While returning to class , a sudden idea ran into ken's mind that made him still for a moment. First time in last seven days ken found something that made him little relief for a short instant . He said to himself with a queer smirk, " NOW JUST WAIT AND WATCH SLAYER . I AM COMING TO CHASE YOU . YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED NOW!"

It was 10:30 now the time for a break of 30 minutes . As in any other school this would be the most lovable time of ever student in entire day of school or maybe in entire life . In this time students would show their most active states of mind. In S.M. high school , break of 30 minutes was the the time for students to complete all their desirable things they wanted to do in school but couldn't due to strict rules and regulations. Like sports lovers would go and play sports , boys would execute their all evil plans or pranks in this time . Whereas girls would sit in the corner either gossiping or grooming themselves. But for Hazel , Kate and Rose it was now time to talk infinite things as they all were together once after long period of time . They all sat at last bench so that none can disturb them. Meanwhile Kate was still in fitful mind of state about the morning thing . She wanted to go to the notice board and see what downhearted Ken in the morning that he ran straight from their to principles office . She made an excuse and told Hazel and Rose that she wanted to eat something as she was hunger. Kate never eat anything during break . Hazel and Rose were surprise to hear it . " are you ok ? Kate "exclaimed Rose . " You want to eat something in break , Kate . Remember you were only the one who used to say that we can eat after going home too lets talk now ." said Hazel with imitation of Kate. Kate explained , " Actually today I was late in the morning so I didn't had my breakfast . Hence, I am feeling hungry now. " "It's ok ,Kate. You didn't need to explain us ." said Rose . "You go and come fast ok " said Hazel . Kate asked Hazel and Rose whether they wanted something from canteen or not and she left .

Kate then straight went to noticeboard . She was astonished to see the notice boards. The whole noticeboard was filled with different leaflets of inter-school competition. She thought that Ken would have seen this and may be he went to meet wise Principal or Principal Sir to discuss about the competition , and this would only be the matter he would be concerned about because Ken and Ivan were always at the top tier when it came to interschool competition and now since Ivan was not there Ken would be the one worried the about the competition. Kate had whole vision of her fantasy in her in mind. Since , Ivan is not there Ken would be all alone .As he didn't had anyone expect Ivan .He did have many classmates but he wasn't close to any of them . And Kate was all ready to become Ken's best friend using this oppurtunity. It was a golden chance for Kate . Coming out from fantasy world ,Kate went back to the class to enjoy the leftover remaining recess with Rose and Hazel , but her eyes were constantly searching for Ken as she wanted to give him the notes and show him that she is the most caring friend he would have in this whole eternity. Ken was not in the class room , he was on the play ground .

What was Ken doing on the playground? Ken used to spend all his recess with Ivan on the playground but what was he doing now all alone? No, this time he was not shedding any tears thinking of Ivan even though he missed his friend the most at that moment. He was all normal conversing with his class mates. After having a good talk with them ,he went straight to the school office and got their Class Register . Yes! he misused the' Head Boy 'tag after all he became Head Boy just to get the advantage to find his friend's murderer . Though police thought that this was done by a rivals of 'Kabra Cooperation 'but Ken was not ready to accept it . Any moment he would think about Ivan's murderer ,School was always the answer his instinct gave him . Ken had already decided that he would first crosscheck school as he felt something was really fishy . Then he would think of the Business Rivals. However Business Rivary was always like a secondary option for Ivan's murder and school was the primary concern for him. He would investigate the school very acurately.

While Ken was passing through the corridor , Kate saw him . Actually Rose, Hazel and Kate were stepping down to get some fresh air and also Rose wanted to visit washroom to wash her face with water because Rose was feeling too sleepy as she had not slept at night properly as she was busy completing her books . Kate wanted to speak to Ken because he asked for the notes earlier and at the same time she wanted to show him ,her concern for him. But now she was with her besties, and she didn't wanted to speak to him in front of them . Hence she again excused them that, she had forgotten her handkerchief in the class and wanted to go back to the class to take it. Though Rose and Hazel insisted her that they will wait for her but Kate assured them that it would be ok for her if she is felt alone so Rose and Hazel left . By then, Ken had already disappeared like a wind . So Kate decided to ask one of her class mate standing there . According to her classmate ,Ken went in the direction of the School Library and so Kate also went in the direction of Library ,thanking her classmate.

At the Library ,Kate saw that Ken was preparing some list like thing and he also had a Class Register with him . But what was he writing ? Kate was now flourished with so many thoughts but then she came to conclusion that may be he is pre paring participant list for Inter School Competition of other class. Thinking so she cleared her thoughts. Usually Ivan used to do this job . Since he is not there may be Principal had assigned him the job to write the names. Kate didn't went inside the library she was just peeping from the door . From that angle, Ken looked even more Handsome and so Kate was enchanted with the visual view and there was one more reason she didn't wanted to disturb Ken . Because she had heard about it from many classmates, that Ken turns from a humble human to a devil if someone interrupted him while he is focusing on his work and even Ivan never dared to interup him while he was working.

Meanwhile Ken was busy coping all the names and adresses , phone number and all the other details from Register. On the playground , while conversing with classmates he had found that except him ,everyone from their class was present in that party. At first, he thought that there might only few from their class and it would be easy for him to investigate .But now it was all in vain as now he had to investigate his whole class , keep an eye on everyone like who is acting weird , who was absent after his death and so on .... he finished writing all the details .At that very moment, the recess bell rang . Ken hurried up closing the Register and took a glance outside the door there was no one but still he felt like someone was standing there. Besides it, he kept the informative paper in in his pocket . He first went to school office to keep the Register as it was, so that the teacher won't suspect that someone took it and then went to classroom before the final bell.

Kate had also took her heels as soon as the bell rang . As was the one staring at Ken , was non other than Kate. She had disappeared from the library door since Ken took a glance out. Kate reached the class before Ken she went to rose and hazel . Rose felt little strange as to why it took so long for Kate to reach class . As she was about to ask her but till that second bell had already rang . So Rose just smiled looking at Kate and Hazel and then they all went to their own desks as their Maths Class was about to start . Till then Ken also reached the class, he went straight to his place ignoring Kate who was calling him. He sat on his bench with a relief and drank the water as today he had taken his first step towards his investigation and now he was at ease as he had all the information about each and every one sitting in the class and hence he just want to reach home as fast as he can, so that he would be able read each detail about everyone!