Chapter 4

It was late at night, a male dressed in black appeared behind the man who was swirling a cup of red wine in his hand.

"The person you wanted me to look into is named Ying Yue, he is a ger who has a son named Bai Ah. Bai is the son of the general from the Phoenix army. The generals name is Kang Ah.

Ying was kicked out of his residence when he was still pregnant. Apparently he climbed his way into the bed of the general. He was made to live on the streets.

Ying decided to live as a prostitute but now lives as a musician. He had loving parents but he mistreated them and left them as he had fallen for the general. Ying was part of the famous Yunmeng Sect.

Apparantly his personality has changed completely. He used to neglect his son but now he dotes on him. That is all I currently know."

The handsome male nodded, "Good job, continue to keep an eye on him." His eyes glinted, he took a sip of his exquisite wine. The shadow guard had already left. "Interesting, let's see what's going to happen to you next Ying."


Its already been 1 whole month since Ying transmigated into ths world. The morning was the same as usual. Ying feeding his little one, after that they would play together. The beautiful ger did begin to give study sessions. At first the baby bun complained non stop but his mother had threatened him if he didn't there would be no dessert.

That seemed to be able to keep the baby bun shut. They have a steady income and live a happy life. Ying cocked his head to his cute son. "How about we go out today since you've been so good." The little ones eyes lit up and he jumped around the house in delight.

The beautiful ger laughed happily, it was as if flowers were blooming around him. It was enchanting. Ying wore a plain baby blue robe as to not attract attention and his usual veil.

They planned to go to the forest and travel to a nearby village. A fruit that is located there should be blooming soon. It is said it can greatly improve cultivation. This was useful for Ying as he was having trouble with his ascension. Currently he was core formation mid stage.

Ying had been stuck at this level for awhile even though he cultivates daily. He looks at his baby bun with stern eyes "This could get dangerous, be sure to stay close to mummy okay." The little one nods as he clutches his mothers robes.

Ying knew it could be dangerous as he wouldn't be the only one who wanted such a fruit. But if he wasn't powerful enough he wouldn't be able to protect his little one from all the threats in this world. Where the strong and rich rule over the weak and poor.

Ying also decided to wear a black cloak. With that they departed after eating. The forest hums with life all around me. Ying trudges on the minty green grass, leaves crunching beneath his feet. He gazed up with his silver eyes. Looking at the canopy, searching for the birds that sing sweetly. Ying point out with his slender finger different species of birds to Bai. The baby bun dashes after them only for the birds to flee and soar away into the bright blue sky.

A ladybug lands on his nose, the little bun sneezes causing it to fly away. Ying chuckles softly as he hugs the pouty child.

In the forest there is a sense of kinship with the flora, of an ancient soul that stretches into everything that lives. It is here under the nascent rays of a sun born to rise each day.

A river winds through the forest, welcoming stray flora that comes it's way. The water glistened in the sunlight.

Ying's platinum hair flutters gently in the wind, he looked like a beautiful goddess that descended from heaven to have fun in the mortal world. Ying held his hair with his hand. Looking up at the clear blue sky. Suddenly someone splashes him water. It was the cheeky child. Bai burst into fits of laughter as he continued splashing his mother.

The two laugh harmoniously, the light shone on the duo. They looked happy and joyful, it was a beautiful scene. Ying playfully chased after his child as he splashed the cool water from the river on his son. He was in no rush to get to his destination as he still had a few days.

They continued to play together until it was noon. Ying chased the little one around as if he was a monster. Tackling the little one to the ground and playfully biting him.

The stunning get and cute child lay on the soft green grass soaked and breathless. They were both laughing so hard that tears formed at the corner of their eyes. Ying wiped his tears and started blowing raspberries on his child.

Bai giggled happily as he told his mum to stop. "Now look at us, soaked. Luckily I brought a spare change of clothes." Ying picked his son up as he went inside his makeshift tent. They both changed into fresh clean robes.

Bai tugged on his mothers eyes and looked at him with begging eyes. "Can you please play the flute. You said I was good didn't you." Ying let out a helpless sigh but agreed.

They walked out and say near the fire. Ying summoned the flute which he had named Lumine to his hand. He pulled it up to his cherry soft lips and blew into it. The silent forest was filled with a sweet melodic tune. The breeze blew gently, the trees swayed as if following the melody. Birds sang in unison as if they were a choir.

