

His eyes were like those bright green mosses we where never allowed to touch in middle school yet with a creamy hue. I couldn't really make out the colour of his hair in the car so much for the dark interior but I could tell it had this I just had sex look to it ..... a little rumpled with a strand coming down to his left eye.

"Hey!" His hard eyes were still trained on me and I couldn't help but shiver.


I plopped on my elbow and wiped the drool at the corner of my mouth. I wasn't really sure if it was from the quuck nap or from the intense oggling. "Ummmm who are you? Where is Owen?" I raised my undex finger almost poking him in the eye with my pink acrylic nail. The proximity was quite weird for two strangers and it made me more edgy second by second. Thank God I wasn't white if not I would have been pink all over.

"Who am I?? I asked you the question first? What are you doing in my truck?"

"Don't speak to me in that tone. Is this a prank? Where is Owen for God's sake?" I screeched annoyingly hoping for Owen to pop out ftom nowhere and save the day.Mr Stranger got out of his car and I heard the back door open. I hurriedly reached for my sunglasses to shield my eyes from the bright California sun.

He sighed heavily hoping to draw my attention " I don't know who you are or what you're doing in my truck but I would like you to get out. Look" He gestured towards the dingy old building in front of us "That's a motel. You can spend the day there,eat, get some rest,make sone friends and probably call someone to pick you up."

I took a second look at the building . It had a cracked walls, little vines growing from one end to the other not the attractive ones you have in your garden rather the ones you see in a horror movie. I smelled the stench of pee and ammonia.

Wait is that a snake???

Ooohhhh just a worn out cable. I breath a sigh of relief as I turned back to my only hope of getting out of here.He has got to be kidding me. I huffed like a spoilt teenager as I tightened the seatbelt around my waste." Ain't no one gonna kick me out of this vehicle till Owen comes. If this is a joke, I just want to let you know that this is not the first of April. Don't try shit with me boy!"






I looked back and saw him carrying my luggage out of his trunk.

This is not a joke alright!


"Pleaseeeee! Pretty pretty pleaseee! Don't leave me here." I started to fake cry just to get Abel to drive me out of the disgusting motel.

Yup! That's his name.


He didnt behave like one though. Even his appearance looked like a cain.

" I am sorry Luiz it's not happening."

"It's not Luiz its Louise." I rolled my eyes at his measly attempt to deviate from the topic.

"I don't trust you. You might be a con artist or a hooker. Or anything apart from innocent. Most of all none of these adds up. If you are as rich as you tell me why can't you use your car or something."

"I am not a fucking hooker!"I threw my hands on the car to maintain my balance after the heels started to weaken my balance. It was rather infuriating trying to convince this thwart that I meant no harm. Trying to convince him to continue the journey will take a little more effort.

"So that's all you picked from what I have been saying."" Yes,that's the only thing that rung through dearie. Okay how about I pay you."

"I don't need your money."He fluttered his long eylashes making sure the disdain in his words rang through. He was a tough nut to crack for sure but if I could leave with my mom I could definitely mould this one here. He threw his car keys into his pockets and strutted off leaving me to drown in my tears.

If only Owen didnt have to use the bathroom I would have been safe. I took my phone for the third time trying to get a signal but there was no connection. It was obvious there wasn't going to be a signal. It was like a ghost town or something.

I removed my Jimmy Choo heels and changed to some trainers. It had been ten minutes since Abel entered there and I was beginning to get worried that my only chance of escape might have been murdered by bandits. I scurried towards the diner part of the motel hoping to find probably a salad . I held my purse tightly to my chest looking around for any sign of theives or strays.

I took in the interior of the dinner which was nothing like the exterior. The smell of patties wafted through my nostrils and my mouth watered at the Deluxe menu of a giant stack of pancakes with my favourite chocolate sauce and a strawberry latte.

I am home baby

I am home.


I scrunched my nose up trying to eat the fries without using my hand. Abel sat beside me with his huge plate of waffles and chocolate syrup and a medium sized cup of black coffee. The waiter chuckled looking at me trying to scoop some syrup from Abel's plate after finishing my rather humongous dish. Abel thwarted my hands away trying to fight back the grin threatening to spill. Who would have thought a good meal would have helped him come to terms with the fact that I deserved to be treated nicely.

"So where are you headed to?" I asked steal trying to reach for the piece of waffle covered with syrup but he kept pushing my hands away. "Honeycoast." He said as he picked the peice I was aiming for and ate it up. I scowled not because of the syrup but because he was acting all cold and contained. He looked void of emotion as I took in his appearance in the daylight. His eyes looked happy but his mouth was pulled into a straight line although his lips were indeniably plump. The long legs were quite exquisite trying to push through the little space between the stool and the table..... scratch that he had legs for days mehn. Don't let me even start abot the flawless skin. That got me wondering if he ever dealt with acne as a teenager. Then the last stop the hair couldn't really make out the colour it was supposed to be blonde i guess but it didnt quite look the part.

"It's ginger."

"Really? I could almost swear it was blonde." I widened ny eyes in disbelief ."Did you dye it?""Nope".

"I would kill to have your hair."

He grinned and looked at me "Trust me you're not among the first hundred to tell me that. "

" No shit sherlock."

"Touche!" He glanced sideways at a cat trying to roll itself into a furbull.Finally his eyes settled on me and he kept on staring. I shuffled in my seat trying to avoid his gaze. " Its rude to stare you know."

"Says the girl who has been analysing my features all morning. Model?"

"All morning pffft I beg your pardon."I rolled my eyes trying to avoid the little blush staining my cheeks.Did he just call me a model?

"So you're not a model." He squinted his eyes more and more.

"No,didn't think I looked the part."

He pulled his lips inbetween his teeth looking at his empty coffee cup.

" You kinda do.How about we make a deal?"

I folded my hands trying to make out what sort of trick he had up his sleeve. Not like i have any other choice than to listen. He was practically my ticket out of here.

"Sure go on."

He cleared his throat and dropped a tip in the jar at the side of the wall."I will take you to the next town and drop you there then you find your way from there."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all."

I squinted my eyes." So you have nothing to gain from this bargain?"


"Is that a question or an answer?"

Abel heaved and looked to the side then back to me."What do you want?"

"What do I want? What do you want?""Is it so unimaginable that I would want to help you?" He bounced his feet on the ground. Seconds turned into minutes, we kept on gazing at each other waiting for who is going to break and Alas! It was I. "Thank you very much and don't you dare kidnap me."

He stretched his hands forward as a sign of truce and my hands quickly found his light grip. I gasped as I felt a mild spark between our fingers. I looked at him even as his face had a full blown smile on it I couldn't help but swoon. We soon snapped out of our reverie as we heard the breaking of glass. Much soon, two men bounced inside the diner with masks and big batons. The fat one screamed " Everyone lie flat on the ground,your hands up in the air and you better be quiet." He clicked his tongue in distaste.

It's all Abel's fault if only he had just listened to me.

I hate you Owen wherever you are!!!

Dear readers, please endeavour to vote after reading every chapter. Stay safe🙉🙉. Love from jellybean😚😚.