Supreme Master's decision

In the Palace Workroom, the Supreme Master continued his statement... Nina, Aldo, Saito, Ria, Morine, Liana, and Aldo stood before him.

"Next up is Liana. You're a user of illusion, imagination, and dream magic. This magic could interrogate people. This is scarce and powerful magic. In the future, I believe this magic will become much stronger."

"Thank you, Master, for entrusting this position to me." Said Liana, who smiled and winked.

"And Saito. Even though you're a new guy, you have a potent Machine Maker Magic Ability. You are extremely skilled at evaluating battle scenarios and are capable of building Vulnerability Robots. This is a bonus since you also have a high mana capacity as a mage class."

"The official approval will be held at Academic Legends. Especially for Saito, you will become a secret squad. You don't need to participate in this legalization process."

"Why, Master?" Saito asked who was dumbfounded.