Ch. 91 Finding successors

The year began with a slightly gloomier atmosphere around Hogwarts. Student were obviously feeling the stress of being back in class and having homework, with that going double for OWL and NEWT students. But the presence of the Dementors seemed to bring an atmosphere of helplessness to the castle.

So to combat this feeling a little bit, while training my monstrous control and endurance, I decided to let my Patronus fly around to comfort students impacted the most. It's presence helped alleviate the dreadful feelings one could feel due to the many Dementors surrounding the school.

This new year also brought changes to my groups schedule, since we were now studying for NEWT examinations next year. Christian obviously kept Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, but also chose Astronomy, Charms, Transfiguration and Defense against the dark arts. He couldn't continue Potions due to not reaching Snape's requirement of only accepting Outstanding for his NEWT classes, ditched History of Magic as quickly as possible because of the mind numbing boredom he had to endure for the last 5 years, and divination was useless for him so he didn't continue it either.

James was in about the same situation. He continued with Charms, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Transfiguration and Defense against the Dark arts, but dropped Potions, Herbology And History of Magic.

So neither of them technically qualified as Aurors in the future, but they would still be able to more than challenge anyone of them.

But Tory was flawless in her exams. She obviously continued Charms, Transfiguration and Potions to further her own goals, while adding Herbology, Defense against the Dark arts, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. She only dropped History of Magic because it was useless to her and I could teach it better, with much fewer flaws and had more material she could go through if she ever needed to.

My side of things were pretty much the same, I just continued in the classes I would actually get my masteries in. So Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Charms, DADA, Herbology, Potions (much to Snape's loathing), and Transfiguration. Yeah, even I dropped History of Magic since I already know more than the ghost teacher, and better too. So there was no point in wasting time and trying to distract myself from the boredom anymore.

On a side note, apparently I think only Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster are aware of my record shattering grades because of a few looks I've gotten from her, but she simply treated me impartially as before. That meant I could continue on as usual, even if they can't really teach me anything per say, their lectures and experiences allow me to get fresh insights into subjects and spark ideas into my mind. That is one of the reasons why I chose not to graduate early with my grades. The others being my friends and next years events.

The Exchange opened as it did every year now and had succeeded in becoming sort of an established sight in Hogwarts. I was very proud to have made this sort of place, where anyone is welcomed to join and learn. No one tried to hinder it anymore due to the complete fairness for any who wish to come in and improve. The only issue is that I will be leaving Hogwarts next year and I don't want the Exchange to just be a product of my time in Hogwarts, I want it to be there to help students long after I leave. So I began to look for a successor of sorts, with someone in mind already for the job: Cedric Diggory. He is smart, kind and pretty much impartial. He is by far the best candidate to take over and manage the Exchange. And honestly speaking, it's not like he's going to die anymore. I mean, even if I didn't need to participate I doubt he'd be considered a better candidate than any of my friends. So I'm not particularly worried about the guy dying next year.

With my number one candidate chosen, I decided to approach the guy. He was currently chatting with some of his friends in the courtyard, relaxing between classes.

"Hello Cedric, I would like to speak to you in private for a little bit if that is fine with you." I requested politely to him. My sudden arrival made everyone freeze.

"Me? How come?" He asked very surprised. It is understandable because I don't really interact with people unless it's during classes or my extracurricular activities.

"I have an offer for you." I reply, making the teen seriously look at me.

"Alright then. You guys go on ahead." He nodded and told his group of friends.

We headed to the Exchange for privacy, making sure no one could overhear.

"So what's up Aedan? This really isn't like you." Asked a curious Cedric.

"What do you think about the Exchange Cedric?" I simply ask back.

"Eh? Oh. It's a really wonderful concept and Hogwarts needed a place we're students can mingle properly. It also helps a lot of people and promotes hard work and effort, so I think it's brilliant." He answered honestly and with a smile on his face.

"Yes. I really wanted to help others. But I'm worrying about it now." I say with a sigh.

"What's wrong? Is someone trying to shut it down?" He asked seriously.

