Exam Stage 3 Start!

After Exam Stage 2 passed, the Supreme Master led them to the Virtual World with his magic.

All the participants enter a particular room designed by him. He began chanting a special magic spell. They are instantly moved into a unique virtual dimension. On the other hand, a particular puppet troop was on standby.

"Welcome to my Virtual World. You are all in my Virtual Box Land. Everything that happens here is real, not an illusion. Now is the time for the Stage 3 Physical and Magical Examination." Said the Supreme Order and ordered the puppets to be on standby in battle.

The Fighter, Assassin, Marksman, and Tank performed a physical test against a powerful Saitama-shaped bald puppet created by the Supreme Master. For Magicians and Support, each of them is directed against magic puppets with extreme magic power.

"Show me your strength!! You may cooperate, but the adversary will be twice as powerful." Uttered Supreme Master.