Chapter 3

"Open your mouth." Ying cooed. The baby bun happily opened his mouth wide, chewing joyously on the food his mom gave him. His eyes squinting in delight in the process. "Be sure to eat a lot dear, you are too skinny." The ger stated as he stuffed more food into his baby.

Although Ying was smiling brightly on the outside his mind was having an inner turmoil. He needed a job quick. Their cash was running decreasing. The lavish house had been sold to a rich noble. Both now lived in a small house, it had a simple design but was nonetheless beautiful. Plus it was quite cheap.

Ying started rubbing his chin, trying to think of a way to earn cash. He could go back to the sect and not have to worry about housing and food.

But Ying wasn't sure how his parents would feel if he suddenly came home with a child. They did spoil and love the previous owner of the body dearly but the thought of rejection scared Ying.

The little seemed to notice the beautiful gers distressed state. Soft lips were planted on the smooth cheek of the older one, trying to comfort him mother. The corners of saying mouth curved upwards. At least the ger had his cute baby bun with him no matter what.

Warm hand wrapped around the child. They both enjoyed the silence as they embraced each other. "Honey mama needs to find a job, you wanna go and get changed so I can search for one." The obsidian haired child simply nod before shuffling off to his room.

Ying put on formal clothes, he needed to look presentable if he wanted to create a good expression. He didn't forget to wear a veil though.

The duo both hastily exited the house. Suddenly a sheet of paper flies into Ying's face. The 4 year old laughed at his mothers surprised face. Ying's nose wrinkles, his eyebrows raise and a quizzacal smile wore on his face.

He peels it off his face and his gaze focuses on the piece if paper in front of him. His eyes widen, it was a job that paid extremely well. All you had to do was dance at a famous restuarant.

Ying was actually quite skilled at dancing. First off because he had many hobbies that he did for fun and second was because he once had to fill in a extra spot for a ancient chinese dance performance. Who knew that these skills of his would work in his favour. Plus the coincidence of him knowing how to dance things in this era.

The gers head cocked to his son. "How does mommy being a dancer sound to you baby." A dimpled smile appears on the young ones face along with flashing eyes.

"I wanna see mama dance, I'll bet she will look awesome." A giggle escaped Ying's soft strawberry lips at the response.

They made their way to the restaurant that was called 'Plums Blossom'. The exterior of the restaurant was absolutely gorgeous. Plum trees stood proudly next to the beautifully carved wooden door. Various colourful flowers adorned the shop. It was bright and joyful. Many people were lined up to eat at the resturant that stood out from other shops.

Bai eyes sparkled, he had never seen something like this. But the beauty of the place could not be comparable to his mother. The little one puffed put his chest proudly. Ying saw this and a question mark appeared above his head.

Some loud muttering could be heard. An employee of the famous shop looked quite panicked. Ying quickly weaved his way through the crowd to find what the commotion was about.

"What do you mean our dancer is sick. Why did you tell us on such short notice, we have very important guest today and we need the dancer as entertainment. This is extremely problematic." He shaked his head, looking extremely stressed.

I tapped his shoulder, he looked as if might explode. He whipped his head towards the ger about to yell. "I could be a replacement, I actually just came here to see if I could get a job." Ying said as he showed the piece of paper.

"We would usually test your capabilities but we really have no other choice. Can I at least see what you look like. If your ugly it won't work." Ying nods but ask if they could do it inside.

The 3 trotted inside until they were in an isolated room. Ying removed the purple sheer veil. The employee gasped, "Absolutely perfect. This is amazing, I'm sure they'll like you. You only need a little bit of make up and touching up and you'll be good to go." A large smile was plastered on the male employees face. He was so happy as if he had struck gold.

Ying was quickly ushered into a changing room. "Be good dear, mommy will be out soon." The child pouted but sat obidently on a nearby chair.


