Chapter 2

Ying Yue woke up, looking at his surrounding. He placed his feets on the wooden floorboard, the bed creaks as Ying slowly get off it. A sheer blue curtain draped over the window. The room was filled with lavish furniture. A mirror made of silver that was adorned with many jewels, a large bed. He walked over to a desk, there was an excessive amount of makeup on it.

Looking in the mirror Ying was surprised. His eyes widen and his lips slightly parted. There before him reflected a stunning male that even females would envy.

Lucious obsidian hair that went down to his waist. One could easily tell it was well taken care of. He brought his hand to his face, feeling the baby smooth soft skin that was free of any blemishes. Cheeks were rosy, lips were strawberry pink tempting one to kiss it. A set of dazzling, angel-white teeth gleamed when he smiled.

Along with having a sculpted body he had a slender waist and curvy body. Even the butt was plump and round. But what attracted Ying Yue the most was his enticing, constellation-purple eyes. To him he felt they held a great depth.

Suddenly something struck his mind. How could he be so distracted and forget about the child. He face palms at his stupidity. Where could the young one be.

Ying skimmed through his memory, he should be in a shack outside of this house. He bolted out of his house not caring about putting shoes on. His hair fluttered in the wind, shimmering in the sunlight. His eyebrows knitted and he had a tight-lipped smile.

When he found the hut he was appalled. It was in ruins, it stenched of garbage. How could anyone live here, especially a young child.

The old wooden door slowly creaked open. What was revealed was a small boy covered in dirt. Ying gasped in shock, his knees went weak causing him to collapse to the floor. The state of the small boy was horrendous. A pearl-shaped tear slowly trickled down Ying's face.

He couldn't help but be emotional, he had a soft spot for kids. The boy paled, trembling at the sight of the ger. Wounds littered his bony body, he closed his eyes shut. Getting ready for what he though was a smack. But instead it was replaced by a warm hug.

Ying didn't care if his expensive clothes were dirty, all that mattered to him was this boy that had been abused. Who had gone through so much pain and neglection. His mind only thought how he would spoil and care for this boy. The boy who goes by the name of Bai Ah. Ying find it's his responsibility to make up for all the mistakes the previous owner had done. He needed to to heal the wounds so they wouldn't leave a detrimental scar to Bai.

The boy froze, eyes widening and his dry lips forming incoherent words. "M-my baby bun m-mother has been terrible to you." Ying stuttered out between broken sobs. He grabbed his face gently, making them look face to face. With his unwavering eyes he said "One more chance is all I ask for. Let me be a true loving mother, please baby." He caressed Bai's cheek, gazing at him with loving and warm eyes.

Bai stared into his mother's moist eyes that were filled with warmth and regret. Was this a dream, he didn't want it to end then. Clutching his mothers robes he burst into tears. Bai could finally feel the warmth of his mother, he yearned for it so much. No matter how hard he had prayed it never happend, he only recieved beatings and scolding. Now he could have it, a mothers warmth and love.

The both clung to each other, crying their hearts out. It was a very beautiful and touching scene. If one were to stumble upon this scene they would feel their hearts clench as if watching a bitter sweet romance movie.

Bai soon cried to sleep, his small hand still clutched Ying's clothes. Pulling his coal coloured hair up Ying littered the little ones face with kisses. Then carried him home, placing him gently on the soft bed. Making sure not to wake him up.

Ying plopped himself on a nearby chair. He needed a job fast, he didn't want to work at a brothel. Not only does he dislike the idea of being a toy for pleasure but it would set a bad example.

Looking around at all the luxurious furniture an idea popped into mind. We could first sell this furniture and buy a humble home. All this fancy stuff isn't needed. He could also return to the sect but that's proven to be difficult.

Ying lay his face on the table, without realising it he started doze off.


His eyes snapped open, he cocked his head to where the sound of rustling came from. There sat his baby bun, rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning. The oversized shirt revealed his pale skin. Ying rembered the boy was still dirty, he ushered him into the bathroom.

He scrubbed his hair vigously until it clean. He then treated the injuries with care as to not hurt Bai more then he already. After taking out all the necessary ingredients Ying started cooking a delicious healthy breakfast. A mouth watering arouma filled the room.

A certain child was jumping up and down, unable to contain his excitement. The ger couldn't helo but burst into laughter at the scene. Bai tilted his head cutely wondering why his mother was laughing. But he too soon joined in the fun.

The duo exuded joy and warmth. A large smile was across both their face. Ying's eyes turned into crescent moons. Bai was dazed, his mother was so beautiful. The difference between his past and present mum was immense. But Bai much prefers the current mams as she is kind.

"Your so pretty mama." Ying's laughter stops. He looks at his cheeky amd and blushes bashfully at the sudden compliment. "Aren't you a ladies man." Ying pokes the chubby cheek of his adorable child. Bai pouts cutely, Ying starts blowing rasperries on him. Causing the 4 year old to burst into fits of laughter.

The food soon finished, the beautiful ger quickly platted it. A spoon was drawn to the mouth of the cute child. "You are too skinny, I shall feed you home cooked food from now on." The ocean eyes child squealed in delight, eyes sparkling. Not only did he get to his mum but also eat his home cooked food. While getting fed personally, this really was a dream come true.

Bai happily ate the food that was fed to him. Due to all the excitement soup spilled all over the floor. Tears started to well up. Was mama going to hate him again.

"Goodness, are you okay dear?" Amethyst eyes looked at the lapis eyed child. Worry was evident in the beauties eyes. He checked his child making sure they were nkt hurt. Seeing there were no injuries they sigh in relief. "Be more careful next time my bun bun." Then patted the bed of messy hair.

