

"Well! What are you waiting for? Put the cash in the damn bag." baldie screamed. He pushed the bag into the cashier's hands and picked up a cup of coffee.

     Turns out they are actually four only one held a gun though. I rubbed my knees furiously trying to block out  the little girl in the next boot muttering 'we are all gonna die'. Somehow I managed to sneak a look at Abel who was thoroughly analyzing the man with the gun.

"Hey Dawg! The manager is playing hide and seek with us." Ine of the robbers said much to everyones hearing. It didn't take rocket science for everyone to know that the guy with the gun was the boss.

    He had a big scar running from his elbow to his wrist spiralling along the way it almost looked lyk a failed tatoo. The boss chuckled " Stupid Guy. Thinking we are all hommies ayeee!" We made eye contact as I visibly cowered . I loved my life and I don't want to die because some stulid manager pissed off a gun weilder.

    "Open the damn thing!!!" bald guy kept on screaming at the cashier.

He stalked accross the room and yanked the other attendant by the collar." Someone better give me the password if you all want to leave without harm."

     That was when the real panick set in. I began to take deep breath through my mouth. A warm hand wrapped around me and held me close." You had better not throw up, honeycakes. I need to leave this place alive."

      I scowled at Abel who was still looking at the man with the gun. His  face looked flushed but still calm even under the intense pressure. Our gazes met and he gave a soft smile of reassurance. I thought I felt butterflies in my stomach till I realized that I needed to throw up........really bad.

         "I don't feel so good." I said aloud as I clutched my stomach and stumbled out of the seats. Everyone scrambled out of my way but someone wasn't lucky enough. Out of everyone there, I just had to hurl my breakfast at the man with the gun.

      "Ooooohhh, I feel better." I moaned after. I looked up at tge masked man and put on a sheepish smile. He grunted some incoherent words . Something around piece of shit I think as he scampered towards the toilet section.

        I remained on that spot feeling another one brewing up my throat. I grabbed the nearest trash can and kept on throwing up till there was probably nothing left in my stomach. I looked at everyone and mumbled          " So much for blending in" before everything turned black.


      I watched as Louise body hit the ground with a thud.

Poor thing.

She had been looking pale since those guys walked in.

I shuffled towards her on my knees and just before I reached her the leader of the robbers cocked the gun at me." Move away boy."

I tilted my head to the side scrutinizing his hold on the gun. Something was not right.

The gun.

He held it like it was paperweight. Either he was strong or the gun was fake.

Or it had no bullets.

We kept in staring at each other like it was a showdown.

The robber moved the gun to his second hands and rubbed the previous hand on his shirt.

Gotcha! He was anxious.

I roared back in laughter and got on my feet. Everyone looked at me.

"At least learn how to hold a gun before using one." I gripped his wrist and pulled the gun away from his reach. Dude began to sweat profusely and beg.

         Ten minutes later , we got them all wrapped up with fishing ropes. So the gun was actually real but had no bullets.

   Nice adventure by the way. I looked towards Louise and found her slightly shifting and pressing her face towards the cold tiles. She rubbed her temple and I found myself looking into her molten chocolate eyes.

I really need to drop her off as fast as I can.

This is not the right time to catch feelings.


    I woke up to the cold floor pressed to my cheeks. It was then the manager rushed in with some cops but seens like the people in the diner had already done all the dirty work and bundled the criminals. So all yhe cops just did were to take them them away.

       I staggered towards the counter still feel dizzy from the yerriblee landing. "Take it easy. I think you have had a concussion." the young server cooed . Her small bony hands rubbed the back of my scalp and lifted my curly hair up chunk by chunk "Seems like you hit your head  pretty bad. I have a fist aid kit right around the corner. Let me go get it."

      I lifted the hair in place and tried to find the location of the bruise. I flinched and gritted my teeth in pain.

"You fell like a log. I was almost contemplating calling an ambulance." Abel pushed through the scattered chairs and climbed on one.

"At least I would be travelling with people I don't doubt." I murmured.

   A playful frown sketched on his face when he tried to look for a fitful comeback but got nothing."Okay,we could do a proper introduction."

"Sorry Abel,not right now. I bashed me head so hard I think I might have lost some memories in there. Don't want me to forget your name do you?"

"Mmmmhhh." He pushed his hair back with his hand and my eyes cut a little writing on his wrists.

      "Hey, I'm back.Lets get that wound cleaned up."she smiled.



      "Sorry" she placed the last bit of bloody cotton wool on the iron tray.

"Thanks?"I gripped her harm to steady myself.

"Its Laurel."she blurted. "I'm Louise." I extended my hands but she pulled me for a hug by surprise.

"That's the least I can do for the girlfriend of our hero."

"Uuuunnnn!? Hero!? Girlfriend?!"

"Yeah, Abel saved the day. We are offering a free lodging overnight till you guys continue your journey. We would have offered some hookers but aince you are his girlfriend we didn't think he needed them."

    Abel cut in right in time" Did I just hear an offering of hookers?"

"Jesus Abellllll that's the only thing you've gotten out of this conversation?" I shaked my head disbelief and turned back to Laurel "Actually, I'm not his girlfriend and he doesn't need any hookers. Right Abel?"

He rolled his eyes and tucked his feet inbetween the seats and the counter."Possessive much."

Laurel kept on looking from I to Abel and let out a deep sigh "I'm sorry for that. We could drop two rooms but they would probably be connected.Its nice meeting you guys. She hurrued away trying to avoid the akwardness."

      My stomach saw it has the right time growl angrily. I blushed profusely seeing that it attracted the attention of a lot of people. "So,what of the gun man? How did you do it? Karate? Or you just struggled till you overpowered him?"

"Calm down Luiz. One question at a time."

"My name is not Luiz. Dont make me pepper spray you ,boy.

"Okay,the gun had no bullets."

"So that's why you were watching him like a hawk." I stroked my chin with my finger looking up.His chuckle startled me " Soooooo you were staring at me. I know I am good looking but that good Luiz?" He smiled smugly and I coughed trying to pushed down the heavy blush.

"Oh!  how did you know it had no bullets?"

His fingers drummed in the counter. "I have my ways. Natural talent of a sort."

I could make out the troubled look on his face like he was reminiscing something painful so I decided not to press further.


          We walked into the lodging building. Seems like we underrated this place after all.

Come on!!

The interior was so sleek. Like in a tree house kind of way. Nice and cozy.

We were directed to the far end of the hallway on the last floor and it open to a big room with two beds and a big bath tub at a corner filled with water and fine chips sandalwood. It had a flimsy cotton material demarcating the room from the bathroom. It looked so mordern.


How was I going to have my bath with Abel in the room?

I shook my head when I noticed how fast Laurel vanished. That girl!!!!

As if sensing my discomfort.Abel considered hanging around the hallway when I had to take my bath.

Such a gentleman.

We soon settled in for the night and hoped for less trouble tomorrow.

"Goodnight Louise."

"Goodnight Abel."I murmured closing my eyes slowly then I realized.

"Oh my God!!!! You said my real name!!"



       Although he was quiet, I could still see the ghost smile accross his lips.
