Chapter 5

The carriage was set to flames. Assassins were after him. The man inside jumped out and dashed for his life. His beautifully crafted sword was unsheath. All his guards lay dead on the floor.

Crimson red blood soaked into the dirt. Dirt and crisp leaves crunched beneath his feet as he made his escape. Many men were after this man's life. It was a singular male against an squadron.

He had no hope to defeat them especially in this condition. Assassin are built around the dark and stealth. Multiple knives were aimed at the fleeing male. He managed to deflect most with his sword but some pierced through his skin

The handsome man took a sharp turn hiding in a nearby bush. Groans resounded through the dead silent forest. The assassins had lost their target but managed to injure him severely.

The handsome male realised he had been poisoned, his vision blurring. The sound of the flute could be heard in the distant. It was his only hope, they were still in the area.

Their stood a beautiful male in the middle of the water. Their figure bathed in the moonlight, illuminating their slender figure. The think white cloth stuck to their milky skin. The material was alight transparent, one could easily see the perfect curves if his body.

One couldn't help but take a second glance. A twig snap causing the bush the man was in to rustle. The gers head snapped towards the injured males direction.

He fought to keep his conciousness. The hazelnut eyes were met with the platinum eyes. A hand reached out to him, he grabbed the slender wrist with force. But his mind drew a blank and he blacked out.


Upon waking, Ying burrowed himself into the warm, soft sheets. Rubbing his eyes tiredly before putting his feet onto the cold ground. A yawn escaped his soft rosy lips. He opened the tent door, the blaring sun greeting him.

The man Ying had saved yesterday was sitting on the floor. A pair of clear blue eyes looked at him. A gentle smile formed on Ying's face, his forehead was smooth and there were creases beside his eyes.

"How are you feeling, you should take it easy. I have neutralized the poison in the body but you still need to be careful." Ying handed him a cup of water and medicine. The handsome male gratefully accepted it.

"I must thank you for saving me, I don't know how I can repay you." Ying shook his head as his eyes turned to crescents. "It's alright, I don't expect anything in return. My names Ying Yue, what's yours if you mind me asking." The edge of the attractive males mouth tugged up.

"My name is Wang Wei. If you don't mind could I rag along with you for awhile. I won't be troublesome." Ying nods, he didn't really mind if he came along. It wouldn't really trouble him but it could he dangerous. He seems like a rich nobel, it wasn't really Ying's problem though. For some reason that name sounded familiar, like he heard it from somewhere. Well it didn't really matter.

Bai walked out of the tent hugging his teddy bear as his rubbed his eyes sleepily. Ying walked up to him, barraging him with kisses. "Honey go get change we have to resume our journey." The little one sauntered back into the tent. Ying began preparing breakfast.

"You don't mind dumplings do you." He turned his head to Wang. "I'm not a picky eater, it sounds delicious." It was silent as Ying cooked breakfast. The baby bun ran out hugging his mother. Ying chuckled softly as he brought the plates to the table.

Bai happily ate the food his mum fed him. A large smile appeared on his face, cute dimples showing. Ying wiped the food on his little ones face with a towel. Wang stared at the harmonious pair, he couldn't help but smile.

"If it's fine with you me and my son Bai will be going to where the spiritual fruit will bloom. It's one that helps cultivation. Are you fine tagging along with us, it can be dangerous." Ying says as he begins to clean up the dishes.

"I'm fine with that, I am plenty capable of defending myself. Thank you for the concern and heads up." Wang got up and helped clean the rest of the dishes.

Ying packed all his bags and they continued on their journey. The three of them tracked through the wood until they finally arrived at the village.

Many cultivators were gathered there, probably all wanting to retrieve the fruit. Well it was understandable as this fruit only blooms every 1000 years. Wang put on a mask and I put on a black cloak as to not attract any attention. People gave them a glance before whispering to each other.

Only around 5 fruits will ripen on the tree. That is located high in the cliff as it can only grow there. It is not an easy feat to be able to even get to the middle of the cliff. There are obstacles like monsters and the weather. Plus it's a race against the clock, you have to beat the other people there.

The reason people haven't gone up to take the fruit is that the weather is so harsh that it's impossible to get up there but it will weaken for a short amount of time when the fruit ripens. It's a weird phenomenon that even science can't explain.

Ying book a room for them to stay in. Now what were they were going to do Ying thought to himself as he held his chin. They had 1 day to relax before departing, it was still early in the morning.

