Chapter 10

This will get emotional you have been warned

It's golden scales shimmered with hot anger along with it's dark, cold eyes. Every step it took rattled his bones and struck his heart. He tried to dodge a swing from it's massive claws, but it struck his side and he tumbled into the dirt. He could hear nothing all was silenced, the yells of the audience, the hisses of the creature, all inaudible.

All he could do is feel. Feel the cold ground pressed against his form, the heat from the pain, and the rhythm of the drum that would signal his end. He looked upward into the stars. He fought valiantly, and he prayed that his ancestors would accept him and take him home. He closed his eyes as he felt a searing pain.

Even the strong oak trees were swaying, tumbling down. Crashing to the floor with a loud dud. The beast large figure stomped through the woods, it overbearing aura frightening many animals. Puddles started to form, everything was drenched with water.

The sky is bleak, doomed like no chance for life! Yet there was immense exhilaration, that feeling of it having finished, with every attempt to prolong the war he rose again, like nothing had ever happened! The injured yet beautiful male manoeuvred back and forth preparing to start the offensive!

Crimson blood dripped down his face, injuries littered his pale skin, yet he remained unphased. Standing his ground like a devoted soldier. He wiped the metallic tasting liquid off his face with his dirty palm, ready to go back on the offensive. It looked as if he had been fighting for days yet had remain unphased. His perseverance unwavering, only growing stronger as time went on.

After many treacherous and exhausting days the battle had finally ended. The corpses on the ground he had killed lay motionless. Their eyes were as immobile as their limbs. Their souls had long departed to the celestial plains to walk with the ancestors. 

With that the silver haired male collapsed onto the floors. His legs finally given in. It seems as if time was at a standstill. There was no wind, just a peaceful silence. Unbefitting of the atmosphere. The sun shone on the lone ger who seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

In his dreams he heard the sound of his childs feet, of their laughter and impromptu song lyrics. He would be so asleep and so awake in his soul, reliving those perfect moments of fatherhood. There were days he'd recall those adventures of the nighttime and lavish them upon us over breakfast, no doubt with a few beautiful details added on the fly.

And he was so handsome as he slept, that steady heart, those steady breaths. His heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across his face as he slept. At peace, his consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world. It seems as if the world only revolved around him. Little did he know this was the last time he would sleep so peaceful for many days to come.


He ran, ran as fast as he could. He didn't know if they were still behind him or not; he didn't want to find out. His wounds left a blood trail, droplets of crimson falling to the ground. He hoped the rain would wash it away, hide it in the wet earth, conceal his path. Until finally his trapped had worked. Yet another battle had finished. There was only one more before he could once again taste the freedom he loved so much.

What was once worn was in his body seemed as if it never existed. Any article of clothing that left the colour had faded from it like a melting chocolate bar. It seemed as if he had been dragged through hell and ravished by a beast. A deep wound is sliced in the flesh of his upper right arm. It's heavily oozing out blood and there's a bluish-purple bruise forming around it.

Ying lightly press his index finger against the center of the cut and suck in a sharp breath as the pain spirals all across my body. Colorful spots contour the sides of his beautiful platinum eyes as he had to bite my lip from the pain of it all. The injuries weren't befitting of the beautiful ger.

Ying is in so much pain his complexion is ashen. His once natural pale cream skin has sunken in tone to something so lifeless it scares me just to look at him. His eyes close and he sucks himself into a deeper place to cope. All I can do is stroke his salt 'n' pepper hair and hold his hand. It barely seems enough, yet his heart rate comes down almost twenty beats per minute. 

From time to time my eyes drop to the bedsheets, but mostly they are fixed on his face in a soft stare so that whenever he opens his eyes I'm the first thing he sees. I've been in his dark place before, felt more pain than I knew a human body could bare and it breaks me to see him hurting this way.

But if he were to give up now all his efforts would have been wasted. With that thought the next and hopefully final task had commenced. If the next task was as difficult as the last one Ying thought to himself he wouldn't be able to make it. Especially in the condition he was in. How long had it been in real life outside? 

