Ken is Numb!

Kate woke up late today. She was very much disgusted because she wanted to reach school early as today rose was also going to come early to meet her . She called hazel and told her to not to wait for her at the bus stop as she was very much late today . Normally , she goes to school by bus but today she decided to take taxi to reach earlier. she reached the school gate by 6:50 am .

Like the any other day it was again an another morning in grand Tesco house . Everything was same except today's ken curiosity to visit the school . Lots of things were running in his mind but he knew what to do next. His was enthusiastic about something and that something kept him up whole night . He woke up before the alarm rang. Earlier he used get a call from his friend as alarm to wake him up but he knew today that call won't come . Even though he knew today nobody would be with him in car on way to school to talk and play videos games or to play basketball at the school ground ,today still he wanted to go . He got ready and headed towards the luxurious car which would be always filled with lots of glee bright and fresh atmosphere but today it had the air was filled with different atmosphere it was dark inside. As ken's luxurious car started to way to school , the cool fresh breeze entered in with brushing up his gold memories .He knew tears were already filling up the eyes but a strong believe hold it up from falling. After long ride of old gold moments, he finally reached the school. He was lonely as sand of a deserted island.

Kate rushed out of taxi and ran towards to classroom in that she heard the voice from behind " Hey, Kate!" She turned back to see who was calling her . She saw a tall , charming and handsome boy standing behind her with perfect face but something was missing a smile . He had a fashionable bag hung on his one shoulder . He had broad shoulder. " Hi, Kate . how are you ?" he asked with and very kind and sweet but dominant voice . " I am good .what about you ?" Kate answered in astonishment as Ken never spoke to her this way . It was too random for her. But her in inner heart she liked it she didn't wanted this moment to end .

" I am fine too . can I ask you for a favour?" asked ken . " Surely , what favour do you want ?" replied Kate with an extraordinary excitment because the person asking her for favour was no other than ' KEN TESCO' . " Actually I was absent for last whole week and my all books are incomplete so can you please give your books to complete it." Kate agreed to give him , in fact she herself was going to give him the notes but she was just thinking how to ask him or he would surely ask rose or Hazel for the notes. While they were climbing up the stairs they spotted hazel and rose near the school library notice board . Kate was very happy to see rose at the school . Though she had already informed her but still Kate thought she would probably drop that plan . Now there was Rose right in front of her eyes standing with Hazel. Ken noticed them later , seeing them he rushed towards them not to greet them but to see the notice board to see why they were starring at it for so long without even blinking their eyes . The medium sized notice board displaying Ivan's photo , reading as " Our dear Head boy 'Mr.Ivan Kabra' is no more with us . May his soul rest in peace! " but there was something more beside that note that made Ken numb that notice clearly stated that " Since our head boy in no more and hence we are in great grief , but school has to function properly as usual as we have many awaiting things to be done and that's why our school commitee has decided that our new head boy would be ' Mr Ken Tesco' and he would continue all the responsibilities of school with 'Miss Rose Evans' the head girl of the school."

yes! it was his name ! Mr Ken Tesco'! Ken was numb there and there ! His friend was just nearly murdered a week ago and now he was assigned his place ! That place belonged to Ivan , how can he do that , It was same situation for him as killing himself with self poisoning . He decided to go to meet principal and speak about this and refuse the position even if principal gets offended. Thinking this ,Ken left for principal's office . Kate was just lost in seeing what was happening , why did ken leave ? where did he go? he wanted my notes a while ago and noww? Then she fixed her eyes on her besties they also exchanged glances with her, and marched towards her complaining her that why she is so late ? she didn't kept her promise of coming to school early? Kate started answering their piles of questions as all of Rose and Hazel were holding her hands and taking her towards their classroom . She was happy to see them , they all seated on the desk and were chatting . Though she was physically sitting there , something else was going in her head. What was written on that notice board? she was dying out of curosity! She decided that in recess she would excuse Rose and Hazel and first visit the notice board.

Meanwhile ,Ken was almost red in anger but still he kept he face poker . He knocked at the principal's office door " May I come Sir". '' oh Ken come in , I was about to make an announcement to call you in my office , Its good that you came by yourself because now visiting me is going to be very common for you." said principal in lightly exciting voice. ""Sir, actually I want to tell you that I don't want to become hea..." " I know that Ivan was your best friend or he was a brother to you and hence you won't accept his position." stated principal in stiff voice. Ken broke out ,"Sir you already know everything and still you are counting on me!" " Ken , Ivan was one of the ace of our school and so are you. You just thought about yourself, that you won't find it comfortable to take your passed friend's place. As a principal I have to think about school's progress too. Ivan had always helped me in doing this. He always wanted our school to rise and now since he is not among us I have to count on you . You know soon there will be interschool competition for which Ivan used to even give up his sleep, just to make our school win it and you have witnessed all those struggle with him. Not for me but for Ivan accept this position." spoke principal . " Fine! I'm ready but if I am finding it hard , then I'm sorry. I will give my best." saying this Ken took the permission to a leave . Walking down the staircase ken's eyes caught that notice board once again then he marched towards it .He took the notice out of the board , holding in his hand he said" Ivan , Just for you I will make sure that I do my job properly!" and he left to prepare for another trouble hovering him.