Chapter 11

Upon the petals sit a hundred beads of water, each one a perfect sphere, brilliant in the morning rays. Each drop sits so lightly, yet together they are enough to cause the bloom to bow toward the earth. 

So delicate is the flower that even these scatterings of dew are significant. Soon the gentle heat of the morning will send him back to the clouds and the bloom will raise his head, calling to the summer bees.


One click and Ying's eyes are open. Ying awakes without warning, eyes flung so wide each iris is a perfect orb of shiny platinum. In the blackness he moves slowly enough to make no sound, fast enough to reach his blaster. After so many times of nearly being killed in his sleep every action is automatic, reflexive, efficient.

How long had he been out? Days, months or even maybe years? He has lost track of time. Translucent sweat trickled down his dewy skin. As if he had awaken from a peaceful slumber. Not battling for his life, where blood stained his hands. Ying let out a shaky breath as his silver eyes darted around what seemed to be a makeshift house.

The hut crouched in the shadows like a sleeping bear. This lumpy den of thin mud-clay walls with a small opening a the front barely large enough for a scrawny child to crawl through, was topped with last season's torn of winter branches and browned bracken. All in all it looked as storm proof as a teabag, like it would wash away in the first decent downpour of fall.

The wooden plank which was supoosedly a door swung open revealing a man with fiery red hair and a dead animal on his back. The others eyes seem to have widened at the sight of the awaken ger. A warm smile soon crepts its way onto the crimson haired male.

"It's seems your awake now. How are you feeling." Jiang dropped the prey in his hand and waltzed over to Ying. Then sat on the bed next to the ger.

"How long has it been. How long have I been sleeping." Ying clenched his fist unconsciously, as if scared to hear the answer. What if it had been 10 years. It pained him to imagine being away from his child for that long. Would Bai have forgotten him by then. Would Ying have skipped his baby buns whole childhood. Ying shook his head at the thought.

"It has been 5 years. I'm quite astonished, I would have expected it to be longer with the condition you are in. I'm glad your back here safe." A larger yet gentle hand placed itself on top of the quivering smaller hand.

Ying was slowly processing all the information. Was 5 years considering a long time. Children tend to forget their childhood, right? At least he is in capable hands, probably enjoying a good childhood. Although Ying did not know Wang much, but something in his gut told him it was someone trust worthy.

At least my baby is happy. Even if it is without me. If Bai saw him would he recognize Ying. I don't think the ger could bear if he heard the words "Who are you?". It would break the males heart to tiny bits. No mother, or anyone in fact would want to hear that. Each word would be a blade plunged into his heart. Ying felt as fragile as glass at the moment. He's been through ups and down. From high in the sky to the bottom of the merciless ocean.

His silver eyes looked as if an ocean had been encased inside of small glass marbles. He imagined the words being spoken "Go away. I never want to see you" he said. Then the smooth spheres appeared to be cracked; the ocean had started to leak, little water droplets streamed down Ying's rosy cheeks. Hadn't he been through enough.

All Ying wanted to do was hug his baby tight. Whispering sweet words of nothing into the little one's ears. Telling him he's not alone and his mama will always be by his side. Kissing him all over the face causing the little one to burst into fits of giggle. At least feel that warmth for at least one last time. To see that toothy smile of his child. Even if it wasn't his, Ying still thought it was his cute adorable son Bai.

Th silver haired ger threw himself into the others arms, sobbing quietly. Large fingers ran through the ger's silky locks, providing a quiet and soothing comfort. No words needed to be said. Action can hold 1000 words. The duo sat in quiet, the gentle breeze coming through the window. The sun shone brightly on the pair as if bathing them in warmth. Comforting the ger in it's own way.

Without realising it Ying fell into a deep slumber. A single tear rolled down his flushed cheeks slowly dropping to the floor. As if time had slowed.

(One must understand the hardships has gone through. He can't help but feel anxious after all that has happened. Five years is not a small amount of time, time is precious. Memories are made spending time with others. Ying is only human.)


"Are you sure you want to do this right now. Didn't you just heal? Don't push yourself to hard. Can't this wait?"

"Don't worry so much. It's not as if I am about to die. I can't afford to waste anymore time!" Jiang knew he couldn't convince the ger not to. So he could only give up and sigh.