What if his baby was already an adult, would he forget him. Ying shook away those thoughts like how a dog would dry itself. It seems as if all the negativity was slowly crawling back to him. Chasing his already exhausted will power. Yet he was so close, it was within his reach.

This thought pushed him forward. His silver eyes seemed to shine brighter then any star. With a shaky breath and jelly like legs he trod onwards. The final gate opened. What greeted him was his son? Were his eyes tricking him. Was this an illusion. (A/N I know some dislike mind games, this is one, it is an illusion) His hand trembling hand slowly outstretched to the black haired boy. His palm cupping the soft plump cheek.

He refused to look away, even as his lips trembled and his shoulders heaved with emotion, unwilling to back down. His dark lashes brimmed heavy with tears; his hands clenched into shaking fists, in a desperate battle against the grief.

A lone tear traced down his cheek, followed by another one, and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down his pale cheek, releasing the sadness and sorrow that has been held inside of him for all this time but still he did not make a sound. Just like that, the floodgates opened. He wept, tears streaming from his deep platnium eyes, loud, heaving sobs tearing from his throat, and still he did not look away. Not until the sobs drove him to his knees did his determined gaze fall.

All the pain that was locked away seemed to have been released. All the pent up frustration. Then his eyes widen at the voice beforte him.

"Mama don't cry. I love you so so so much. So don't cry or I'll be sad too. I wanna see a smile on your face so please be happy." The smaller child went on his tippie toes and wiped the falling tears of the ger.

 A smile graced his lips as Ying began to litter the child in kisses. It's as if all the pain he felt during this whole process vanished into thin air. Tears of happiness replaced the ones of sadness. Glass like shards shattered and he was back on the battlefield with a new fire lit in hus beating heart.

"Take three attacks from me and I shall deem you worthy of my power. You will also receive my inheritance. But if you fail your life ends here, never to be resurrected again. Use everything you have. Don't disappoint me." A deep mellow voice rung in the silver haired males' ears.

Taking a deep breath Ying's eyes snapped open.

"Let's get this party on the road. I am ready." Ying told himself, trying to sound brave even though he wasn't.

Suddenly a wave of water, similar to that of a tsunami. It came rushing at the ger catching him off guard. He quickly created a barrier surrounding him from all sides. Sweat trickled down his force field as he tried to keep it from shattering. But it broke and he felt as if he were drowning.

"Is that all you have? I expected much more from successors to be more powerful. I'm wondering how you made it so far."

"It's n-not over y-yet." Ying said as he picked himself up from the ground. His whole body aching but he pushed the pain to the back of his mind. He wasn't going down without a fight. A ghost of a smile seemed to grace the others lips.

The next wave of attack came, slashes of light charged towards the injured male, cutting through the air making a crisp sound. This time he was prepared, with all the energy he could muster he deflected each shot but not without some hitting him. Ying coughed out crimson blood but quickly wiped it away. 

His vision was getting fuzzy due to the overuse of power and exhaustion. He began tilting side to side like a shifting scale. Finally, it was the final attack. A blaring light charged towards Ying. The ger's eyes widen at the sheer scale of the attack. A sigh of disappointment came from the male above.

"I guess that's it. Now I have to wait another few hundred years for a successor." But it seems the male was to overconfident and impatient.

"I-I'm still s-standing...." Ying said as he brought a fist into the air. What lay in the rumble was the lone injured ger. Dirt was smeared across his face. His clothes were torn and bloody, revealing the various cuts and bruises on his pale skin. His whole body was tattered and injured but he survived. He made it. 

A genuine smile graced his lips as he crashed to the ground. Soft snores could be heard. It had been an exhausting journey with little rest. The older male decided to leave him be knowing the difficult of the trial.

"You surpassed my expectations. You are truly worthy of my successions. I guess I underestimated you." The taller male teleported behind the unconscious ger. A blinding light engulfed both of them. They vanished, as if they were never there. The only thing that was left was the destruction that they had caused.