Meeting Adonis’s Mom-Part 2

Maya's POV

I don't know how to answer, Madam Kriselda, but I don't want to deny my relationship with Adonis since I already made my choice, whatever the consequences.

"I couldn't believe my son could fall in love with someone like you, you can't even understand a simple question. They said you were intelligent and top of your class, but how come you look stupid right now. What is your link to my son?" Madam Kriselda asked, and I looked at her with dignity and I realized I don't need to be afraid of her since I did nothing illegal.

"I am his girlfriend." I replied as she watched me, horrified by my answer.

"Ha! You are very proud to be my son's girlfriend, and it seems you are so sure about his feelings towards you, don't be a fool to believe Adonis's intentions towards you. Besides, aren't you even ashamed of yourself to say you are his girlfriend? You are nothing and I don't want my son to be associated with someone like you since you will never be enough for him. You will never be worthy of my heir's love and devotion. You don't even have the right to dream or to be in the same space with him because you will always be poor." She said and this time I can't hold back my tears anymore, it keeps pouring on my face that I didn't bother to wipe them away because of the pain that I felt.

"Stay away from my son, Maya, I am warning you, if you still want to have a roof on your head and food on your table because I can take away everything from you, not only your scholarship but all that you have right now." She continued, and she is looking at me with disgust and I couldn't believe that this beautiful woman in front of me could be so evil.

"Now, I don't need to elaborate what everything means, but it seems you are not smart enough, so I have to emphasize if you continue to see and communicate with my son I don't have a chance but to evict you from this place. You have nowhere to go, Maya. What will happen to your grandparents if you will pursue to flirt with Adonis?" She asked, and I could no longer look at her in the eyes because of the painful words she uttered, my head bowed while my tears continued to flow.

"Do you expect your childish love can survive? Just forget Adonis, Maya, and I will leave your family in peace. Your grandfather has been serving at the Monleon Hacienda for decades, and you don't have any right to take what he cares for the most from him. He prefers being at the farm not only to support this household but because it was his passion." She declared, and she was right. I only think about myself, and I didn't even bother to consider what will happen to my entire family.

"Madam Kriselda, please don't do this to us, we have nowhere to go, and grandpa needs to work on the farm." I spoke.

"Exactly, now you know what to do, stay away from Adonis and you will have your life back." She responded and turned around from me without saying goodbye.

"See, I always win, Maya, forget about your stupid dreams because you can never have Adonis Monleon not even in your dreams." Cassandra declared and turns her heels away from me with a sinister smile on her face while I was left standing on the ground trying to control the shaking of my entire frame as I cry my heart out. I need to be strong for my family, and I realized I was too naïve to reckon that Adonis's mother can't hurt and humiliate me, but I was so wrong.

I felt delicate hands touch my shoulders and when I turn around, my sister takes me into her arms as she cried with me. It took us a long moment to stand in front of the garden, and I felt glad I have seen none of our neighbors came out of their house to gossip, but I am sure some of them are hiding behind those curtains, but I don't care if I will be the talk of the town, all I think is how to protect my entire family.

"Maya, don't worry, all will be alright." My sister said as she looked at me in the eyes.

"No, Mary, everything will never be the same, I am so sorry if I was so greedy, how could I abandon my responsibility as the elder child of this family?" I asked, and she shakes her head.

"Maya, none of this is your fault, Adonis's mother is selfish, she doesn't want her son to be happy. I couldn't believe she can be so beautiful on the outside, but she is so evil on the inside. I am just glad none of her children inherited her very horrible attitude." Mary answered as she continues to stroke my back.

"Yeah, her kids are all down to earth especially Ariana, and now I realized what Adonis said, since he was younger Madam Kriselda instilled in his mind to never get close with people like us, but he didn't listen to her, he still gets warm with the farmhand's children except me." I sighed, I am no longer crying, but I felt so hurt and small.

"It was because he likes you, that is why he was trying to push you away." She replied, and she pulled me to get inside the house.

"I am so afraid, Mary, I know Adonis's mom is serious about what she claimed." I declared.

"And I don't have a choice but to stay away from Adonis, I love him so much, but I can't let Madam Kriselda hurt our grandparents, and I am just glad our grandmother didn't hear her insults and awful remarks about me, and her threats about evicting us from our house." I said, and I just hope our granny is still sleeping in their room, and my sister nodded.

I can't sleep all night, and I didn't reply to all the texts and messages of Adonis since I am so afraid of his mother will find out that I am still communicating with him. My phone keeps on ringing the entire evening until it loses its battery. I charged it, but I turned it silent. I am too tempted to return his call since I really miss him.

"Maya, are you alright? Babe, please answer my call." He said in his text.

"I miss you so much, and I wish to hear your voice." He added, and I didn't read the incoming messages because I am so afraid if I can't control myself, I don't prefer to answer him since I don't wish to break up with Adonis yet, at least if I will not deal with him, I can pretend we just lose communication like the last time he attended the gala.

I came to Hernandez Hacienda like a zombie, I didn't even bother to comb my hair after I take a bath. I just let it loose after I remove the towel and I ride and pedaled my bike. I don't wish to cry anymore as if I had run out of tears. I wonder why poverty made me suffer like this, I just want to live my life like a normal teenager. I never dream of becoming wealthy, but being poor has led to me great sorrow right now, and I can't be with the boy I love because I am not rich.

I hate why we are so destitute, and I know Adonis's mom was right, I don't deserve Adonis in my world, and I guess it is time for me to let him go. I promise myself to do everything I can to become a civil engineer, so I can provide for my family, and most of all, I don't want something like this to happen again in the future. Being humiliated because of poverty is too much to handle, Madam Kriselda might break my spirit, but not my determination to fight for my dreams, and that is the only thing I have right now.

"Maya, are you alright? Why do you look like a mess? It seems like you are carrying the world in your shoulders." Rich said the moment I arrived at his place, and I am not ready to tell him what happened, for I felt so embarrassed and hurt.

"Nothing." I replied with one word and I perceive he will not go unless I will inform him of everything.

"Common Maya, please tell me what is going on, I realize something is bothering you, I already know you so well, spit it out Maya, or it will eat you up. Share it with me, so your burden will be light." He said.

"Don't tell me you are still devastated about Cassandra, don't mind her Maya, we all know she is trying her best to ruin your relationship with Adonis." He added, and the moment I looked at his face I can understand his worries, and I realize I can't lie to Rich, and I tell him everything about Madam Kriselda's confrontation with me. His eyes widened, and he couldn't speak for a long time. And I see he is processing what happened.

"Are you sure about your decision?" He asked, and I can see the concern that was written all over his face.

"Do I have a choice, Rich? Do you think I have another option? I love your best friend, but right now I am so helpless, I can't do anything about it because I need to protect my grandparents and my sister. And I don't want Adonis to have a misunderstanding with his mother because of me." I replied.

Rich takes me into his arm, and I felt so glad that I could express my thoughts to Rich, and he was right my mood lightened after I shared everything with him. And I always like the way he comforts me. But I do not know how to deal with the whole day thinking about Adonis and our impending break-up. Breaking up with him is the last thing I want to do, but protecting my family is my number one priority at the moment because this matter happened because of me.