Chapter 8 Packing up the Past

"Normally this is the part of the story in which the hero prepares their ultimate plan but this isnt some fairy tale im just fucked... Dad.. what am I to do? If I fight back I lose my friends if I run away I lose my friends... What should I do?" I say as I try to stuff my recently purchased nintendo switch into my suitcase

My dad looks at me and coughs, "Ehem.. well.. I guess you could.. hm... ok I got nothing.. Wait did you try challenging her to a game of Go fish? Winner take all?"

I glare at him, "Oh greaaaat idea dad, she'll definitely place her future on the line for a fucking game of Go fish... So much for The Omni God..." I sigh and look put the window then start to walk out the door and suddenly I trip over someones leg.

"HEY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING I SHOULD ERASE YOU FOR THAT!" Fury burning in my eyes I raise my hand to erase him and nothing happens, I look at my hand then back at him, "Ok what the fuck?"

I soon stop trying to erase my fellow classmate and he Laughs, "Your Arcinon right?"

I blink twice then look back at my dad who also seems confused and gives me a dumb look as he shrugs. I look back at the stranger and say awkwardly, "Yeah..? whats it to you?" He smiles at me and reaches his hand out

"My names Landon, Im a fellow full blood god!" I sigh then look back at my dad who has a new face of recognition, "Really? You supposedly know everyone and yet you didnt know him?" Dad Laughs, "Ha speak for yourself you have complete universal knowledge too." I shrug then say "Come in.." and he begins to talk my head off...

"My name is Landon, Im the son of Alizatia and Ragnorok. Hense the Light Green hair and Glowing green eyes. Your probably wondering why I am here, am I correct, nevermind of course I am. Well as you know every god has their own unique power, you have attraction, creation, and Destruction as well as the rest of them... but the normal gods have their own unique power mine is Future sight..." He says and I cut him off going to punch him and he predicts it and twists my arm causing me no pain but a red mark... "Ok continue.." I say realizing hes serious

"I see two paths one of great disaster, and the other of triumph but for some reason no matter what I do I see the path of disaster to be prominent... why is that?" he asks me

I look at him and say with a sigh that seems to go on for a lifetime, "Long story short a friend of my evil sisters was pissed about her death and is now dedicating her life to causing me nothing but pain and misery..."

He laughs histerically for a few seconds then says sincerely, "Oh.. your serious... well... Have you tried playing Go fish to get her to give up?" My dad slams his fist against a table, "SEE I FUCKING TOLD YOU!! You should listen to me more often!" I Facepalm and glare at Landon "Mother fucker... this isnt some funny joke." He smirks and I frown, "What? Is there something on my face?"

He smiles and points to my whole face, "Yeah you got a whole bunch of denial right in that general direction." I punch him through the wall and he jumps through the hole, "Worth it." My dad just starts dying of laughter and then there is a knock on the door then 3 footsteps and I see gills head pop through the hole in the wall, "What the fuck?!? Daddy Tasf why are you here and whos the new guy? MOTHER FUCKER IVE BEEN REPLACED!" he jumps through the hole and my dad is rolling on the floor crying from laughter.

Gil gets on his knees, "Im sorry Arc I dont know what I did but im sorry.." I start to see crocodile tears forming in his eyes and I roll my eyes at him, "Shut up and stop your fake apology you havent been replaced and Im not mad at you..." He lets out a sigh of relief then says, "So... why is this guy here? And why is daddy Tasf sitting at your desk with a 3 minute microwave pizza chillin?" I look at my dad and sigh...

"Long story short evil sisters friend threatened my friends after evil sister died in battle of gods." He places a finger to my lips, "You mean May? oh shes hot isnt she, oh i see thats why Tasf is here hes trying to secretly get in on the action am I right?" I hear a thud and a gurgling noise as my dad pukes all over Gil, I look at my dad and say, "If that vomit didnt tell him he was way off from the truth nothing will..." Gil looks at the ground and says, "On one hand the Omni god threw up on me.. on the other hand..." I hear another gurgling sound as Gil breaks through the door running through the halls to a bathroom. Landon then says, "Neat friend you got their a real charmer am I right?" I sigh and say as I look at him, "I know the answer, but feel obligated to ask anyways, are you allowes to tell me what I need to do to put an end to this mess?" Landon looks at me and says, "The answer is no, you know that, but... i can give you a slight hint as to what you need to do." he hands me a piece of paper, the paper reads, "You need to kill her, but in order to do that you need to think of a way to get her to lower her guard." i look at him and say, "Why cant you just tell me this shit?"

Landon starts to laugh and then says, "Hey I don't make the rules nor break them, i just loophole them, i cant tell you what to do, but i can give you a piece of paper that says what you need to do." my dad stops vomiting and says, "thanks for the help you assholes.. i was choking on a piece of pizza, i didnt throw up from the may thing, i threw up from the damn pizza in my throat.. didn't you guys hear me?"

i look at my dad and start to laugh causing him to flip me off, i then hear Landon say, "So thats the famous omni god.. to be honest its kind of sad to watch... what happened to him?" I sigh, "He lost his powers, its temporary, but until they return he has to crash with me..." Landon then says, "Your powers appear to return in a few days."

My dad then says, "How do you know that?" Landon then replies with "Simple your not in the house anymore." I then say with a laugh, "Woah woah woah, are you sure I didnt just kick him out?" Landon and my dad both start dieing of laughter and my dad then says with tears of joy, "Thanks for the support Arc, I reaaaly appreciate it!" I chuckle and then Gil walks in the room with a smile, "I just threw up in the womens lockeroom, and i have to say despite all the slaps from all the women I enjoyed myself." I face palm and my dad starts to laugh hysterically

When the day was finally done it was time to begin planning. Gil, Dad, and Landon who is eating popcorn all stare at me, then say in unison, "So... whats the plan?" I look up at them with a grin and say with the most confidence I have ever had, "I have no Idea."