Ch. 92 How to be a little bitch

With time passing and everyone having proper classes, it was around this time that third years would start their electives.

On the day Care of Magical Creatures was set to occur for third years, i decided to follow Victoria to the infirmary. I justified it by saying I knew Hagrid was very excited to follow his dream of being the Professor for the class, so he was going to show them Hippogriffs which might not end well, and an unsaid reason I let her know through my eyes.

Now Hippogriffs are great, the only problem is a lazy, pampered showoff, who can't take it when Harry does anything remotely better than him. And instead of improving and showing himself to be better through accomplishments, he only tries to sabotage, mimic or disparage anything that Harry does.

So when I saw a very happy Harry flying across the school grounds and plane over the Black Lake, I knew it was almost time.

And ten minutes later, a rushing Hagrid carrying the moaning pussy known as Draco Malfoy came in. Now I like giving everyone a chance but he doesn't even try to change. He's so obsessed with being better than Harry because he got rejected in first year that he then blinds himself to any opportunity to actually become better than him. I've repeatedly invited him to the Exchange and I told him when the club was recruiting people, but he stiffly rejects the first due to not being able to be a twit to the head boy, and just expects to have a spot saved for him in the club.

"My goodness Hagrid. What happened?" Asked a stern madam Pomfrey.

"Draco 'ere got too close tah Buckbeak. Offended 'im bad and got swiped. You'll fix 'im though right?" He explained then asked nervously.

"Of course. Lay him on the bed. Everyone else out!" She ordered quickly, forcing Draco's groupies out.

"Hagrid, don't worry. Honestly speaking we all know how jealous and petty the boy is. If anything happens I'll help you out and this is a class with risks, so your job is protected from idiots unless they are actually crippled or killed ok. But maybe stick to things around unicorn level for third years. They're cool and we've got plenty." I try to comfort the half-giant.

"Yeh think so? I just wanted to do a good job. It's me dream y'know?" He replied nervously.

"I know Hagrid. How about this? Me and Christian can help you plan some interesting creatures to show off for every year. You know a lot about so many so focus on that. Just gotta learn that the kids are a lot more delicate than you alright." I say as I pat him on the back.

"Alright, thanks Aedan." He nodded gratefully.

"Alright now go. We've got this, but you've got a class waiting for you Professor." I say to cheer him up a little.

After he left I could hear Madam Pomfrey chastise the boy.

"Oh keep quiet Mr. Malfoy! Plenty of people come here with worst results from pranks than this little scratch." She said sternly.

"Be quiet and stop being a mommy's boy you little prat. Or I'll stupify you so we can work." Coldly said my lovely Tory.

He immediately shut up in fear of the two women. Madam Pomfrey cause she gives no shits about who you crawled out of, and Tory has very firmly established herself in Slytherin through strength and ability.

It was a medium sized cut, but that is actually the lightest possible result I've ever heard of for pissing off a Hippogriff. Buckbeak mostly got the kids cloths and only the tip of its claws reached the boy, so all of this moaning was quite pathetic.

"Well now I know why you've never joined the dueling club Draco. If this scratch is all it takes to put you out of commission then you wouldn't last long and I do so worry about how your daddy would react. He might try to shut down our club for not treating his little boy like the special prince he is." I said to him with a 'kind' smile and 'caring' voice, making Tory stifle a laugh and Poppy to suppress a smile.

Draco on the other hand had a humiliated expression. He had wanted to get in the club, but the spots were already filled. He had also tried to bully or bribe people into giving their spots away, but was caught and lost 40 points for his house. That put a stop to his actions very quickly. And now he's being mocked for his actions.

After he was fixed up by the two women and I checked the injuries myself, he was free to go. There were no poisons or infections, no potions used, no curse or dark magic, so just fixing his arm was enough.

But then, the little twit showed up surrounded by people 'caring' for him with his arm wrapped up in gaze and in a sling. That means the the boy got the stuff himself and made the sling without anyone knowing, just to get attention and feel special. It was honestly pathetic to watch.

Although Victoria really wanted to give the boy a beating, she also knew when to hold back. This was mostly because he wasn't actually hurting anyone right now, just being pathetic. So we spread the word around the three other houses of what his injury was really like, making people almost laugh out loud at the boy and looking at his acting with concealed ridicule. Apparently Draco thought this meant people were paying more attention to him and believed him, so he laid on his act extremely thick.

On an other topic though, everyone was happy to have the good Professor Lupin teaching DADA, as he was finally a competent teacher with a deep understanding of the subject. Some people were even comparing my 'review' from last year to his classes, the only difference being that I just didn't have the time to go through everything for every individual grades in the time I had.

One day I decided to stay behind and talk to the ragged man.