"Call me if you need anything. Don't hesitate to shout." Ying smiled warmly at the others concern for him. Ying looked at the storm before him and took a deep breath. A fire was lit in his eyes. A power like no other surged through his veins. A gasp left his lips.

Ying held out his hand in shock. Pulsing from his fingertips is a strange, bright light. His skin glowed a bright light. As if the spotlight of a stage light was reflecting off his skin. He watched it flicker, changing colors from amber, to ruby, then back to gold. He clenched his fist, my nails digging into my palms.

With trembling fingers, he begins to form some sort of newly formed power. A bright sphere forms into his hand, it was hot to the touch. His mouth is filled with the coppery tang of blood, and it feels like fire is rushing through his veins.

 Ying moans as his vision shifts and the world erupts with colors. At first, it hurts, but then he suddenly filled with confidence and power. His eyes are glowing gold. The light burns brighter and Ying curl my fingers up. 

This is it.

After all his hard work.

He could finally escape.

The power surged through him like a constantly flowing river. Ying through the golden ball, the minute it left his fingertips it rushed forward. The weather cleared in an instant. A victousious smile hung at Ying's lip. He felty a great sense of accomplishment.

But it only lasted a few seconds as he felt his legs go weak on him. He collapsed to the floor, but not before Jiang caught him hastily.

"I guess I might have over done it." Ying let out a cough as he said that.

"I told you to have been more careful. Good job though. That was simply spectacular."

Ying wore a shaky smile before passing out. The power was too much for him, for the first time. Jiang smiled gently as he stared fondly at the figure below him. Jiang put Ying on his back and quickly walked out of the cannon before the weather would come back.


Ying awoken to the sound of crunching dirt. He lifted his head to meet a head of crimson haired. It smelt of smoked meat and sea water? Quite the odd combination but Ying found it weirdly calming. A content sigh left his strawberry lips. Ying quietly enjoyed the cool wind in which his long platinum hair fluttered widely in. It didn't annoy him though. The smell of fresh air was different to him. Maybe because he was outside here again.

The sound of a grumble resonated through the quiet field.

"Looks like someone's hungry. Wanna grab a bite to eat, I heard there's a restaurant nearby." Ying nodded shyly as a blush painted his cheek. He hid his blushing face in Jiang's neck. This caused the other to chuckle softly. It sounded melodic yet deep and velvety. Ying found it soothing to the ears.

The duo made it's way into a small restaurant. The restaurant was full. Ying looked around curoously at the busy tables. An old couple eating side by side, one glass of wine each, studiously bent over their meals. A group of young women and men in their thirties collapsing with helpless giggles as a stern woman dining alone nearby looked on and frowned. A family and their teenage children. The noise level was high. The restaurant felt warm and homey.

A worker sauntered over asking for what we would like.

"Can we have two lunch specials please."

"Will that be all sir?"

Jiang nods and the waiter leaves. Ying smiled at the red hair, appreciation the fact he picked the lunch. The ger actually took quite awhile to pick a plate of food from a menu, as he was very indecisive.

The steaming hot soon arrived. Ying couldn't help but smile happily. After all he did love to eat. The waiter held a wooden platter towards him. There was a piece of warm bread with a slab of melting yellow butter and a thick, hearty slice of roasted pork. There was also some other side dishes.

Ying brought the fresh, warm bread to his nose, inhaling deeply. It smelled rich, promising a delightful taste. Picking up a knife, he applied copious amounts of thick, creamy yellow butter. He spooned out a dollop of gravy

Ying slathered the mixture onto the spongy white bread. He ripped off a chunk, stuffing the piece into his mouth. It was soft and warm. The pleasant smoothness of the butter blended perfectly with the meat and gravy.

It seemed as he were a starved puppy. Jiang couldn't help but laugh at how he acted. After all Ying was seen as a prestigious ger who was very well mannered. Jiang preferred this side of the ger. He also began to dig into his scrumptious mouth-watering meal.

Soon each of their plates were cleared of food. Ying let out a burp before blushing profusely and apologizing, this caused the other to laugh. The remainder of the day went by smoothly as they made their way back to the capital in search of Bai.

At the though Ying felt his heart beat accelerate. Everything felt so surreal.

All he wanted at the moment was to hug the baby bun.

He would surely reunite with him soon. Just wait. It'll happen in time. Let fate play it's part.