The baby bun tugged at his mothers light pink robes that were decorated with cherry blossoms. Ying looked down at his child that was looking up at him with puppy eyes. Bai wanted to go out with his mother in the market.

With that the three of them departed. Ying held his sons hand firmly but not tight enough to hurt him. They weaved their way through the crowd. Ying witnessed a disturbing scene that made his blood boil.

A poor elderly women was being beaten up as they tried to protect their kid. Why this disturbed him so much is that he himself was a parent now and loves his child very much and how they are treating that women.

The fat old man grabbed the poor women by the hair, tearing off her clothes to humiliate her more then she had. This was the last straw, Ying kicked the fat oaf.

His eyes look kind but you could see rage in them but he remained calm. "I suggest you stop all this commotion, look at all the commotion you have caused. You ought to be embarrassed."

The large man was trembling in rage. A twisted scowl was on his face and wrinkles formed on his forehead. He puffed his chest put like a proud peacock. "You dare defy me a nobel. You a lowly peasant have the audacity to kick me. Get on the ground the ground and beg for my forgiveness and I might just might let you off. Or hand me that women behind you." He was referring to the daughter of the tea shop owner.

Ying lips press together as his eyes knitted. Disgust was evident on his face. "Sorry sir but I don't think that'll  happen." Wang looked as if he was about to but in but Ying shook his head.

The injured elder women told Ying to leave. "It's alright mam, I can handle this." He looked back at the large male. "What is you buisness with her?"

"She owes me 100 taels of silver for the tea shop she owns. I was coming to get my repayment either the money or her daughter" He points an accusing finger at the elderly women. She shrivels up in fear. The young daughter of the women tried to look strong but hot tears streamed down his face.

Ying walked over to the young female and patted her back reassuringly. After that he unsheathed his sword. "I suggest you do kindly leave." He threw a sliver banknote which is equivalent to 100 silver tael.

The fat males face turned red from shame. He gritted his teeth, then ordered his guards to attack Ying. He swiftly dodge and easily struck the enemy down. Ying was not scared and didn't run away even when out numbered.

They were easily beaten. The nobel fell on his butt and scrambled away screaming to stay away. The group fled the scene after getting humilated but didn't forget to take the money.

The elderly women bowed down to Ying you told her to get up with a bashful expression. Bai ran up to his mum with his eyes twinkling. "You were so cool mama. I wanna be like you when I'm older."

The gorgeous ger patted his head as he chuckled softly. The crowd was stunned by the enchanting voice  Although they couldn't see his identity they guessed it was a peerless beauty.

"How can I ever repay you. At least have some tea at my humble shop." Ying couldn't refuse her generosity and gratefully accepted.

The baby bun stuffed pastries in his mouth. "Eat more slower honey or you might choke." A worried expression was worn on Ying's face. Wang Wei sipped his tea with grace. Not like how a commoner would, he had proper equity. The little one began coughing. "See you eat to fast. Now look what happend you clumsy child." Ying quickly gave his son some water which Bai gulped down hastily.

Ying couldn't help but smile as he shook his head. "They are bound to come back. I thank you for aiding me." A warm smile was directed at the pair of mother and daughter. Ying handed the elderly women a few protective tailsmen and 2 taels of silver.

"Be sure to take care of your daughter. I say this from one mother to another. You can use these tailsmen to protect you from them if they come back. Just insert a bit of your qi or blood." The women gratefully accepts as she thank Ying with tears in her eyes.

The mothers continue chatting while the children play together. Ying couldn't help but glance at the man next to him. He truly was mysterious and seemed to be hiding a lot. But who didn't have their secrets. The male seem to have noticed Ying's stare and returned a smile.

Ying also smiled warmly. He couldn't help but think that this will be interesting. He stared at his child who had crumbs all over his cute chubby face. The tea shop had a warm atmosphere as laughter resounded through the small shack.

It was getting late and they had to leave. A large box of sweets was gifted to Ying as a thanks. Ying took one of Bai's hand as they walked home. Wang took the other free hand of Bai's which surprised Ying.

A smile that reached the eyes appeared of the gers face as he mouthed a thanks. The baby bun happily held both of their hands as if they were his mum and dad. The two adults swung the little one gently, Bai burst into laughter. The other two soon joined in. They looked like a happy family. The moon shone high in the dark sky that was adorned with silver specks. It illuminated the harmious trio.

But would this peace last forever?