A Girl Could Dream

Maya's POV

"Maya, your sexy body is not suitable for melee, rest assured this moment you won't be using force on me, this time I think you only need your sweet lips and soft touch on me." Adonis said and winked at me, and I know my face betrayed me for I am so affected by his gestures that my face flushed, and I turned my gaze away from him hoping he will not notice my blush, but I can see it out of the corner of my eye he is grinning with my reaction. I don't like it if Adonis will flirt with me because I am afraid my heart will betray me.

"So, what time I am going to take you home?" Adonis asked, and I looked at Rich because I want him to offer me a ride, but I got nothing from him, and it made me realized he wants us to be together because he is so determined to make us friends with each other. The idea of being friends with Adonis brings different emotions within me. I am anxious to give him a chance, for I don't wish to be hurt again. What if he will break my heart? Because I have doubts about his intentions, and I can't avoid thinking he was only doing this to make fun of me. I don't need to be humiliated once more.

I am more apprehensive of being close to him because I can't trust my heart, and I am afraid if I will learn something deeper about him, I can't stop myself from falling for him over again. Not only that, but Adonis pained me for how many times, but every time he looks at me, it seems all the walls I build around me will just crumble down. Likewise, I perceive there is something about him that made Rich became his best friend. I am also scared if I will know the real him and I felt it would hurt me the moment I will determine who is he dating among his circle. Cassandra Montemayor is among the young women his mother wants for him to be with since her family is filthy rich too.

"You better go home now, Maya, your ankle needs rest since you plan on working tomorrow, but if you still feel uncomfortable, I will tell my mom about your injury." Rich spoke and I quickly answered him.

"No, I can work tomorrow Rich, and you realize I miss harvesting sunflowers besides you know I am saving money for college." I replied, and I am shocked to see a sudden change of expressions on Adonis's face. He is looking at me differently, and I don't want to describe what I saw because it was scaring me.

"Okay, but make sure to drink some painkiller if you can't stand the discomfort." Rich replied while his best friend is speechless. I like the way Rich pampered me how can he be so gentle and kind to me, and I wonder why my stupid heart won't just beat for him, instead, it became so drawn to my nemesis? If I were to choose, I will definitely have Rich, but I know what I felt towards him is only friendship, and sometimes I can understand it is more friendship it seems like Rich is the brother that I couldn't have. Even his older brother Benedict makes me feel so welcome at their home. He always asked about my studies, and he loves giving me gifts like Rich, they are both generous like their mother.

"Thank you, Rich, I think I should go since I have to prepare dinner." I said and got up from my chair. Rich came to my side in haste and helped me to stand up, and he assisted me in going outside the mansion towards Adonis's car. I want to beg Richard to take me home, but I already agreed to be with Adonis.

Adonis opens the car door and Rich settled me on the front seat, and he moved fast to sit in the driver's seat. We said goodbye to Rich, and I waved my hand at him while Rich closed the windows and drove the car away from the Hernandez Mansion. I can look at the figure of Rich getting smaller as we are becoming farther away from the Hernandez household. Adonis remained silent while I am looking at the flower plantation along the driveway.

We are in the middle of the road when he turned his head to look at me and I got so conscious, then I was amazed when he lowered the roof of his car and I can feel the fresh air and I can't hold myself from opening my her arms wide, and I closed my eyes feeling the breeze that touched my face, I am just glad that I tied my long black hair with an elastic band before we left from the Hernandez Hacienda. And I noticed he can't stand himself from watching me from time to time when I open my eyes.

"Maya, thank you for allowing me to take you home. It means a lot to me. I realize you have doubts right now, and I can't blame you since I had been a jerk for how many years. I know I have hurt you countless times, and if I could only erase those memories from your head, so you can easily forgive me, I will do it in a heartbeat. They say repentance always comes late, and now I believe that saying." He said, and I don't know how to react since I am expecting him to speak in the usual harsh way.

"I need to say sorry for all the bad things that I have done to you, especially the hurtful words I said to you. I know it wouldn't be easy on your part to forgive me, but I am asking you to, please give me a chance to prove my sincerity this time, and I want you to know the real me. And I am hoping one of these days you will grant me your forgiveness." He said and when he looked at me, I can feel my knees go weak, and I am just glad I am sitting in his car, and I am not standing for I will require support to stand straight. Hearing those forthcoming from his lips caused me to wish to believe him, and my foolish heart is screaming.

His intense gazed made me realized Adonis Monleon is not joking, and I can't stop myself from feeling so elated. This is the first time he talks to me seriously, and I can't believe he was asking sorry. He apologized to me, and I prefer to insist that he is late already, I already carried out a promise to myself to forget him, but I understood he is only begging me a chance to know him, to be friends with him and not to be his girlfriend. I hate myself for thinking so advance.

"Aya, what happened last year was unforgivable, I know it was because of a stupid bet. But believe me, when I say, the kiss was real, it was the best kiss I ever had, and if you will give me another chance I hope and wish I could kiss you again." He said, and I like the way he called me by my nickname it seems my entire world turned upside down. How could he express that? I don't want to remember that kissed because I think about it every night and day and hoping someday I can kiss him again and now that he is talking about it, I can't stop the butterflies on my stomach and I can feel my face blush. I can't control the rapid beating of my heart.

How can I forget my feelings towards him if he speaks like this? Now I became more confused, and I don't know how to talk with him anymore because I used to banter with his hurtful words, but right now he is so calm talking about the kiss we shared, and I don't want to look at him in the eyes because I know my heart will only deceive me.

"Well, now that I told you about my plans and I already asked for your forgiveness I hope I didn't scare you, judging by your reaction you hate me since you didn't have any response at all, and you remained silent the whole time, but I will not surrender Maya, not now not ever. I am going to prove it to you, I am serious, and I mean every word I said." Adonis continues to talk, but it seems I have sealed my mouth for no words came out from my mouth.

I continue to watch the plantation we pass through, and we are now in the Monleon Hacienda and the vast pineapple plantation always takes my breath away, and when I look at the other side, of the extensive banana plantation it will ever warm my soul and this will constantly remind me how different we are from each other. His family owned the largest plantations in the entire country, while I will always be a farm girl. I know a girl could dream, but I think it would be better to stop dreaming about him because he is like a star at night that I could never reach out. But my heart skips a beat when I turn my head and find him staring at me, full of admiration in his eyes.

"Maya, please give me a chance to know you if you still don't want me in the end, then I will stay away from you." Adonis said and if he only knew how many nights I fantasize about this to happen, and he doesn't need to beg me because this is a dream come true for me. Even though my mind refuses to grant him a chance my heart is so willing to be with him, so instead of saying the words I just nodded at him and the smile I saw on his face was priceless.