Chapter 1

"You useless brat, you ruined my life." The beautiful ger screamed at his son. The small boy was curled up in a ball sobbing. He was beaten relentlessly until bruises and wounds littered his bony body. The poor boy was thrown into a run down shack. He cough violently from all the dust. Darkness engulfed him.

The stunning ger who was dressed lavishly stutted back to the brothel to see if he could find a new target he could leech off.

One of his previous customers stomped over to him, fuming with anger. Jaw was clenched, mouth was in a frown, veins pulsed out of his neck and an icy glare was directed at the arrogant and prideful ger.

The beauty had a Cheshire grin across his pale face. He strided over to muscular man, drawing circles on his muscles. Looking up innocently he moistened his lips with his tongues. The ger fluttered his long eyelashes and seductively showed excessive amounts of skin.

The lean muscular man was no other then the general of the country. He smacked the lustful male off him and pointed a sharp to his neck. His eyes were filled with rage. His mouth was in a line and a stern expression was on his handsome face.

With a slash if his sword a life was lossed. Blood gushed everywhere and splattered over the general. He sheathed his bloody blade and strode off. He had no pity or mercy.

The boy who was locked away in isolation now had no one to depend on.


The morning sun had kissed Ying Yue awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds. His eyes flutter open, awakening from his deep slumber. A tear trickles down his eyes from the excessive yawning. He drags his tired body out of bed getting ready for his usual day.

Warm yellow rays wafting through the transparent glass window

Lighting the dim room making it look more homey and welcoming.

Ying Yue who was 25 realised he was late for his work and made a quick breakfast which consisted of toast. He ushered himself out of his small apartment, not forgetting to secure the house safely.

Classes would start soon, Ying's job was a high school teacher. Student started to stream into the school. The dormant quiet school was now filled with the sound of laughter and chattering. Cherry blossoms lined the pathway. Petals fluttered to the floor. A breeze of cool wind swept through the school. This school held tye hopes and dreams of many kids, this was where they would make thier wishes become reality.

Ying Yue loved his job, getting to see children growing up and pursuing their dreams. Ying Yue always loved kids, why you may ask. It was because he was an orphan. Even though his parents had left him he was loved unconditionally.

He had a happy childhood, the nuns at the orphanage were kind. Feeding everyone until their stomachs were full and providing them with shelter. Ying couldn't ask for more. But these joyous times couldn't last forever.

His life shattered when kidnappers arrived at their humble and peaceful home. Ying mangaed to escape for his life but he can't say the same for the others. A nice old couple found him on the streets and took him in.

Ying was traumatized but he remembered wasting his life would do no good as he was lucky enough to escape with his life. He vigorously wiped the tears that fell down his cheeks. He had a new resolve, it was to educate and care for children so they wouldn't end up like him.

He believed that all kids deserve love in their life like him. Also they were cute, he someday wanted to have that privilege. Having a kid of his own.

His pursue of romance always seemed to have failed. Either they broke up with him or cheated on him. Ying didn't mind though, adopting was a plausible choice.

Ying plopped himself on his office chair. He took off his black glasses and kneaded his tired temples. What lay before him was a stack of his students test he needed to mark.

The old metal school bell rung, it resounded throughout the crowded halls signaling students to head to class. Groans of frustration could be heard. The once bustling loud halls was now silent.

Picking up his backpack Ying headed to his assigned class. The classroom door creaked open. Icy cold water splashed on poor Ying. He shivered as the freezing water ran down his back. His eyes widen in surprise, but he quickly calmed down.

Some students erupted into fits of laughter while others silently sat their looking apologetic. Accepting what happend Ying excused himself, contacting the administrators about the incidents. This wasn't the first time these pranks would happen.

Although he has a love for kids he can get irritated by them. The metal locker door creaked open, what lay inside was a spare change of clothes.

Ying stripped his now soaked clothes and slipped into fresh clean clothes. Sighing as he buttons up his checkered shirt.


Students were streaming out of the school to head home or hang out with friends. Some stayed at school for club activites or to study.

