[ At the Kabra Mansion , 4:30]

Since Mr . Kabra had left the mansion promising Ken that he would surely join him for dinner, Ken was all alone with some of house keeping staff and Mr. Kabra's manager. As a normal manager he should have been in the office working for Mr. Kabra but he was at the mansion . Strange! it's because Mr. kabra had ordered him to stay with Ken and to look after what he wants and actually he kept him there for safety purpose too , because if any of his rivals are involed in murder they can even attack Ken . Hence, manager had to stay at the mansion instead of working at the office. Meanwhile, Ken went straight to guest room after biding Mr. Kabra goodbye . He wanted to rest for a while . After having a good nap Mr. Kabra's manager ' Jay' informed Ken that his luggage had arrived he not only informed him but brought it all alone . He was holding four bags all together out of which two were full of books and other containing clothes and daily necessary things . He was holding two -two bags in each hands . He was definately strong but very humble at same time .

Ken was very surprised with his humble nature because no manager stays at home for your babysitting instead of working. Ken had whole plan popped in his brain. If in future if he may need some to help him out in the case it would be him for sure . So he decided to talk with him and see if he was the same as he was looking. And YES! manager 'Jay ' passed the test . When Ken was taking with him he found out that though he was 22 year old young and strong man, he was around 17 or 18 while behaving. Manger Jay told Ken that since during his teenage he only focused on studies only but now he regret it because he really missed all the fun of youth but now he was entangled in job. "That's why! I am wondering why he so cheerful, it's a pity ! that he wasted his youth . " Ken thought in his mind . After that Manager Jay and Ken had a enough long chatting until Ken remembered his school homework so Manger Jay excused him saying that," I think so you finish your homework first and then we can continue chatting . Homework is more important. And wait a minute take this , this is your reservation recipt at 'THE GOOD BLOOMS' Don't forget to it you may need it there, Have fun there!" saying this Manager Jay left.

Ken was very happy after meeting Manger Jay . He felt like he found a cheerful friend. Though 'Jay' was Mr. Kabra's Manager , He was just 22 year old . The age difference between Ken's and Manager Jay's was just four years and Jay also nothing acted like an adult . He was like a cheerful teenager . He wanted to talk even more with him as he was curious about his life but he also wanted to do homework and as Manager Jay said that homework now more important so," TIME FOR HOMEWORK! MR. KEN AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT ALL ALONE WITH NO ONES COMPANY, NOT EVEN IVAN'S COMPANY FOR THIS BORING MATHS HOME WORK" Ken shouted out loud to himself as he was alone in room. He finished his homework with half an hour . Of course ! He will , he was not second ranker for joke . Though Maths was boring for him it was not at all hard for him as he was excellent student after all. He packed his bag with Tuesday's timetable. As he knewed that it would be late for him to return from Cafeteria so he packed it in advance. He kept even his uniform ready , Ironing the uniform was his favorite job. Now he was all ready to have a fluent morning routine and the HEAD BOY's batch that he stuck to his tie that Principal Sir had given him at the office . He now had a glance at the clock it was 4:34. So he decided to get ready .

Ken was very particular at choosing clothes , he mostly liked to wear simple plain clothes but these were hella expensive. He always looked handsome no matter what he wore , but actually looked even handsome with formal clothes. He wore plain while shirt which had some flower thread embroiderey at on it's sleeves. He paired it with black jeans and an expensive watch. With hairs all set , he looked complete drapper in that look! He took a small bag with him which had his phone, that informative paper and a water bottle with him as he didn't liked to drink water from outside. While going he informed Manager Jay that he was going to Cafeteria. Manager Jay again advised him to enjoy the beautiful evening of his youth. Ken waving Manager Jay bye walked out of the mansion. Soon , in just 15 minutes as Cafeteria was near the mansion . He showed reservation recipt to receptionist than she showed him his seat.

The face that hazel saw which she found similar to her was no one's else but Ken's face . However , she felt that she might have mistaken it because "Why would Ken visit Cafeteria ? and if he was Ken then where is his car ? There's no car in parking area when we arrived here and he came here after we had arrived why didn't we saw him as we were sitting at the first seat ? Maybe I had an hallucination ! Hazel thought but Ken was there for real there . He came to Cafeteria all by walking. Now he even left the cafeteria . As he had already finished his work of examining everyone's information. Hazel went to washroom and Rose and Kate were busy seeing Kate's brithday photos as Rose wished to see ,meanwhile Ken moved out of Cafeteria . Yes! he didn't noticed Hazel , Kate and Rose earlier as he was busy in work . But while moving out he noticed them but he didn't went to greet them or speak to them as they were busy seeing photo's on mobile phone and also he never had any interest in speaking to anyone else than Ivan.

Meanwhile , Hazel was marching towards her seat she saw a paper lying on the floor she picked it up and had a little glance at it , there she saw that it was like a list with names cancelled on it , the paper was too messy as many things were written on it . she tried reading the first cancelled name as it was little visible and it read ' H-A-Z-E-L P-A-R-....', wait was it her name before she could conform it the receptionist excused her saying that , the paper belonged to one of the guest visiting Cafeteria and guest had accidently left it here so , some one had came to take it back . " Ooo , I'm sorry actually it was on the floor and I picked it up so..." answered Hazel . " No ! it's fine you don't have to say sorry for it . " a gentle voice fall on Hazel 's ear . Hazel turned around to take a look at who was it ? And she kept looking at the person with gentle voice . He observed him he was young but he was wearing suit like Manager's or CEO's usually wear. He also looked handsome in it. It was actually Manager Jay. He had came to pick Ken on Mr. Kabra's order . As Ken stepped out of Cafeteria he remerbered that he forgotted one one the paper inside so Manager Jay decided to get it back and went inside . Manager Jay then took the paper and thanked her with a smile because if she would had not picked it someone would have stepped on it . Then he left the Cafeteria but Hazel was stuck at that paper . she was just very mentally disturbed , deciding whether it was her name or not . If it was her name , why was her name on that list? what kind of the list was it?