School's final bell rang, everyone started packing their bags. Some students were in hurry to go home , while some were chatting about how was their day, some were waiting for their friend's to come so that they can have fun on the way to home, some were planning their programs after school and so were Kate, Hazel and Rose. While walking out of the school gate Kate told Rose and Hazel that , she was not able to celebrate her birthday properly as Rose was not present there and hence Kate wants to go out and have a nice breakfast today with them . Rose also stated that she missed Kate's birthday party, and she was thinking to do so . Hazel also expressed that she missed those moments of party where all three of them would used to have fun , they used to play game even after the party was over. Hence , they all decided to have break fast together at 5: 30 noon . They all would meet each other at their favourite cafeteria ' THE GOOD BLOOMS'. Discussing the plan they all headed to their respective way to their home.

Ken was the one rushed got disappeared soon as the school's final bell rang. Of course he was in too much hurry to go home. He told diver to drive the car as fast as he can . But in between Ken ordered his diver to stop the car . He got out of the car . He was standing at the gate of the luxurious mansion . But this was not his destiny he wanted to go home, but this was not his home. Beside , the gate there was a large name written on the name plate it read as' KABRA MANSION' . Yes! instead of going his 'TESCO HOUSE ',he went to 'KABRA MANSION'.

Ken always had a thought in his mind that he should once go and personally meet Uncle Kabra. As after Ivan's death , Uncle would be the one who will be broken . As now he had no one besides him , first he lost his wife and now his only son. Hence on his way to ' TESCO HOUSE ', when he saw Ivan's mansion he thought that this would be the right time to meet Uncle Kabra. Mr. Kabra was not actually like a Uncle to him . The relation between Ken and Mr. Kabra can also be called as father and son . Mr. Kabra never did any difference between Ivan and Ken , they both were like best son's for him. Mr. Kabra would even always prefer Ken to call him his father whenever he meet him.

Ken went straight into the hall of the mansion. The hall was huge but no one else Mr. Kabra and a stranger were present in the hall. They both were sitting on the couch and it seemed like Mr.Kabra was almost highkey angered on the stranger. After some more conversation he grew even more angry told the stranger to get out of the mansion. Ken was standing far away from them . He almost stopped near the entrance of the hall when he saw that Uncle Kabra was have a deep conversation with stranger as it is not good to disturb them he awaited them to finish the conversation . After Mr. Kabra ordered the stranger to get out the stranger warned him that he will soon regret his and left. While leaving he came across Ken standing at the entrance he looked straight into his eyes giving him a cunning smile. Ken ignored him and went to Uncle Kabra.

As soon as Mr. Kabra saw him his eyes turned red not in anger but in tears . He hugged him . Ken could her the warmth of his embrace. After a Mr. Kabra stopped crying . Then he asked Ken take sit comfortably on the couch. " Uncle , What happened ? who was that stranger ? did he troubled you?", asked Ken." Still Uncle , first I had a alternate option cause I had two sons . It was fine if any one would be with me , But now I don't Ken . Now I have only one with me , Please don't leave me . People say there nothing left with me they all pity at my situation. But only I know that I still have my one son left to take care off, I have to raise him . Aren't I right Ken " Mr.Kabra broke it out all. It seemed that Ken was the only last thing he was left with. " Exactly right ! DAD , you have me. now just tell me that , was that stranger not really troubling you or is he creating any kind of problem for you Dad." Ken assured Mr.Kabra holding his hand. While Mr. Kabra was just mesmerized to hear the word 'DAD'. "No son! No problem actually he was detective 'Mr.Mac.Yee' , I hired him to find out about the case . I had high hopes from him . But he also answered me the same thing ' BUSSINESS RIVALS' . It was no difference between lazy police and him . Hence I got angry and asked him to leave. By the way, You showed your true color ha."Mr.Kabra spoke with a little hope in his eyes. Ken was now confused 'TRUE COLOR ' what does it mean? At that very moment his DAD cleared it more. " When Ivan was there you used to visit here daily , in fact two three times a day and now look it has been a weak I was all alone here and you didn't even called me. You proved that Ivan was more important to you than me !" " No! Dad , noting like this and I can't choose any one from you. Sorry I left you alone here but now see I am here for you! Did you had lunch?" said Ken . "No! Lets have lunch together , it happened a while that I am having lunch alone. First you go up and fresh your self and then we will have Lunch." told Mr. Kabra with a feeling of affection.

Soon Ken went to the guest room and refreshed himself and then he had lunch with his Dad . Mr . Kabra was little happy today . Though he had lost his biological son , but still his one son was still ALIVE! Ken was not his biological son but for him he was not less than biological son! After having a great lunch Ken rested for a while and then decided to leave for 'TESCO HOUSE' , but Mr. Kabra insisted him to stay at 'KABRA MABSION ' for some time . Since he also stays alone at 'TESCO HOUSE' , so they would be a good company for each other. Ken also agreed it . Mr. Kabra called his manger to bring Ken's essential things from his house. Now Mr. Kabra was at the ease. Ken went to Ivan's room . As soon as he entered the room, his memories got even more clear and refreshed. The room was as it is on one could detect that the owner of the room is no more. He could still feel Ivan's presence in the air . Meanwhile , a iron man toy lying on the bed caught his attention. This was the same toy Ivan and Ken would fight for every time they saw it. Though they were grown up's they would still fight for just a toy. But now no one was fighting for toy. Ken took toy and kept it in front of Ivan's photo frame because he knew that Ivan would never sleep without the toy and now since he was gone in deep sleep ,.. He wanted Ivan to at least sleep in peace. His face was red . Tears were almost going to fall off his eyes but his heart was burning for revenge.

Mr. Kabra was watching all this from corridor . He didn't wanted Ken to break like this hence he called his manager and told him to reserve a seat in any good Cafeteria nearby . Then he informed Ken about this insisting him that he should go out , get some fresh air and spent precious time of youth wisely. Ken wasn't able to refuse this suggestion . He thought that, this would be a great chance for him. As in Cafeteria no one would disturb him and he would be able to read all the details of his classmate peacefully and he surely needed some good atmosphere to cheer him up for the new work ,So he agreed. " So Ken , I have already told my manger to reserve seat for you in nearby Cafeteria." said Mr. Kabra." ok! but which cafeteria and what time?" asked Ken. " ah wait he had sent me mail , oh it's there! 'THE GOOD BLOOMS' from 5:00 to 7:00. You can go whenever you wished between this time. Have fun! ok son, You can go where you want after cafeteria there's no restriction's but come home safely before dinner . Diver will go with you ." said Mr. Kabra placing hand on Ken's head. "yes! Dad I would surely return before the dinner and there is no need of diver I will walk on go It's really nearby and hence no need of car." said Ken . " Ok , as you wish" saying this Mr. Kabra left for the office as he had some urgent work but he promised Ken that he would surely join him for dinner later.