In the large blue room ,afternoon bright sunlight touched the fancy cabinet designed with glitters and shiny stones making it shine even more . The room was well decorated with cute blue ribbons , glitters and other ornate. It seems the room of a person severely obsessed with blue color . A girl with a smile shinning more then glitters in the room entered with some extra-ordinary sort of excitement . A girl stood before the large blue embellished cabinet . Her eyes seem to be lost in shine of the El dorado . She was barely half the height of the blue treasure in front of her.

As soon as the opened the cabinet like a sudden lighting from the clear blue sky all the clothes fell on her making her fall on the blue marble flooring with a loud noise. But she knew that none would come up to enquire in her room as no one was in the house . Both her parents have gone to Austria for a business trip. Rose never kept her wardrobe neat. Whenever she would go out she would always select many clothes and then wear neither of it and then dump all of them in cabinet . As any other day , even today she was confused about what to wear and then all clothes were lying on the same floor irrespective of their different value . When she couldn't make up with any conclusion she decided to use the solution she would always use when she was confused. In large mountain of clothes she was searching her phone . It was really hard to find her phone as on the blue marble flooring; blue clothes were lying all around and she has to find blue phone now!

After 20 minutes of effort finally she found out her phone. She made the conference call to Hazel and Kate her 'ultimate Fashion experts'. They picked up the all even before the first bell rang." Hello Rose, Aren't you again sitting in the middle of ocean of clothes ?" asked Kate . " Well , yes . Please help me !" whined Rose . " See Rose , where any color except blue . We are tried of seeing you in blue color now ." said Hazel with an disgusted tone . " But Hazel I don't have anything except blue in my wardrobe " said Rose . " Ok . Listen Rose wear a simple T-shirt and jeans " an advice came from one of her fashion expert ." Thankyou so much ,Kate but which color T-shirt and jeans. I mean there are so many shades of Blue I have. " asked Rose with a confusing voice again . " I think so shallow blue looks good on you. so wear a shallow blue T- shirt and a dark blue jeans . " said Hazel . Rose was about to ask one more question but her phones battery went down and switched off.

Kate and Hazel were going to meet at book shop near their houses by 5:00 so at that they can reach by 5:30 at the cafeteria . Kate decided to wear a simple baby pink bunny's hoddie and match it with dark blue denim. Kate had a good sense of color. On the other hand Rose and Hazel didn't had much . Kate loved always to dress simply because she hated wearing showy clothes as she believed in wearing comfortable clothes. Hazel was all set with her black off-shoulder crop top and denim blue skirt. At sharp 5: 00 clock Hazel and Kate meet each other at decided location and then set off towards cafeteria with excitement of meeting each other.

Rose also got ready for this small get -together by 5:00 . That cafeteria was 15 minutes away from her house by walking distance she choose to walk as she was ready early today. Rose reached the cafeteria by sharp 5: 30 but she was disappointed to see that Hazel and Kate had not reach the cafe yet. She called Hazel to ask why have they still not reached the cafe but Hazel didn't answered her call. Somebody hugged Rose from behind . The shocked Rose turned to see who was it and it was Kate . Though , she was angry because they came late but her angry fade out with the smile that came from within and was hard to control. They warmly greeted each other and then entered the cafeteria. Hazel has already made reservation for them because she had an idea of rush in cafeteria by 5:00 pm . They entered an lavish , flashy and showy well decorated cafe. The aroma was of orchids filled the atomosphere with an eternal happiness and the white music being played has sweetened the air like white chocolate. The deem yellow lights of cafe gave it a rich fancy look. No wonder it was their favourite cafe. Anyone would find it special .

Today , there was much rush in cafe than on any other day glad Hazel already made the reservation for them so they were relived. They would always make reservation in corners so nobody would disturb their talks. They had their fixed menu whenever they would visit the cafe -' The Chicago pizza ' That was their favourite one since childhood. After taking their seats , Kate said in an excited voice ," After so many days we all are together back . so let's have FUN TONIGHT " Following Kate exclaimed Rose , " Yeah, LET'S ROCK." Hazel picked the glass of cold drink and cheered too . They were now all busily talking like they hadn't meet for 10,000 years but it was only last week before they had a grant celebration at cafe of hazel's birthday .

" Hey , I have an idea ." suddenly exclaimed Rose in middle of busy talks . "what idea ? Rose " -Kate . " why don't we have sleepover tonight at my house ?" -Rose . " But Rose tomorrow we have school and practical too . we can't miss the school tomorrow . " - Hazel . " yeah , you are right . Actually my parents are now off for a business tour for next two weeks so I thought it would be a nice idea. I feel uneasy alone. "- Rose . " ok , Rose . Today we will go home and then tomorrow we can have sleepover." - Kate . " ok , then tomorrow."- Rose. Suddenly hazel's cold drink spilled . She has to go to washroom to clean it now. While heading towards the washroom , suddenly a known face flashed in front of her eyes. She was a bit puzzled .