

Sebastian's POV

          "Sebastian run! Run!! Run!!" Her screams echoed before she turned silent. I looked back to find a hole in her head with blood leaking from it. Her eyes became hollow and she slumped.


Then I woke up.

It wasn't easy. Running.

I felt the wetness on my bed as I adjusted against the bed now soaked in my sweats. I just hope she hadn't heard me. I looked at her in the other end of the room. She seemed to be fast asleep.

The clock read 5:30am.

Few months ago, if anyone told me I would find myself in such a situation I would have laughed but here I am.

Louise moaned and shuffled in her sleep. At least that's what she told me her name was. At first, I thought she might have been sent by Kirović but she seems to be proving me wrong minute by minute.

Quite guardless when she is asleep.

Louise had already found herself on the floor the next time I turned to look at her. Her dark brown curls splattered all over her dark skin. The thick blanket shielded her from the effect of the harsh cold floor and she still didn't wake up in that position. I wish I could sleep like that. Not worrying about everyone I meet being an agent.

I put my head back on the pillow but all efforts to go back to sleep were futile. I wondered if the organisation had already dissolved. They were like family to me. Maya's death was the straw that broke the camel's back.

We thought we wouldn't be found but we never noticed how much Hugo seemed to be drifting apart till the day we discovered he had crossed to the other side.

"Hey you are up already?" Louise struggled to get out of the blanket. She twisted and landed on her back. How on earth did I end up with her?

"Yeah I'm up."

Her eyes trailed down my bare torso the little neon light from outside had helped illuminate. Her face flushed with a little glow. I couldnt really make out a blush on her brown skin but I could tell I did quite a number on her.

She mumbled a few words I couldn't make out before we finally settled at the business of the day."So you are going to drop me off at the next town right?"

I turned to her to give her a full view off my upper body."A promise is a promise. "

"Okay,can you please put on a shirt? "

I shrugged " All my clothes are in the truck." She got up and dragged her feet across the room heading for the door.

        Soon enough,my eyes found her at the parking lot close to the vending machine. Her legs moving really fast, she put her hands in her pocket and whistled the tune of 'three blind mice'.

          A huge grin found its way to my face when she struggled to take two luggages out of the vehicle. It seemed like the day had begun to break immediately her butt hit the cold concrete wet from the after math of the midnight drizzle.


       With the way she is acting,she probably is not a good agent or not an agent at all.

      "Abbie!!!" Louise swung the door open with her left leg holding it in place while she tried to wheel the luggages in.

    "Don't call me that." I tiredly replied trying to turn my head away from the  lightly light entering the room but Louise took it upon herself to make my life a nightmare.

She turned on all the lights and screamed "Rise and shine big boy. We are about to get this show on the road."

"Shut the fuck up slut!!" Some stranger retorted angrily along the hallway but she refused to back down.

"Fuck you!" She swung her hands in the mid air and rolled her eyes probably not expecting the fuck you too she received from another person.

"This is why we need to leave this place Abel. Who on earth uses curse words at 6am?"

I stared at the same girl who just used one a minute ago. So this is what I'm stuck with?

Well,at least it's better than being at the receiving end of a shotgun.

The blanket was ripped off me unexpectedly and I was left to suffer the consequences of the morning cold.

"So I need to take a bath. "

"I am not stopping you." I placed my elbow on the window receiving a little bit of the early morning sun to warm me up.

Wow! That makes me sound like a freaking lizard.


I groaned and walked out of the room "Don't call me that Luiz." I shut the door before she could make a quick comeback.


Louise's Pov

          You know that feeling when you realize that your guardian angel might be the grim reaper.

Yeah,that feeling was exactly what was coursing through my veins.


Such a sweet and charming guy.

Or was he?

I knew it was too good to be true. He treated me fairly if not in the best way possible.

We were almost becoming friends and it hasn't even been up to 48 hours.

      The hot water splashed on my body. The exquisite bath couldn't even relieve me of my worries. It ws shocking how he could detect an empty gun by just looking at how it was held but you know what was more shocking.....

The fact that he had a sniper beneath his car seats. I pulled those luggages hoping to get them out of the car not to get my blood pressure sky rocketing.

I was so foolish to have trusted him seeing that he was a stranger.

For God's sake I only knew his name. Or is that really his name?

I lathered my hair with some coconut milk conditioner while deep in thoughts.

Two big bangs on the door interrupted me and his voice filtered in "Don't take too long. We need to get on the road as fast as possible."

"Okay." I shouted hoping he would be able to hearing from the other side.

Okay Louise.

Now is the time to man up.

I mean woman up.

I climbed over the large flat tub and hurried to get dressed. With an oversized tee, leggings and well fitted trainers, I would be able to outrun my problems mehn!

I braided my hair into two weave tying the tip. I looked at myself in the mirror giving my reflection a little pep talk and I was good to go.

His fresh mint smell was the first thing I picked before my gaze drifted to big green eyes. I assessed him from his wet ginger locks that clung to his forehead to his boots that were almost as brown as the wooden floors.

"Okay let us get our belongings and head out." He commanded. I was too dazed to even comment on it.

The white shirt moved along his skin as he flexed his arm to lift a bag. By the time he was already walking away ,I  was still standing in the same spot.

Let's just say I had it bad for me.

"You coming?"

"Yeah" I hurried along dragging my bag along with me.

     We ate a little breakfast and thanked our host before setting out.

      Entering the car again,all the strange feelings came rushing back to me and I stiffened a little.

"Are you alright?" I peered at him from my peripheral vision.

"Ummmm sure."

      His eyes seemed to scrutinize me for what felt like minutes before he decided to start the engine.

      The truck made a roaring sound and a small part of the steering wheel kept beeping. His hands slid to a small compartment at his side and he pressed a button which shut the beeping off.

     I was pretty sure that compartment doesn't come with a mustang truck but I was just going to let the sleeping dog lie.

  Five minutes on the road and my phone started receiving some signals. Owen's incoming call surfaced on my screen. Seeing his name on my screen made my blood boil.

"Owen!" My lips folded into a grim smile like he could see me. There was a lot of shuffling in the background till he finally answered.

"Hey,sweetie. Hope you are alright?"

I glanced at Abel whose eyes were fixed on the road.

"Mmmhhh I'm good........but you know what will make me feel better?"


"If you could just get bitten by some wild dogs..."I glowered and pushed a single strand away from my face.

He chuckled "Look, I'm sorry. I actually had to monitor you though. I knew I would be in leser trouble if I knew of your whereabouts. Who do you think paid for your acvomodation at the motel?"

"I thought they gave us the accommodation for free?"My eyes widened with surprise.

"No one does those kind of things nowadays. Everyones too busy trying to increase income. Ain't nobody wanna spend money on a couple of strangers."

"So much for appreciation." Abel retorted close to me and maneouvered his way accross the sharp bends.

"That's not the important thing right now. I just want you to know that I will be in the next town in a couple of hours. Get ready to pick me up."

Owen giggled nervously "Yeah about that..."

"What Owen??"

"I can't. My wife is in labour."

"What?" I screeched and Abel visibly flinched at the sound of my voice.

The line went off and I pulled my hair  thinking of how to relay the infornation to Abel.

"So I'm guessing we are stuck uhn??" I  was happy that he had already heard but I guess I was wrong.

We weren't stuck because of Owen's wife,we were stuck because one of the front wheels of the truck just entered a deep pothole.

When you think nothing could go wrong ,a man at the middle of the road began riding to us holding a gun.