"S-so your n-not angry at me?" The schild stuttered while looking up at his mum with teary eyes. "Of course not, it was a trivial mistake. How about we go to the market today, how does that sound, but only after you finish eating."

After finishing their meal and cleaning up the pair of father(or mother) and son went to change. Opening the skillfully carved wooden wardrobe revealed colourful clothes. But that wasn't the only problem about them, they were very revealing.

A frown forms on Ying's face. Was this the only selection of clothes, these skimpy outfits. He dug through the wardrobe for less revealing clothes but to no avail.

There was a very large puffy fur coat. He took it out and wore it, it was only temporarily though as it was extremely hot outside. Ying also wore a dark blue veil as to not attract any attention.

Bai had had finished changing into his outfit. Once Ying saw his clothes the corned of his mouths drew down. What stood in front if him was a child dressed in dirty and smelly rags. This will not do the mother hen thought.

Ushering the baby bun back to the bedroom he made a makeshift outfit. Be sure to buy new clothes for both of them Ying reminded himself.

Hand in hand the duo walked out into the busy streets. The bright blazing stood high in the sky, its sun rays cascading over the market place. The air smelled rancid, a mix of sweat and rot. Small shops lined the narrow streets. People yelling and advertising their products, it was simply chaotic.

Ying and his baby bun weaved their way through the bustling crowd, while being careful to stick together. They bought a bunch of clothes, happy with their shopping Ying decided to treat his bun bun to a treat.

Bai Ah happily munched on his strawberry mochi. While the little one was busy the obsidian haired ger decided to quickly by a gift.

After a fun day out they both decides to, head home. Rich hues of red blended with oranges, purples, crimsons. The sun cast its golden rays. Retreating for the day, going into a deep slumber until it was time for its awakening.

Bai rubbed his eyes sleepily. Ying carried him ro the bed, tucking him in a blanket. Then placed the newly bought gift next to his son. It was a small fluffy hazelnut teddy bear. The child smiled brightly and kissed his mother.a gentle smile was wire on the gers face, he littered kisses all over the little ones face.

Ying took a seat at the dining table. When he transmigated to this new world a book came with him. He opened the book, a letter dropped out. Surprised Ying slowly unwrapped it from its snow white envelope.

The elegantly written letter wrote how Ying had a divine spiritual root. One that had never existed in the cultivation world before. It's called the celestial name. It allows the user to use the power of the stars and moon, which not only includes the stars at night but also sun.

You have the ability to fly, a trail of pixie dust will follow behind you. This vein is hard to cultivate and the star has to approve of you using its power. But this power is truly amazing. It is extremely powerful when used correctly.

You can communicate with the earth itself and animals. Animals and people will naturally be attracted to you. You can enhance ones power including yourself and are able to heal injuries with ease. When you use the power of the stars you will transform and become a beauty deserving of the title of celestial being. A weapon is also summoned when you transform. There were two transformation for various reasons.

Ying's eyes couldn't help but light up as he read about the celestial spiritual roots. This is a vein that never existed, he would be the first one to weild it. Who wouldn't be excited.

Ying quickly wanted to start cultivation. He started reading through the manual, he understood it quite quickly to his surprise. There was a technique if you dance when there is a full moon at midnight something spectacular would happen. Ying gave himself a mental note to keep him in mind. But currently how wanted to learn how to transform.

Closing his eyes the ger started to feel the qi surrounding him. Sweat started to form his on his forehead as he was doing the most difficult part of the process. Pain struck him like lightning, light engulfed his whole being. He coughed out a vlack substance. The impurities in Ying's body slowly began oozing out. It went late into the night.

Sequin-silver stars illuminated the atramentous curtain of sky. The moonlight shone on Ying, he truly looked like a celestial that descended from heaven. The gorgeous her bathed in the moonlight, illuminating his stunning features.

Ying's once obsidian hair faded into a snow white colour. The silky lucious hair shimmered in the silver light, swaying gently in the night wind. His eyes lashes fluttered open, revealing a pair of silver eyes. Simple yet elegant robes were worn. A beautiful silver headpiece was worn on the gers head. The pale skin glowed in the moonlight.

A moon shaped necklace dangled on Ying's neck. It glowed a bright silver colour, transforming into a stunning boy. It was beautifully crafted, he was entranced by the sheer beauty of it. He ran his delicate fingers across the smooth surface. There seemed to also be another item which surprised Ying. It was some sort of instrumental weapon.

It was an obsidian coloured flute. Maybe one is for the night sky stars and the other is for the moon. This was confusing Ying thought. Well he could figure it out later. He delicately stoked it a warm smile was worn on his face. A name should be given to weapons such as these, Ying decided he would decide names tommorow.

If one were to witness this seen they would immediately be drawn in and fall in love in a heart beat or at least take a second glance.

The little baby bun shuffled in the sheets. Feeling there was no one lying next to him he whined. Ying quickly went to check his little one.

The cute child couldn't help but be dazed by his mother. He had grown more beautiful then he originally was.

"Sleep my baby bun, it's late out." Ying looked at his son gently while kissing the small child cheek. "Mama you look different." Bai muttered. "Does mother look bad?" He quickly shook his head denying his mothers words. "You look very pretty." Ying was taken back but a smile soon formed on his gorgeous face. "Thank you my dear. Now get some sleep or else mama won't hand feed you breakfast."

Bai quickly went back to sleep. But not before kissing his mother good night. A soft chuckle escaped the gers lips. He too went to sleep, holding his baby bun to his chest. The moonlight shone gently on the pair.


Ying can change into two different forms. One utilises the power of the night sky stars and moon while the other is for the sun.