"No no. Nothing like that. Thank you for caring though. But I'm worrying about it's future." I reply with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" He confusedly asked.

"Next year will be my last Cedric, and I worry about what will happen after me and my friends leave Hogwarts." I clarified for the teen.

"Ok. So what's your plan? And why talk to me about it?" He realized and asked.

"Simply because I want to groom someone to take over and maintain the ideals of the Exchange." I say as I look directly into his eyes.

"You want a successor? Wait a second! You think it's me?!" He understood in utter shock.

"I can think of no one better Cedric. Kind, smart, skilled, hard working and unbiased. You are exactly the kind of person I would love for students to be. And I have always paid attention to the happenings in this room, so I know how you are here at least and that's enough for me." I explain with a smile.

"But I'm not nearly as smart as you, or as strong as you, and I don't have the same feeling of confidence you give off too!" He tried to deny. It is understandable to be worried, I am too much to follow up on.

"You see, that doesn't matter to me at all. I don't want you to become me. I wanted someone with good enough grades, skilled enough in magic and kind enough to help others, those are my requirements to oversee this place. I want someone who can let the spirit of this place carry on after I leave, not replace me." I say honestly to the teen, making him think seriously about my response.

"Can I think about it?" He asked, unable to come to a decision at the moment.

"Of course Cedric. But do not pressure yourself too much. You are my favorite for the position without a doubt, but I also have other options in mind if you decide that it is too much for you. To me it is good that you are hesitating, it means you are giving it proper consideration." I reply kindly.

"Thanks." He said with a small nod and left to think about my answer.

With that discussion done, I got going on a few other projects. One of which was to start my friends on their paths to becoming animagi. They now all had a mandrake leaf stuck to the roofs of their mouths, letting them experience the weird feeling and have begun to chant every morning and evening.

I've also started to push them further now for combat training and using more modded spells. I'm not going nearly as far as I can, but this is a level where they fell great pressure but it's still manageable. It is the right level to stimulate growth. And they've finally begun to learn proper Occlumency. Tory had defenses already due to her family, but they weren't anything special so I helped her remake them properly.

The Dueling club was doing well, and this year Ron was finally able to join. His physical condition was a lot better than when he started following my guide, and he looks like he kept putting effort in during the break, making me glad he had done so. So as the president of the club I started to welcome everyone.

"Welcome everyone, to our Dueling club. Most of you I know from last year, but for our new members and first years, I am Aedan Bones. Professor Flitwick And I founded this club to help students learn the noble art of dueling. We have strict rules on how to behave yourself inside and out of the club. If any believe these rules are made to be ignored you will be very rudely awakened." I say seriously as I speak. We don't want people to believe they can just ignore the conditions which they are to uphold as members.

"This year will be a bit different than the last for one major reason: I will be looking for the future leadership of the club amongst those present. Next year will be my last and I wish to leave this club in the right hands, hence I shall be observing all of your spirits, hard work, skills, personal improvement and characters. I will announce my decision at the end of the year and personally coach them next year. That is all." I announce, causing a wave of rumors and possibilities to spread throughout the castle as they try and guess who it could be.

I have also announced a special class for this year due to the presence of Dementors and the obvious dangers they pose to the student body. Instead of the 'review' which served to counteract Lockharts shit class, I would now hold Patronus lessons. Anyone who wants to learn this difficult Charm is more than welcomed to join in, and since it isn't a destructive spell it can be practiced until they drop.

A week after my announcements started flying around the castle, Cedric came to find me when I was closing the Exchange one day.

"Aedan, I've made my decision." He told me with a look of pure determination.

"Oh?" I raised my eyebrow as I look at him.

"Yes. I'll do it. I'll be your successor and keep the Exchange going." He said seriously.

"Thank you Cedric. And you don't have to worry, I'll warn everyone and coach you for the next two years to make you feel more confident." I comfort him with a gentle smile.

"Alright. I'll look forward to it." He nods and with our little chat done, we head to the Great Hall for food.