The Right Thing To Do

Maya's POV

I work without talking, and I am just glad Jocelyn keeps quiet the whole time, maybe she knows what happened last night since I realize many of our neighbors's witnessed my episode with Madam Kriselda last night, even though I have seen no one outside their house, I understand they listened, and eager to learn what is going on. I know it was humiliating, but it is not my fault to fall in love with someone like Adonis. I just wish I fell in affection with someone who has the same status in life as mine. I received many text messages and a lot of miss calls from Adonis, but I ignore all of them since I don't wish to say goodbye to him.

"Maya, you can talk to me if you want, I am your friend too, and it is better to talk with someone if you feel so down. Sorry, but I need to tell you I heard about what happened to you and Adonis's mom. You know words travel fast here in San Antonio, especially things that happening in the farmhand's households." Jo said after three hours of being silent. I stopped what I am doing, and I face her.

"Thank you, Jo, I appreciate your concern about me, but I am not yet ready to talk about him." I replied, and she gave me a shy grin.

"Of course, when you are ready Maya, and when you need someone to share your problems." She said, and I beam at her, and we continue cutting the red and white roses.

It has been three days since I stop communicating with Adonis, and I wonder if he got tired since I don't receive any messages from him since last night. It is better this way I don't feel guilty for not replying to him. But I can't deny I miss his morning messages and miss calls. I keep on reading his messages and for how many times I attempted to reply, but I ended deleting my words. Ariana called me and texted me, but I also ignored her messages, she even asked for an apology on behalf of her mom, and I guess she already knew what happened. I felt so guilty for not answering my best friend's messages and calls, and I am more in pain for not answering Adonis's call.

"Maya, I think you should answer Adonis's call, he is worried about you." Rich declared as he accompanies me in going to the greenhouse.

"You see, I can't Rich, his mother had warned me not to talk to him, or else my grandfather will be fired from the Monleon Hacienda, and the worst part she will drive us out from our house. You perceive how much I love Adonis, Rich, but as you can see, the odds are against us. My fantasy is over Rich, and it is about time to face the reality that Adonis Monleon can never be mine. My dream is too high, and Madam Kriselda was right, I should know my place. We are only poor, but I dreamed to be with him, I was too dumb to believe that love will conquer all." I answered as I watched the flowers in the fields.

"You are not foolish, Maya, you have a beautiful relationship with Adonis, and I am sorry if this happens to you, I understand what you are going through this time, and Ariana said Adonis was grounded and her mother confiscated Adonis phone, and I felt he wouldn't be able to text you soon. He called me last night, and he asked me to look after you, and I am sorry if I told him about what happened in your house when his mother confronted you. He is my best friend and your boyfriend, and I guess he has the right to know what is going on with your life." He declared and my eyes widened.

"Why did you tell him, Rich? I don't wish him to hate his mom." I said.

"Maya, you choose to leave him unaware about what is going on with you and his mom? I don't think so. He needs to learn everything, he knows what his mother is capable of Maya, you don't need to worry about his relationship with his parents. I just want Adonis to know you are okay, and I want him to understand that you are suffering at this time. You are in pain because of his mom. Don't push him away, Maya because he loves you so much." He responded.

"Why do you know how deep is his feelings towards me?" I asked.

"We are best friends, Maya, and do you know I already knew he likes you before he even realized how he feels about you? I never inform you about it, and I didn't tell him because I want him to realize it on his own. He told me how much he cares about you, I never see him so tormented before, we can't deny he is used to being the center of attention among the girls, not only in San Antonio but in the society of the Elite families. But he has never been in love with anyone, Maya, only with you." Rich said and if only this happens in different circumstances, maybe I felt so lucky right now. But being with Adonis only means I have to sacrifice my family, but I can never do that.

"Rich, I should have remained steadfast with my decision not to be near him, I was so busy falling in love with him, and look where it got me, my family members need a roof on their head and food on the table, and my affection for Adonis will make us suffer. I don't want to let him go, but I need to." I replied, and I heard Richard sighed.

"How I wish I can help you and Adonis, but his life became miserable than yours, his room is surrounded by her mother's bodyguards, he can't come to you, Maya, I realize even you are telling me you are ready to let him go, I felt deep in your heart you want him to stay." He spoke, and I feel guilty. Adonis is suffering because of me, how I wished I answered even one of his calls, so I have the chance to hear his voice again, and right now it is impossible to reach him. I felt such a fool for avoiding his texts and calls, and I realized could it be our last chance to talk.

I continue working, and I considered it is better not to see Adonis anymore because if I will meet him, I need to break up with him. I noticed sweat dripping down my face, and I used the sleeve of my blouse to wipe my face. I felt tired since I didn't have a chance to grab a snack. I don't have an appetite to eat anything because I felt so down, and my heart is aching. It is almost four o'clock in the afternoon and I only have one more hour and my work is done. I am pulling weeds when I heard footsteps approaching me, and the moment I turned around I am shocked to find Adonis standing not so far away from me.

He looked so haggard, and I felt it slice into my heart just watching his entire face full of anguish, and it is obvious that he has no sleep and proper rest. I want to run away from him, but I realized this could be our last chance to be together and be with each other. I need to do the right thing, even if it hurts.

"Why didn't you return my messages and calls, Babe, why are you avoiding me?" He asked, and I am trying to control my emotions as he walks closer to me.

"Adonis, there is a reason I didn't wish to answer your call. When a girl ignores you, it only implies one point. I don't wish to see you anymore. What we had been just a mere fantasy, a very impossible love story. And now that you came to see me, I prefer to tell you I need space, and I want us to break up. I wish you will respect my decision, Adonis." I said as I looked at him in the eyes, and I can look at the hurt that registered on his handsome face. He looks so defeated, and he moves closer to me.

"You don't mean that, Babe." He said, and I turn around from him because I can't help myself from crying, and my tears poured down my cheeks.

"I mean every damn word that I say, Adonis. Now, you need to go since I am busy. You know I am working, and I can't talk to you right now." I said as my tears continue to fall.

"Do you actually wish to break up with me?" He asked, and I am glad he didn't come near me.

"Yes, that is what I want because I realized I don't have any feelings for you." I lied.

"You are a liar, Maya, you can't fool me, if you truly mean every word you say, then why are you weeping? If you prefer to end what we have, you could have at least looked at me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me anymore." He said, and he was right, I need to deal with him and tell it to his face. I gather all my strength and I tried my best to stop myself from breaking down. Then, I looked around, and my heart is pounding, and I can't control the abrupt beating of my heart.

I didn't notice he moved closer to me, and we are now facing each other. We are an inch away, and I can even listen to his steady breathing. How can he control his emotions and looked so calm? His nearness makes me feel so thrilled, and I can't stop myself imagining being in his warm arms again and taste his desirable lips.

"Now, tell me you don't want me anymore." He said and his husky voice made me more confused, but I need to focus and do the appropriate action before I chicken out and make my family suffer, breaking up with Adonis Monleon is the only sane thing to do right now even if I have to lie how I truly felt about him.