Giving Him A Chance

Maya's POV

"Thank you, Aya, you just don't realize how happy you made me, I promise you will never regret giving me a chance to know you." Adonis said, and he is still smiling like an idiot and I could not stop myself from being affected by his sweet smile. I can't hold the wide grin on my face. I hope everything he mentioned is true since I don't wish to be hurt again.

Deep inside me, I want to know also the real Adonis Monleon because I wonder why almost all the young women in our community prefer to be with him. Well, I was one of those ladies I am already smitten by him even we don't get along, how much more if we will become close with each other. And I am lying if I will say I don't enjoy my ride with him even though I felt so nervous and when I saw our house in a distance, I can't stop myself from feeling disappointed that our time to be together will end soon.

"I hope you won't drive me away if I will come and visit you, Aya." He said, and the manner he talks to me reminded me of the nature he speaks with his twin sister. And if he will continue to communicate with me this way I am certain I will fall for him over again. I know from the depth of my being that no matter how angry I am with him, I just can't stop myself from liking him.

"I can't promise you that Adonis, but I will try, and I hope everything you mentioned to me was true." I answered the moment he stopped the car in front of our little home, and I realized his bedroom is bigger than our entire house. I felt so little sitting in his car, but I am not ashamed of our lifestyle, and I am proud because somehow my grandfather supported us, and I could graduate High School. He is rich, and I am poor as in literally poor, though I am still grateful that we are alive and kicking, and I still believe that not only wealth matters in this universe.

"Thank you, Maya, I know I have to show you through my actions I mean every word that I told you, and don't worry it will surprise you to know the real me." He said and winked at me again and my heart feels so excited, and I contain myself not to lean closer to him because I can smell the scent that made me want to move nearer to him. Adonis gets out of the car, and he runs quickly to my side, and he opened the door for me, and he offered his hand to me before I can get out and the moment I take his palm I can feel the electricity that travels from my fingertips to my entire frame. I can't stop the sparks, and he is showing me the unique side of him, and I just hope he will remain the same in the coming days.

"Good night, Maya!" He said, and I am shocked when he kissed my forehead and a little disappointed why he didn't make it on the lips, and I hate myself for thinking that way, and he blew his horn before driving his car away from me. It left me standing on the side of the road watching his car getting far away from me.

"Wow! I think someone is in the clouds right now, and it is only natural for you to spit out everything. I haven't seen you for almost twenty-four hours, and you are already friends with Adonis Monleon. Can you at least tell me what happened? How come you became friends with him in less than twenty-four hours." I heard the familiar voice of my other best friend, Lisa.

She is close with Ariana too, since after I became friends with Ari she asked me who is my best friend and I told her about Lisa, and she didn't stop bothering me to invite Lisa to join with me in going to their Hacienda. One time, during the Christmas holidays I brought Lisa along with me, and they became close friends too. I felt so happy that my two best friends get along so well. Ari communicated with Lisa every day since she had a cell phone and I don't have one.

Lisa doesn't belong to the circle of rich kids in our place, but her way of living is more than average. They are not so poor as us. They own a house and lot, and they have cars too, because her father works abroad while her mom is working as a manager in a bank in the city, and they have a maid too. Lisa helped me with almost everything, she taught me how to operate her laptop and even her cell phone which is why I am not ignorant about gadgets.

I usually spend my break time in the library, so I can save money. I use the library's computer if I need to type some documents and reports, but usually, Lisa lends me her laptop if I needed to finish something since she will use her mom's laptop.

"Lisa!" I exclaimed as I turned around, and I can see the curiosity on her lovely face. I perceive she is so interested to learn about what is happening between me and Adonis. She raised her eyebrow, and she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Let us get inside, and I will tell you everything, I realize you hate him too, because I keep on fantasizing about him, but it seems the universe has another plan for us, I am now ready to ignore him" I didn't finish my sentence because of her interruption.

"Drop it, Aya, you know you are just fooling yourself, you will never stop liking him, not in a million years, accept it Maya, you can never forget Adonis Monleon your only crush since childhood until you turned into a beautiful woman. But what can I say he looks like a model in a magazine, so it would be natural for you to go crazy about him." She declared, and I dragged her into going inside our house since I don't want our neighbors to learn my secret.

"Really??" The only word that came out of Lisa's mouth after I informed her about what happened to me and Adonis since the day he arrived.

"Maybe it was the slap you gave him, that is why he changed his opinion about you, and maybe my assumption was correct all along. For how many times I told you, Aya that he likes you that is why he is always hurting you because he is so afraid to acknowledge his genuine feelings for you. " She said as she sits on the bamboo chair while I am slicing squash for dinner.

"I don't know Lisa, I am so confused right now, I really want to turn down his offer, but I can't stop my heart from being so excited. Adonis Monleon asked me to be his friend, and it feels like he is asking me to be his girlfriend." I replied.

"Well, why he wants to friends with you? We are friends, but he didn't ask me for permission to be friends with me, it just came naturally." Lisa responded.

"Because you don't have a history like us, we were like cats and dogs, we never get along." I insisted.

"Because he was a jerk towards you, but he always so kind to me and the other kids, at least now we can solve the mystery behind his actions for how many years. Ari will be thrilled once she will know her brother's plan." She answered.

"Yeah, but I don't wish to tell her yet because I don't want her to be disappointed with her twin brother. I will just wait how true he is to his words." I declared.

"You should be grateful that Adonis Monleon finds time to talk with you and took you home. Some girls are dreaming about it Maya, so we need to celebrate." She replied, smiling at me.

"I didn't even celebrate during our graduation, why should I celebrate just talking with the Monleon heir." I responded.

"Because it was out of the ordinary, actually, I want to go to the town center to have dinner with you and John, but it seems you are still busy." She stated.

"Maybe some other time, you know I have to work at the flower farm to earn extra income before the start of the School Year." I replied.

"You always work on the farm, so don't use it as your excuse." She claimed and I just shook my head.

"By the way, Ariana told me about the party, so are you coming? I perceive you are one of her special guests of honor, and she asked me to convince you. You still have almost two weeks to prepare. Ari is giving you enough time to decide, and I can't believe her since it was only a get-together party, but she is already planning all about it as early as now. Basically, it is just a barbecue party, and you have to come, Maya. You don't need to worry because she did not invite anyone from the rich kids' circle, of course, her cousin, Jake is an exemption." Lisa explained.

"You know I hate parties not only because I am busy, I wish to avoid Adonis anyway I can, I don't want to go back to the Monleon Hacienda as possible after what happened last year, you know how humiliated I was." I responded.

"He already apologized, so I guess you have to forget about it too. Just remember the kiss and forget the rest in that way you can move on. It is better to consider the pleasant memories, Maya, than thinking about the painful experiences you have been through. I just wish you to be happy, you still care for Adonis, so I felt the finest thing you can do is let go of the past and give him a chance." She said and Lisa's words get me, it made me realized if I choose to give Adonis a chance I should stop thinking about all the pains he had caused me and I need to hope for the best and be ready for him to prove what he is capable of.