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Thick black glasses

James POV:

Ugh...Monday it is, can we skip this day? There are a lot of things to do on Monday and I'm not in the mood to work my ass today. Not that I'm lazy this word does not exist in my memory. But damn I don't know why, but my body still wants to be in my bed.

After dragging myself out of bed and doing my business, then I took a shower, after that I'm out to get ready, took my suit jacket, dress shirt, trouser and lastly dress shoes from the closet. Dark blue is my to go to since I like it, wait I forgot my necktie and watch. Lazy it is

Walking outside the parking lot I've called Janet to say my good morning.

"Hey! Good morning Ms. soon to be Mrs. Madrigal."

A soft voice responded "Hi! Morning Mr. Madrigal" and giggles. "Drive safely and eat some breakfast, it's Monday you know hectic and that and I don't want you to be sick".

James sigh.."I miss you and the breakfast you made for me, can you just live with me now I mean it will come soon, Janet."

"James I miss you too and we talk about this we will live together once we got married. I can't wait as well for that day. Sure fine. I'll hang up now take care, Honey."

"Bye James take care."

It takes 20 minutes to drive to my house to the office. Employees were in and out. I had parked my car on my dedicated slot and walk to the elevator and press the button to the 26 floors, my office. I forgot it's today I have a new executive assistant after Mel decided to get married and live as a housewife and take care of her husband and soon to be a mother, she filed a resignation a month a ago. Mel is my executive secretary for 3 years and hell she's good at everything. She will turn over her position to the new assistant. I totally forgot I haven't check her files I was busy and HR handle the process for me. As the elevator opens I heard Mel talking to someone I was busy with my phone and unable to see who it was and just said Good morning the usual. Mel turns around and greets me. I lift my head up and stop to react when my eyes meet the eyes under the thick glasses. I don't know how many seconds it lasted I was just mesmerized with the eyes it's hazel brown has thick long lashes and I think she is wearing some eyeliner but not too obvious. I was snap from my trance when Mel spoke

"Mr. Madrigal.."I cut her and turn around to proceed to my office and shut the door.