The maids looked happily at their finished result. Ying looked into the mirror, his jaw gaping. He was dressed in blue garments . His hair let down, flowinf like a water fall. Cheeks qnd lips more rosier then usual, eyelashes more exotic. Was that really him in the mirror. A small child came bursting in hugging his mum. The cute bun was giggling and praising his mum. An elder man came in, nodding happily.

"I am the manager of Plum Blossom. I'm glad you came on such short notice. If you preform well I will hive you extra. Now hurry up onto the stage." The old man said.

Ying stood behind the red curtains hand sweating. He glanced over to his child who was giving him a thumbs up. Ying couldn't disappoint his child, he could do it.

The curtain slid open, a trail of backup dancers appeared. Soon the stunning ger appeared, the crowd gasp. He danced elegantly, moving like water. The blue robes he wore gently fluttered with the movement of the gorgeous ger. His shiny silver hair swayed with movement. His silver eyes turned to crescent moons and his rosy lips curved upwards. Many were entranced not realising the dance had ended. The crowd erupted in applause.

A male stood high in the stand, in a private room. He looked down at the ger intrigued. A smirk appeared on his face. A person dressed in black came to the handsome males side. "Find more information about that person down there." With a nod the person dressed in black vanished in a blink of an eye. His eyes flashed, he tapped his wooden chair. The lavishly dressed male stood up and turned on his heel, disappearing into the night.

Sweat trickled down Ying's forehead, he sighed in relief as the performance ended. He hoped he preformed well. Ying walked down from the stage. He was embraced in a warm embrace. A smile graced his lips.

The small child was lifted up. "That was a wonderful performance. My pay shall be sent to you soon. Feel free to come back anytime we welcome you with open arms." Ying nods, "I should be heading back soon it's late." With that the duo left. On the way out an old man smacked Ying's behind. He glared at the white haired man before walking out of the now quiet restaurant. All customers were leaving as it was late. A smirk formed on the old man as he licked his lips. Ying's face contorted in disgust, the silver eyes of the ger narrowed as he frowned.

The ger looked down at his now sleeping child kissing his forehead. The little one squirmed in his sleep before returning to his peaceful state. The walk was quiet and peaceful. White specks decorated the black canvas. The night air was refreshing and cool. The silver ball in the sky illuminated the dark town. It was midnight, all that could be heard was the rustle of leaves.

Something flashed by Ying. He immediately became more cautious. His pupils dilated, his bow appeared in his hand. Ying placed his child safely in a barrier he created. Now knowing Bai was safe he could worry less.

His eyes darted around the dead silent town. His eyes darted around, his bow was drawn back. Ready to fire at any given time. A knife shot past Ying, just grazing his cheek. A trickled of crimson red blood blood out.

He quickly cocked his head to where the attack was fired at. A black blur could be seen, Ying quickly aimed his bow to the attacker. He pulled the string back, the arrow burst into action. Sparks flew out of it as it was fired. The gorgeous weapon glowed brightly, like the satrs that stood high i. the sky. This was a good chance to test the capabilites of the weapon.

Various shots were fired until the attackers body fell to the ground screaming in agony. There were prominent lines on their eyebrows. They gritted their teeth as their jaw clenched.

Ying stood next to the criminal. His shadowed casted on him as the moonlight shone on his back. "Who sent you after me?" Ying said threatingly as a bow was pointed at the mans face.

"Bohai Bo, he is an elder." At first Ying was confused on who was that until he remembered the perverted lustful man. Remembering what he did got his blood boiling. "Tell your master to scram, I don't ever want to see him again." With the flick of his hair Ying left with his son sleeping soundly in his arms.

Ying sat on the bed reading more cultivation manuals. A yawn escaped his lips. He stretched his body before laying down next to his baby bun that had drool coming out of his mouth. Ying wished he could take a picture of the scene.

The one candle that was lit flickered, red and orange sparks could be seen. Ying blew it out making the room become pitch black. Smoke filled the air but soon escaped through the cracks of the window.

The wind howled outside. A storm was brewing, the clouds turned dark. It was a sign of an approaching calamity. The pair of father and son slept peacefully oblivious to what would happend to them in the future.