The baby bun closed his eyes as he lay on his mothers lap. Dozing off into a deep sleep. Once Yong knew the little one was asleep he placed him on the bed. Putting up many protective tailsmen outside as he walked along the river that lead to a lake.

Emerald green trees surrounded the lake which reflected the full moon. Suddenly Ying remembered something from the manual that would bestow him something special.

Ying couldn't contain his excitement, a smile formed on his lips. Ot said you have to wear only a white thin robe, go to the middle of the lake that's surrounded by flora and has gems around the rim. What a coincidence he would find the exact place.

Ying shivered as his slender foot steeped into the icy cold water. He stood in the middle of the freezing cool lake. It then said in the manual you had to play the flute as you danced in the moonlight.

Ying closes his eyes as his body dances along with his tune. Elegantly and gracefully dancing under the silver rays. His figure bathing the moonlight. One could fill the sorrow he held, the music displayed his emotions. Ying poured his heart out.

Without realising it ears ran down his slender face as he remembered the saddest moments of his past life. An animal pranced and danced in the night sky that was decorated with silver spots. It descended down to where Ying was. The feathers on it's back trailing behind it.

Ying sensed a precense near him so his eyes snapped open. He was flabbergasted on what lay before him. His lips open partly and his eyes widen.

It was a stunning phoniex. But it was much different from what he expected. It was half blue and half yellow. The feathers shimmered and shined lighting up the dark forest.

In the still of the night, a magnificent creature appeared had flew before him. Its feathers are a beautiful hue of gold and red– the Phoenix. It cranes its head back as it sings a haunting melody that stops the sun itself in the sky.

Then it started talking which shocked Ying more then he already was. "Hello young one, I have heard your callings, your ritual to summon me. I must say that was a beautiful performance. I hope you will become my master, you see a bright future ahead of you." The phoniex bowed it's head, Ying was too shocked to say any words. Only incoherent words left his lips.

Aren't beast especially ones of this calibar prideful Ying thought. He soon snapped back to reality. "Are you sure you want for me to become your master. I believe you should have your own freedom." The mythical beast shook its head. "I appreciate your kindness, your words only make me want to make me have a contract with you more."

With that the beast bit Ying's finger drawing a bit of blood and mingled it with its own. Light engulfed both beast and human but soon died down.

On his hand was a symbol. Ying turned to the phoniex and smiled, he couldn't but stroke the soft feathers. "I thanks you for indulging my selfish wish. If that is all I shall be leaving. Whenever you need me call my name as you hold that symbol which is on you hand. I shall accept any name you give me."

Ying held his chin trying to think of a suitable name. "Xiongwei is the name I shall bestow you. It means majestic, I find that a benefitting name. If you dislike it don't hesitate to tell me."

"I thank you for the name. I shall take my leave." With that the phoniex left. Ying stood there in awe.

Some leaves rustle behind him. Yong immediately becomes alert. His eyes narrowed to where the noise came from. He slowly creeped towards it with his weapon in hand.

Ying's brows knit and a tight-lipped smile forms on his face as he looks at the injured man below him. He bends down to check his pulse. Suddenly the arm of the injured man grips Ying's hand harshly. His eyes fought to stay open but the pain got the better of him and he blacked out.

The beautiful ger decided to take the man back to their camp to treat him. He isn't much of a threat at the moment and even if he woke up Ying is confident in his skills of running away and escaping.

Ying treats the mans internal injured with his powers and the flesh wounds with a bandage. A yawn escaped Ying's mouth. He should be heading to bed.

Now that Ying  looked the man was extremely handsome, many people would be fawning over him. Stern and lean build yet slender. Long silky hazelnut hair. Lavish clothes that only nobels would have. A weapon was worn on his waist.

Ying decided not to bother to much. He covered the handsome with a warm blanket, mamking sure he wasn't cold. It would be good if you got sick when he already quite a few injuries. Ying was exhausted from casting a healing spell and running all day.

Ying climbed into his own bed where Bai was sleeping peaceful. A soft kiss was planted on the smooth forehead of the child. The little one squirmed in its sleep but soon stopped. Ying found that man suspicious but he didn't seem like a bad person.

With that though in mind he dozed off. Little did he know what he got himself into. This decision would change his life forever.