"Hello Professor. Do you have some time to talk?" I asked politely.

He was like the movie representation of the man, but his robes were shabbier, his light brown hair showed hints of grey through them even though he was too young for it, and he always looked ill and exhausted as they were the symptoms of a werewolf.

"Mr. Bones, this is a surprise. You do not strike me as a man who has any questions for me. So what is it you need?" He asked in return with a tired but happy smile.

"Well, I am honestly here to ask how you are. You're entire demeanor screams that you are not feeling well. So although you are a true expert of the field you teach, it worries me." I say with worry in my voice.

"Oh, no need to worry about that. An old illness is all. I've got it under control." He says with a chuckle at my worry.

"It is true that it can be controlled. Is Professor Snape helping you properly? I know you and him have a history?" I asked kindly. But those two questions made him jumped immediately.

"How do you? What do you know?" He asked very guarded now.

I just wave my wand to close the door and cast a muffling spell on the room, this level seemed to surprise the man.

"Please don't think I mean you any harm Professor. But for the first question, it's a pleasure to meet Mr. Moony of the Marauders." I say with a small smile.

"Ha! You found the map. Do you have it? It is a very dangerous tool in some people's hands." He said with great surprise, but also seriousness.

"Yes, Mr. Padfoot is at large at the moment, but I'm not worried about him." I say with a calm smile.

"So you know that too. Why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked with a sigh, but with curiosity.

"Same reason you never told anyone the man was an animagus." I simply answered.

"You truly are as impressive as the Headmaster said." Commented the impresses Professor.

"Why thank you Professor Lupin." I say with a chuckle.

"But will you turn it in? I know Dumbledore said he trusts you greatly, but this is regarding Harry's safety." He then asked with all seriousness.

"Unfortunately, I passed it on to people who would truly live up to your groups spirit of mischief and i know not if even they still have it." I answered honestly. Not telling him about my copy, no one can use it except me and I made some for everyone in my group too.

"That is unfortunate. But I must still have you another question. What else do you know of me?" He asked, but this time there was timidity, and fear in his behavior.

"We both know, why must you ask?" He respond softly.

"So you know. What are going to do? Spread it around the castle and drive me out? Or is this blackmail? What is your goal with telling?" Asked a now very weak spirited Lupin.

"You truly don't know do you? Where have you been hiding that you don't know such big changes?" I asked in return, with a very soft voice.

"What don't I know?" He questioned, sounding beaten.

"The Bones family is the largest employer of werewolves in the world most likely. They're involved in every step of the making of the products sold at BonesWorks. Except the books and goblin metals anyway." I explain gently.

"What!? But what about the anti-werewolf legislation? And what about the registry?" He asked in disbelief.

"They've all agreed to be registered under their term of employment, and we provide them with stable work, dorms, food, pay and a new Wolfsbane potion I've improved and I've published the recipe of in my new book. We have pretty much every werewolf who is willing to do honest work under us at the moment." I explain to the shaken man.

"I didn't know, but that still doesn't explain why you still have them with the new legislation." He tried to understand.

"Why should I give a shit about what the most bigoted bitch in the wizarding world tries to do? Our contracts protect our employees for the next ten years. As long as they don't break any of our agreements they will be fully protected as our employees. Plus honestly, I could dismantle that piece of legislation in about a week. But I need to be the lord Bones to do so without implicating my aunt and forcing her to face off against the minister's fuckbuddy." I say proudly and viciously.

The professor just looks at me in shock.

"I just came to ask because the recipe I put out improves the cost of the potion, the production difficulty is lowered, and it takes less time for it to be effective with only needing to take two doses to take effect. This isn't for debate, it has worked for over 1000 werewolves from across Europe for the last three years and without a single incident." I inform the man seriously.

"What!?" Was all he got out, mainly due to his jaw trying to hit the floor.

"Yeah, just need to buy Potions beyond Potions, turn to page 37 and bam. New Wolfsbane. Every recipe has been certified too." I say proudly.

"You really are like Dumbledore said: unfathomable." Sighed the man, with a smile on his face. "But thank you for letting me know. I'll inform Severus. He probably didn't want to buy a students book, but if what you said is true I think he will now." He added a little amused at the thought of Severus being outdone by a student.

"No problem Professor. I hope it helps. You're a really good teacher and your situation is more than manageable." I reply kindly.

"Yes. Now if that's all, I seem to have an urgent need to visit our potions master." He said with a smile on his face now.

"Of course sir. Good luck." I simply answer with a knowing smile and left.

But when I had come out, I heard a disturbing rumor that Lucius Malfoy came and is demanding the head of the beast which 'nearly killed' his son.

"That little bitch." I murmured under my breath as my strength leaked out a bit.