Ying was bolting to get a taxi to go to the nearby hospital. He was fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. There was only one thing on his mind. It was why this world was so cruel. He had no friends, only his foster parents. They were now on the verge of death.

He saw a lone child standing in the path way, a teddy bear in their hand. Should he help the poor girl or not, he was trying to decide. His instincts kicked in and told him to help her. He just couldn't bring himself to ignore the scared child.

"Are you alright dear?" Ying asked with the gentlest voice he could muster. The girl shaked her head.l, cuddling her bear more tightly. "I'm lost." She mutters softly, nearly inaudable but Ying heard it.

Grabbing the smaller hand in his larger hand they went to find her parent. The honey haired girl led the teacher to an alley. Thanking him before vanishing into thin air.

Ying's eyes widen in shock, his jaw gaping. But he had no time to worry about the small girl as there was a larger matter at hand. He sprinted back to the main road. As he was about to cross the street his phone buzzed.

He picked it up, his hand sweating immensely. Once he heard the new is as if time stopped. His black mobile phone slipped out of his hand and crashed onto the road. Putting his hand to his mouth tears streamed sown his cheeks like a waterfall.

Before he even knew it a honking truck was speeding to him. Ying didn't have time to process or the occurring events. The minute his body and the truck collided his soul was zapped somewhere else.

Ying was standing in the middle of no where. He saw the gurl that he had helped before. What was she doing here he wondered. The tan girl ran over and embraced Ying in a hug.

He blinks in surprise before hugging her back, with a smile that reached the eyes. An elegant and beautiful male sauntered over to Ying. He was dressed in lavish clothed, that were embelished with small gems.

"My child, I have made a grave mistake. You had to help my daughter, she wondered into the mortal realm." A sigh escaped his lips and his once smooth forehead now had wrinkles on it. Ying was flustered, someone so important shouldn't be apologizing to someone like him. "It's quite alright, I would feel guilty if I didn't help him." He began to wave his hand, clearly embarrased.

A gentle smile formed on the gorgeous male before Ying. But it soon turned to a sad smile with his eyes glistening. "I feel bad you didn't say your last prayers to your departing parents and you could have avoided death. So I shall grant you the chance to transmigate. Plus I needed to fix something in that world. So it's killing 2 birds with 1 stone as the saying goes."

Ying stood there dumbfounded, was this really happening now. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. The handsome God chuckled, "It will be a cultivation world. You know what that is right? I suppose you do from all those novels you mortals create."

He was only able to nod in response, still processing all this new information. The male dressed in white continued talking, as if he already knew he would respond like this. "I will grant you some privlidges and previous memories of the body you will transmigate in. All I ask if you is to care for the child this body owns. That poor boy needs the affection of a parent."

The minute God mentioned something about a child Ying's mind snapped back to reality. Before he could say anything back God wisped his soul away. "That is all the time I have left to talk to you. Have a nice life and take care of that child."

Ying's eyes lashes flutter open. He was now in an unknown place. Suddenly he feel a piercing pain in his mind, a bunch of images flash through. Soon he pass out.


Ying Yue is a ger. A ger is able to give birth, they lean to the femine look and had a red dot somewhere in their body.

He used to be part of the Yunmeng sect. He was considered the beauty and was spoiled rotten. Ying also belonged to a famous clan that was well respected who also deeply cared for him. Leading him to become arrogant and prideful.

The minute he laid eyes on the wealthy handsome general he fell in love. He climbed his way into his bed, this getting Ying pregnant.

The general hated Ying from that moment but had to take care of his son. The ger resented his son but faked his care for him as to get a good impression. But the general found about his facade and kicked him out of his own.

Ying believed if he got this kind of treatment his son should get the same and not get to experience a lavish lifestyle.

So he kidnapped the cute bun. Ying wanted to love a luxurious lifestyle so he worked at a brothel and leeched off the customers money. His child was left in a cold dark room with barely any food. It was like this until he met his doom.

While Ying Yue read this he couldn't help but shed a tear for the poor baby bun. He was furious at the previous owner of this body he will definitely in this lifetime dote on that abandon boy. His eyes sparked, he lifted his fist high into the air. This was his new start.