'Ouch... nope not a dream.. well if im not dreaming and she can link her thoughts to mine then there is no way this is a joke..
I sigh and nod once again, Then I pray to my dad, "Dad... why should I do? I dont want my friends to die, but I don't want to lose either... what can I do? Please Dad... please tell me.." All of a sudden the ground trembles and my dad appears, "Whats the problem son.... Your here? I warned you to stay away from Arcinon, this is your own fault." He raises his hand and May begins to fade away but right before she is gone it reverses and my dad drops to the ground no longer floating, "Oh no... Arc... we have a problem... shes reached Godhood and with me attempting to erase her I just lost my powers.."
Dad then gets up and says, "With me being the Omi god my power loss is temporary, but this is still bad.." May stands up and kneels infront of my Dad, "My king, No need to worry I will not harm you, mainly because I dont want to start a war between me and the other Gods, but I will inform you that your son Arcinon will be under my control or his friends will die, now I will not and cannot use my ability on him, but I can use his emotions to blackmail him, and that is in no way war worthy, in fact your words have been that mortals are nothing more than pawns and tools on your chessboard. So with that in consideration to declare war on me because of my actions is treason on your own legalization."
I look at my father and say, "You see what happens when you objectify those who are beneath you? This is your fault dad, she has used your own words to put us in check, and unless you have a solution we have lost.. Please tell me you have a solution, you do don't you?" My dad looks at me then looks away, It is at that moment I know It is up to me. I look at May, "How about a Game? A battle just like the one me and Arion had, that fine with you?"
She smiles grimacingly, "Yet but I would like to add a rule, it will be only me and you, you may use your powers and I may use mine, since my powers involve breaking the will of others I may bring outside sources while using my powers, but since your powers don't work like that or more along the lines of you morals won't allow you to do it you may fight alone, and only alone, Deal?" I look her im the eyes, "Deal."